The USAID Fight Is About Power, Not Spending

David Thornton

David Thornton is a freelance writer and professional pilot who has also lived in Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia and Emmanuel College. He is Christian conservative/libertarian who was fortunate enough to have seen Ronald Reagan in person during his formative years. A former contributor to The Resurgent, David now writes for the Racket News with fellow Resurgent alum, Steve Berman, and his personal blog, CaptainKudzu. He currently lives with his wife and daughter near Columbus, Georgia. His son is serving in the US Air Force. You can find him on Twitter @CaptainKudzu and Facebook.

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115 Responses

  1. CJColucci

    A thoughtful piece that will, sadly, have next to no impact on anyone for whom this is not already obvious. One odd thing stuck out for me, though:

    Back in 2009, I thought that Democrats were ready for leadership by a strongman. I wasn’t necessarily wrong about that, but I was wrong in that Republicans got there first.

    So you weren’t “necessarily wrong” about what didn’t happen — and what relatively few were anticipating — but somehow wrong about what actually did happen? A similarly thoughtful piece about why you thought what you thought and why you got it wrong might be instructive.Report

    • Philip H in reply to CJColucci

      I would love that analysis as well as I se now evidence now nor do I see any then of that tendency in democrats.Report

    • DavidTC in reply to CJColucci

      It really is amazing how many people have to be ‘Well, it looks like the Democrats were literally correct about everything they said about Republicans and Trump, and meanwhile we’ve never been correct about anything that we’ve imagined they would do, but somehow I am going to caveat this in some way that doesn’t make me completely wrong’.

      We have dealt with decades of the Republican _projection_, where they take things they want to do and project them on the Democrats.

      Remember FEMA camps? Buddy, exactly one of us is building camps and spiriting people away to them. Oh, you don’t know that there are currently 50 people whose identities are completely unknown at Guantánamo Bay?

      Ah, well, maybe that’s because the media is completely in the tank for Republicans, and has been for decades, also another exact opposite thing of what Republicans claim.

      Remember the ‘Obama is using the IRS to go after his political enemies’, aka, ‘The IRS is making some dumb decisions that actually are sorta politically neutral’. Meanwhile, Trump.

      Hey, remember that time that Bill Clinton spoke to the AG? Remember that? Anyone remember that?

      Remember back when we cared about national security?

      Remember when we cared about UNELECTED CZARS?

      It really is amazing to have watched all the masks fall the f*ck off, to watch Republicans wholeheartedly do things they have _hallucinated_ Democrats were doing to trying to do. Just over and over and over again. Things the Democrats have never actually tried, but it’s extremely clear the Republicans have wanted to do this whole time.

      And even the anti-Trumpers can’t seem to admit how just hallucinatory they have been about this.Report

    • Koz in reply to CJColucci

      So you weren’t “necessarily wrong” about what didn’t happen — and what relatively few were anticipating — but somehow wrong about what actually did happen? A similarly thoughtful piece about why you thought what you thought and why you got it wrong might be instructive.

      Yeah, this.

      Frankly I don’t see what value is supposed to be realized by continuing to publish David Thornton here at the League.

      It’s not just that because David was wrong in the past that everything he says now or in the future is necessarily wrong or worthless. But it has to be noted that he was egregiously, diabolically wrong about the 2024 election, the players in it, and the events leading up to it,.

      That he just keeps on keeping on, without any meaningful attempt to account for the things he has said in a similar vein over the past 6-18 months, how the things he’s saying now are somehow different than the things that were repudiated by the 2024 election, it’s a kind of gaslighting and the editors should not allow it.

      Obviously David Thornton wasn’t the only one who got the 2024 election wrong and maybe you could try to say the same thing about the Baghdad Bob libs here and elsewhere, but David is the OP of this post and CJ is right.Report

      • CJColucci in reply to Koz

        David is better than many, and I would be genuinely interested in what he has to say about this.Report

        • Koz in reply to CJColucci

          Yeah absolutely, I would too.

