Processing Loss: Alabama Loses Nick Saban

Ben Sears

Ben Sears is a writer and restaurant guy in Birmingham, Alabama. He lives quite happily across from a creek with his wife, two sons, and an obligatory dog. You can follow him on Twitter and read his blog, The Columbo Game.

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3 Responses

  1. Philip H

    It’s always tough to explain the mystique and madness of SEC football to anyone not from the South. Years ago when LSU traveled to Seattle to open against Washington, I was picking up my tickets at will call (having combined a work trip and college football game) and had to watch as about 200 LSU fan broke out into sordid laughter after being taunted by a UW undergrad who seemed to think that “When this is over we’ll still have a better academic reputation then you” was somehow trash talk.

    There’s no denying Saban has done very well at Alabama. That his first national college title was at LSU is too often overlooked, as was his very bad, no good, horrible decision to Roll Tide after departing Baton Rouge for a stint in the pros. You could not say his name for years in my hometown, making him the Voldemort of the SEC.

    I wish Tide fans well in their grief process, and remind everyone that the National Championship is always in contention whenever any team from the SEC West is playing.Report

  2. Jaybird

    One of my bosses hails from Alabama. After I got somewhat good at the whole “knowing what’s going on in the NFL” thing, I transfer jobs and move into a circle where college football was what mattered. I sighed and tried to figure out the new rules. “What conference?”, I asked. “There’s only one conference, Jaybird.” “The one with U of M?”

    “No. Not the one with U of M.”Report

  3. CJColucci

    Memo to Alabama Democrats: Nominate Saban to run against Tommy Tuberville. And I say that without knowing a thing about Saban’s politics.Report

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