Saturday Morning Gaming: Returning to Slay the Spire (Again)
Slay the Spire came out in 2019 (and we talked about it then) and it was a fun, solid deck builder that had three awesome characters to play:
1. The Ironclad (the strength and sword and shield kinda guy)
2. The Silent (the stealth and thrown daggers and poison kinda guy)
3. The Defect (the robot kinda guy who had all kinds of programs available, but *MY* favorite was the lightning ones)
Back in 2020, they added (for free, mind):
4. The Watcher (the monk/ninja kinda guy)
Man, this game was so fun, it was almost an infohazard.
Just one more game. Just one more game. Just one more game.
Well, I finally played it out and never wanted to go back and then…
Well, back in 2022, I discovered that there were *MODS*.
They introduced a new character.
5. The Hermit (the gunslinger kinda guy)
Oh, jeez. I played and played and played some more and then, in a feat of strength, I uninstalled it.
Well, recently, I found myself kinda missing the game and wondering what they’ve been doing with it.
I’ve since discovered that they’ve added two characters:
6. The Cursed (the curse synergy kinda guy)
7. The Servant (the knives held in reserve kinda guy)
I’ve played (and beaten the game) with The Cursed and, holy cow, this new character is *AWESOME*. My games with The Servant have been less successful. I don’t know if that means that the character sucks or that it means that I’m too dumb to figure out the synergies yet.
Oh, well. I’ll figure it out eventually.
Just one more game. Just one more game. Just one more game.
So… what are you playing?
(Featured image is a screenshot of Slay the Spire’s menu. All screenshots taken by the author.)
Oh no, they made more??? My hubby and I played the initial 4 characters until we unlocked everything!!Report
If you got it through Steam, you have to add the mod “Mod the Spire” and then add The Hermit and The Cursed (all free of charge).
I could go either way on The Servant but I still don’t know how to play her.Report
Ahhh yes, we played on PSV so have no access to modsReport
I played StS. I had fun with StS. I have never beaten it though.
Did you know there is a board game version? I have not played it, but it seems to be pretty well-received from what I have seen on boardgamegeek.
I couple weeks ago, I decided to take a break from Elden Ring to try to finish Shin Megami Tensai V. I am near the end. I have a little bit left to do to get to the final dungeon, and after the final dungeon is the end game. Maybe by the end of next weekend, I will be finished (and back to Elden Ring). There are multiple endings, but I don’t know if I will ever go back to get more than one. I enjoy the game, but it’s long, so I don’t know if it would be worth it versus playing something else.Report
Go back to it. Just figure out a good lightning build for The Defect. Focus on getting Electrodynamics and Buffer and build around those. It’s a good game. Worth beating.Report
Husbando and I have the board game. It’s rock solid and well-made though just can’t hold a candle to the electronic version.Report