          But continuing push through a steady stream of no-filter derpy bullshtt isn’t doing anybody any favors.Report

        • Koz in reply to CJColucci

          And continuing on this, if David did somehow did make a real attempt to reassess his prior posts here at the League, especially in the context of the 2024 election, I’m sure you and I would disagree quite a bit at a substantive level (he and I too for that matter), but at least we’d be engaging at the level of honest discourse instead of mindless derp.Report

  2. Jaybird

    “The scandal isn’t what’s illegal, the scandal is what’s legal.”

    The main thing that Trump has going for him at this moment in time is the 100% legal, 100% done-by-the-book stuff that comes to light that is absolutely scandalous.

    “But that was *LEGAL*” and “You haven’t proven in a court of law that that was criminal!” are arguments that make a bunch of assumptions and, given the last few years, I’m not sure that the assumptions are safe assumptions.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Jaybird

      Just a friendly reminder jay bird that most if not all the stuff you consider scandalous was congressional directed via appropriations. Continuing to cheerlead for a president who might get rid of that on your behalf lets the real culprits off the hook.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

        Oh, so you’re saying that it was not only legal but 100% done-by-the-book?Report

        • Philip H in reply to Jaybird

          I know you – and most of the commenters here – don’t believe federal civil servants can sneeze our way out of a paper bag full of pepper without breaking the law. Problem for you is all this stuff you and Elon don’t like comes with a long paper trail. Because it gets audited by GAO and the inspectors general (until they all got sacked). Contracts routinely get protested. Grants get even more separate audits. And for the last decade it was all listed on

          But sure it’s all a big shell game designed to insure everything so Jay it’s can get off on being intellectually and morally superior to civil servants.Report

          • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

            Phil, you may have misunderstood my criticism.

            If I were to use an old aphorism to better explain my position, I might pick something like: “The scandal isn’t what’s illegal, the scandal is what’s legal.”Report

            • Philip H in reply to Jaybird

              I didn’t miss your meaning. I was mocking you for thinking that you stand in some sort of moral superiority. And that allowing the executive to flagrantly violate the constitution and derivative laws is somehow a good thing.

              Because again – what you object to that’s legal didn’t just appear out of whole cloth and piloting me and my colleagues for it makes you look intellectually lazy at best.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

                Lazy? HOW DARE YOU!!!

                I am husbanding my energies!

                For example, I will respond by asking “then why in the hell did you run to ‘you – and most of the commenters here – don’t believe federal civil servants can sneeze our way out of a paper bag full of pepper without breaking the law'”?

                If you understood that my complaint was about how this stuff is all done-by-the-book, why did you ask about why I think you guys are breaking the law?

                I don’t think you guys are breaking the law.

                Hell, watch this. I can even ask you a loaded question and get you to have to pick between the odious option of giving an answer that likely agrees with me or the odious option of giving an answer that reveals a system in need of reform:


                Hey, Phil. If Federal Civil Servants are found to be regularly breaking the law, should law enforcement investigate them? Perhaps even arrest them?Report

              • Philip H in reply to Jaybird

                Yes. That’s a no brainer.

                But again civil servants doing what they have been told and funded to do that you don’t like isn’t not breaking any laws.

                Where you are being lazy – and others downright deceitful – is expecting us to fix this in the way you want to. Congress has to do that. Yet no one ever calls them out for it. Just those no account good for nothing civil servants.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

                So I guess I’ll have to pivot to “The scandal isn’t what’s illegal, the scandal is what’s legal” and you can ask me “if that’s your position, why didn’t you open your very first comment with that?”Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to Jaybird

      I think this is closer to the mark… I’m not entirely convinced the fight over ‘Power’ is against Congress… it’s against the ‘Fourth Estate’ (The Press has been demoted to Fifth Estate).

      Congress has itself only notionally funded a lot of what happens… and clearly has lost oversight control in all sorts of areas.

