Saturday Morning Gaming: Hades II First Impressions


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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9 Responses

  1. Fish

    This Means Warp is on sale so oldest boy and I bought copies and I gifted a copy to youngest boy so the three of us can play together. Think of it as a slightly-lampoonish multiplayer version of FTL. We tried our hand at it last night and had a lot of fun figuring out who should be doing what job on the ship and how to keep our own hull intact while destroying the enemy ship, but we keep getting blown up in pretty much the same spot, so we know we’re missing something vital. Pretty fun, though. You can hire crew to help you in single-player mode but this game’s strength is in getting four friends together to crew a ship.Report

  2. Jaybird

    Epic Game Store’s free game until 9AM tomorrow is Orcs Must Die 3.

    Orcs Must Die is one of my desert island games (depending on whether it’s a top 3 or a top 5) so play those first, but then play 3!Report

    • Reformed Republican in reply to Jaybird

      I have started Orcs Must Die a few times, and I have enjoyed it, but for some reason I have never really stuck with it. I bet it would be a good fit for the Steam Deck though. Maybe I will install it for when I want a quick session.

      I played a decent amount of Hades, but I never reached the final boss. I should probably remedy that at some point. The last time, I finally reached the Temple of Styx. No point getting 2 if I never finish 1, though.

      I am near the end of Persona 5 Royal. I have a little bit of time to kill, and there are two more dungeon dives to do, then the final boss fight. After tomorrow, the rest of the week is vacation, so I think I will finish by the end of the weekend.

      I have also been dabbling in a few other games. I got Slay the Princess. I have played a couple hours, and I am still not sure what it’s about. It is purely a visual novel. You are on a mission to slay the princess. After you resolve the task (successfully or not), it loops, and you get to make new decisions, and slowly learn what is going on. Also, a little bit of Gundam Breakers 5 and Forza Horizon 4.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Reformed Republican

        Hades is an *EXCEPTIONALLY* frustrating game. I’d compare it to, oh, Elden Ring, maybe.

        You have to learn how to dodge and how to use your weapons and if your timing is off, you’re boned… but you can pick up upgrades and tweaks and bonuses that will let you hit new plateaus and you will feel yourself figure out how to beat this or that boss.

        The first time I beat Hades? I let out a loud whoop.

        I understand that the game might not be for everybody but… man, the joy of figuring out a sweet combo for this or that weapon? That was awesome.

        I remember not being able to do *ANYTHING* with the bow and then someone told me “put lightning on it” and, suddenly, I was cutting through enemies like a knife through hot butter.

        Lemme go back and look at my numbers. I didn’t beat the first boss until playthrough #7.

        I didn’t beat the second boss until playthrough #26.

        I didn’t beat the third boss until playthrough #37.

        I didn’t beat the game until playthrough #81. With the Twin Fists. Win #2 happened on playthrough #100 with the spear.

        Dang, that was a great game. Figuring out how to beat the game with each of the six weapons was a delight. Okay, let’s do it with an Ares build this time. Let’s do it with a Dionysus build this time…

        Anyway, I’d say try it again. (But I was playing Hades in the middle of a global pandemic. That made it easier to just, you know, play a dozen games in a single sitting.)Report

        • Jaybird in reply to Jaybird

          Woo! I beat the big boss on playthrough #74!

          Without getting into any spoilers, I’ll pull a John Madden. You’ve got to do the most damage while being protected against the damage of your foes (whether it be through defense or dodging). Oh, and there’s an item that *REALLY* helps.Report

  3. Marchmaine

    I went back to Last Epoch after giving POE 2 some serious play-time. It’s just not fun.

    My son who also pushed through stopped playing too. We talked about what they’ve lost from POE1 and our working theory is that the Dev team is playing the game ‘backwards’. That is, they start with the assumption that we’re at end-game maps and project backwards to a game that they didn’t build. Another way to put it is this: if you make the *journey* to your endgame build a dick-punch… then there *has* to be fun pay-offs along the way. You have to *enjoy* playing a build that has no end-game synergy while fighting bosses that are overly tuned and don’t drop rewarding loot. What made POE1 work is that the end-game progression became increasingly impossible so that people who like being punched in the nether regions could get that rush… while normal people could push a ceiling and see if the build they had was worth ‘investing’ in further… or just start another concept on an alt. The journey from concept to end-game was fun at each stage of power growth… and end-game provided a sort of endless ladder you could climb or just farm for materials for your next build. Win-Win.

    What they are *really* missing is that all ARPGs are first Pimp My Build games which are augmented by Loot… and if you can’t get to your build with an experience that makes you want to log-in to get to your end-game build… then you potentially have very serious issues that you won’t see until after the initial adrenaline rush of new-game-itis.

    Some of this is fixable with spreadsheet adjustments; but, some of the bigger issues require tossing parts of The Vision (TM) into the bin. I’ve started to develop a loathing for the lead Game Designer that I haven’t felt in 25-yrs since back in the early MMO days.Report

  4. Jaybird

    Sifu is the New Year’s Eve free game from the Epic Game Store.

    This is the game that’s based on the hallway scene from Oldboy. I was planning on picking it up once it hit 50% off or so but it’s *FREE* until 9AM tomorrow. GET IT WHILE YOU CAN!Report

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