Clare Briggs

Clare Briggs is a famous cartoonist who lived from 1875 to 1930. Poems by Wilbur Nesbitt.

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5 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    I have no idea who Caldwell or Vaughn would be.

    I got a little excited when I saw that there was a 1912 court case of Caldwell v. Vaughn but it was about something else entirely.

    Hippo Vaughn was a pitcher for the Cubbies in 1913, so that is probably who we’re talking about. Ray Caldwell was a pitcher in 1913 in Brooklyn… the most notable thing about him is that, in 1919, Caldwell got struck by lightning on the mound.


    • Kolohe in reply to Jaybird says:

      on the Wiki for Vaughn it says they both Vaughn and Caldwell were pitchers for the New York Highlanders at the beginning of the season in 1912. Vaughn coming in relief for Caldwell on opening day. (the team which would become the Yankees the next year).

      The wiki for Caldwell indicates was the more established player, and had better on-field performance, but apparently his clubhouse manner and personal life were complete train wrecks. But when the manager (who was Frank Chance of Tinker Evers fame) tried to discipline Caldwell, the owners sided with Caldwell (because the Federal League was just on the verge of a breakout and poaching key players) and Chance quit (this was all in 1913)

      Vaughn had a tough 1912, would get traded to the Washington Senators, and then send to Kansas to play on a minor league team. He finally got back to the Cubs (and the majors) in August 1913.

      So it is very possible this is literal. As in Caldwell was racking up huge fines (wiki said that they were a significant portion of his annual wages). So Caldwell hits up his teammate Vaughn for a loan, but before Caldwell could (or wanted to) repay, Vaughn is shipped out of town, and then out of the majors entirely, so Caldwell may be thinking ‘hey free money! sorry hippo, sucks to suck’

      But Vaughn finally crawls his way back and complains to the league about the money.

      and they do something about it? …. Don’t do something about it (doing something is ‘just a dream’?) … do something about it, but like the USFL 3 dollar ruling, it’s just a pittance? (4 bits i.e. a dollar? instead of 16?)Report