      But, Contra MAGA Conservatives, the remedy is within the grasp of the executive acting within the legal parameters of the Bureaucratic framework… it just requires diligence, several funding cycles, and follow through… all of which seem to be beyond their capabilities.
      Douthat’s last article is pretty balanced on this:

      Contra Liberals… Bureaucratic oversight has really not been a conservative strength; AND, while conservatives felt like they could use various agencies and funding to their purposes… well, live and let live. The gravy tastes good for everyone. As more and more institutions/agencies have shifted from indirect ideological ownership… well, it’s ripe for backlash. I’d say that ‘Science’ during the Covid era opened a lot of eyes and is acting a bit like a hockey-ref letting skaters fight a bit before stepping in.
      The Chronicle of Higher Education had a good overview of this:

      My counter-intuitive take on this is that Congress should end the filibuster because Congress is the broken party in this fight… and only by acting and re-acting can they get back into it.Report

      • Marchmaine in reply to Marchmaine

        Yuval Levin has a good review of the current fight over NIH Grant Overhaul (External costs) where he points out that while the Administration has the tools to do this… they actually squandered those tools back in 2018 and now external costs are legislated directly in the CR.

        • Jaybird in reply to Marchmaine

          Dude, it took less than a minute for Saul to post about how this means that Trump is killing medical research.

          That’s a good article.

          It doesn’t seem to be too much of a stretch to say that “The Universities” are part and parcel of what Trump is fighting against.

          I don’t think that the goal is, necessarily, to win on the merits.

          It’s to drag this stuff out to the light and say “THIS IS HOW THIS CRAP REALLY WORKS!!!” and make defenders defend it.

          In the short term, the best way seems to be to say “Trump wants to kill medical research!!!” and see if that holds up against “Even God doesn’t ask for more than 10%.”Report

          • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

            Wouldn’t one think the case had been made when the funding legislation was first passed? Subsequent appropriations would then rely on the assumption that whoever got the thing funded in the first place had done his/her due diligence. It’s fine if a subsequent Congress wishes to alter or remove funding for this or that program, but it is not the executive’s place to question the bill once it’s signed.Report

            • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

              First passed? When would that be? The sixties? The seventies?

              I mostly think that this stuff is a weed. If left to its own devices, it’ll devour the garden.

              This is something that really requires a big bold conversation and I don’t know that we’ve had one for decades when it comes to this stuff (if we’ve ever had one).

              We seem to be having one now.

              Oops, wait, new topic trending on twitter…Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

                We have 2 whole debating chambers where this conversation constitutionally can take place. Why not use the proper forum?Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

                Probably because of the years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years of failure.

                Off the top of my head.Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

                Perhaps, but I’m not sure throwing the Constitution in the garbage because someone is pissed off about the process is going to prove to be worth it.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

                This isn’t the Constitution being thrown in the trash. This is the compromise position.Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

                Let me commend Article 1, Section 1 to you.


              • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

                Does that have the 28th Amendment as part of it?Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

                Part of the reason I’ve been following this site for so many years is the generally good quality of the discussion. Let’s see if we can keep the standards up.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

                So let’s step back. What happens when Congress abdicates its role? For decades?

                I submit: Something in the ballpark of what’s going on now.Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

                You’re absolutely right. Does that make it any less outside the bounds of the Constitution?

                Part of the problem with Congress is we’ve frozen it in amber as of 1929. The U.S. population that year was 122 million people. Each rep had about 280K people in his district. In 2024 the population was about 341 miliion, rendering each district about 784K people. I’d argue that even in 1929 the people’s house was too small, but in 2024 we’re looking at districts that are almost as big as San Francisco. How can one person be responsive to that many people?

                Coupled with the disastrous Citizens United decision that has allowed anyone with enough money to buy however much government he (mostly) could afford, the people’s voice has been lost in America.

                Fortunately, the Constitution has provided a remedy for this, namely governmental terms. Don’t like your rep? Vote him/her out. Or run yourself! Freelancing the rules of government because it feels good is a path we should don’t want to tread.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

                Does that make it any less outside the bounds of the Constitution?

                Appealing to principle? Maybe it’ll work.

                But maybe it’ll come across as a cynical ploy.

                How can one person be responsive to that many people?

                Obviously, they can’t. Look at the ratios that existed back in the late 1700s. Having something like that in the current year would mean more than one thousand representatives.

                And, quite honestly, it’d pretty much destroy a good chunk of the two party system.Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

                Not sure if I understand how citing the U.S. Constitution in the United States of America can be evincing cynicism. And the Constitution of not merely a declaration of principles, but the law of the land. If that’s cynical, then let’s throw in the towel and have a coronation.

