Group Activity: The Donald Trump Madison Square Garden Rally

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8 Responses

  1. Saul Degraw

    The headline is a bit dull. If media can use headlines to call it out for the gross hatefest it was, so can we.Report

  2. Philip H

    Why are you platforming hate speech?Report

    • Saul Degraw in reply to Philip H

      CNN and MSNBC both ran the speech and in this case, I think it might be an exception to the rule because the Nuremderp Rally appears to be blowing up big against Trump and co. or has the potential to.Report

      • Philip H in reply to Saul Degraw

        That’s a weak sauce excuse Saul. Just because he gets coverage elsewhere doesn’t mean this deserves uncritical posting here. Frankly it reads a lot like deciding not to endorse because you suddenly found your priors in a closet because your billionaire owner told you to find them.Report

  3. CJColucci

    I’ll bet it sounded better in the original German.Report

  4. Saul Degraw

    Some of the “comic’s” lines might have been a bit too far and got cut:

    He wanted to call Harris a c**t”Report

  5. pillsy

    Trump is, of course, not bothering to keep up the GOP narrative in his response to Hitchcliffe’s alleged jokes:

    Trump also insisted he didn’t hear any of the comments, even as they’ve been played on television and written about extensively. When asked what he made of them, he did not take the opportunity to denounce them, repeating that he didn’t hear the comments.

    Can’t just say the jokes sucked because he might offend one of the millions of racist tools who worship him.

    And, like, “he didn’t hear the jokes” is a weak dodge for anybody, but especially this guy who routinely expresses very strong opinions on things that were never said in the first place.Report

  6. Chip Daniels

    Lets all keep in mind that the very same people who laughed uproariously at all this edgy transgressive comedy are the very same people who will shriek in horror at a rainbow tee shirt on sale at Target, or a teacher having a picture of his husband on his desk.

    “They rain fire on women and children but won’t let the pilots write “F*ck on their planes because it is obscene.”Report

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