                As for the rest of your response, I’m all for it.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

                Well, imagine this: Let’s say that there has been a couple of decades of people arguing something to the effect of “but it doesn’t mean *THAT*, it means something *ELSE*” in response to people arguing a plain, clear reading of this or that line in the Constitution.

                Cynically overreading this line (“interstate commerce” would be the example I’d go to for this one) or cynically underreading that one (“the 2nd Amendment” is the go to for that).

                Perhaps even pivoting to more important things like Truth, Justice, and higher ideals than those held by cynical slave owners.

                And, suddenly, when the tables are turned, it becomes a discussion of “What about the Constitution? What about a plain reading?”

                You recognize that dynamic, right?Report

              • DensityDuck in reply to Slade the Leveller

                “Freelancing the rules of government because it feels good is a path we should don’t want to tread.”

                hey remember back in 2009 when those dirty mean republicans were just filibustering everything but we fortunately had principled leaders like Nancy Pelosi who could use Deem And Pass to get important legislation out the door, and Barack Obama who could direct the regulatory bureaucracy via Executive Orders?Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to DensityDuck

                What I’m seeing is your and Jaybird’s appeal to BSDI is evidence that the principled stands taken when legislation was being passed that Republican felt was unconstitutional were just window dressing. If you have genuine principles in 2009, they ought to remain the same in 2025, no?

                For the record, as evidence of my bona fides, I voted for BHO in 2008 but not in 2012 for actions he took in office that I felt were out of constitutional bounds.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

                You know what they call “BSDI” in a court of law?


                It’s actually something kinda important.Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

                Throwing up my hands here. Bad faith arguing like this is how we end up with a useful idiot like Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

                A rule of men it is.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

                I appreciate the appeals to principle! I do!

                I agree that we should be using the Constitution to decide stuff!

                But a game where Team Evil has to follow the Constitution and Team Good can keep explaining that the Constitution “doesn’t mean that” and asking whether I care about higher principles than those of DWMs is going to be a game where appeals to the Constitution no longer work when Team Evil finds itself in power.

                As a matter of fact, this strikes me as so freakin’ obvious that I’d be willing to be a jerk about it for years and years at a time suspecting that, someday, the tables will turn and Team Evil will find itself at the helm.Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

                I don’t know, man. Let’s agree for the sake of argument that the Left are unprincipled trammelers of the Constitution. Let’s also stipulate that for years the Right has been making principled, but ultimately unsuccessful, stands against those nefarious Lefties.

                When the Right gains power, it resorts to the same behavior they previously decried as a matter of principle.

                Who am I supposed to be more disgusted by? The side whose principles have proven to be no more than plain old political opposition, or the other one?Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

                You have two options:

                1. Choosing neither (or third party) and being accused of trying to be “above it all” (another way to say “principled” but, like, negatively)
                2. Choosing one of the two “real” parties

                Which way, Slade?Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

                I’ve voted 3rd party plenty of times. Truth be told, I live in a solidly blue state, in a solidly blue town, so my individual vote carries no weight in almost any race on the ballot.

                I usually come down on the side of the Dems, and now that the GOP has firmly entrenched itself as the party of insurrection it’ll remain that way.

                In more sensible times I have not been a straight ticket voter.Report

              • DensityDuck in reply to Slade the Leveller

                “If you have genuine principles in 2009, they ought to remain the same in 2025, no?”

                Did I say somewhere that I supported the actions of the Trump administration, or are you just assuming that’s the case because you’re mad that someone’s disagreeing with you?

                If you need to actually have it said out loud to you: yes, I think what the Trump administration is doing here is a damaging and wasteful way to go about things, a way that’s going to lead to a lot of trouble (some warranted, some opportunistic) and achieve only a small part of its intent, and involves a derangement of the established Constitutional interpretation of how government works.

                Thing is, I don’t have to go on to explain why it’s a different position than I held before because it is not a different position than I held before.Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to DensityDuck

                The actions of this administration are just the proximate cause. We’ve had plenty of presidents ignore the Constitution over the years. I think the greater danger is we have half of the legislature ready to do the same.

                “Thing is, I don’t have to go on to explain why it’s a different position than I held before because it is not a different position than I held before.”

                Same, brother, same.Report

              • DensityDuck in reply to Slade the Leveller

                ” I think the greater danger is we have half of the legislature ready to do the same.”

                We had half the legislature go along with Presidential leadership back in 2009, but you’ve already said that you think we were lying when we complained about it back then (unlike you, who punished that Barack Obama by not voting for him twice…)Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to DensityDuck

                Heh, just once.

                I’m afraid my distinction is getting lost here. If the complaints in 2009 were valid, and they probably were, why mimic the complained about behavior in 2025 instead of doing it the right way as an example?Report

              • Chris in reply to Slade the Leveller

                You can really tell that the libertarians have left the building, and all we’re left with is the partisans bickering.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Chris

                Victory has defeated the libertarians.

                The only people left after the weedheads and the gay marriage folks wandered away are the Ron Paul r3OVLutionaries.

                Oh, wait. Elon asked if Ron wanted to audit the Fed…Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

                “If the Confederacy fails, there should be written on its tombstone: Died of a Theory”.Report

              • Chris in reply to Jaybird

                I wonder to what extent the libertarians who were once frequent commenters or front page authors at this site think they’ve won. Looking through a few of their social media feeds, I’m thinking the answer is no. In fact, I think they some of them feel so defeated that they believe libertarianism itself to have been fatally compromised.

                One of them joked more than a decade ago that the problem with unchecked executive power is that you might end up with Donald Trump as president. Here we are, with Donald Trump as president, and exercising completely unchecked, and seemingly uncheckable (given Congress’ fecklessness and the court’s impotence) executive power. I can’t imagine how any libertarian would feel like that was a victory, even if Musk is, at least ostensibly, using that power to dismantle the federal government piece by piece.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Chris

                Kuznicki has abandoned Libertarianism entirely, if his Bluesky timeline is anything to go by. He’s gone Democratic.

                I’m sure that Hanley has done the same.

                Each party doing everything it could to give Team Good the power it needed to improve the world and then, of course, handing it over to Literally Voldemort.

                It’s enough to make a guy Libertarian.Report

              • North in reply to Jaybird

                Hanley remains a “pox on both their houses” libertarian as far as I’ve seen and trains his venom on whomever is in the White House at a given time.Report

              • Chris in reply to Jaybird

                Jason still considers himself a libertarian, at least philosophically, but has abandoned the label because it has come to mean, at least in his view, something like the opposite of what it used to. I would not be surprised to learn he’s voted against Trump in each of the last 3 elections, though. He was the one who warned about him on these pages in 2012 or thereabouts.

                Hanley is more difficult to pin down. He’s gone pretty fervently anti-woke, remains (from what I can tell) anti-authoritarian, and the only time I’ve stumbled upon his Twitter account in the last few years, he was arguing with Marxists about the labor theory of value, which is of course very Hanley of him, but tells us little about his relationship with libertarianism generally. I don’t think he’s gone Democratic, though.Report

              • North in reply to Chris

                I see Hanley post on Facebook and follow him on Substack. I’d say he remains very principled and crankily libertarian in the strict original sense which means he’s not fond of either of the major parties and, in typical Hanley fashion, saves the lions share of his vitriol for whomever is in power at a given time. So he was utterly scathing on Biden and now is utterly scathing on Trump.

                I’m not on Bluesky so I don’t know anything about Jason but if he’s writing anywhere that isn’t twitlike I’d love a link since I’ve always enjoyed his writing.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to North


                He writes somewhat longish threads when the mood strikes him.Report

              • North in reply to Jaybird

                Depressing, another writer lost to twitspace.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to North

                If I had to guess, I’d say that he really wanted to write about the French Revolution for the rest of his life BUT NOT THE THIRD ONE JEEZ LOUISE NOT THE THIRD ONEReport

            • Marchmaine in reply to Slade the Leveller

              No, the external funds are discretionary as part of the Grant. Could be $0 could be 200%… the Agencies have ‘negotiated’ rates with their beneficiaries.

              The point of the Levin article was that once Trump pointed out that they could be altered at the discretion of the Grant process… *then* congress wrote in to the Continuing Resolution that the External costs *can’t* be altered from what had been previously negotiated.

              So, it’s an example of Trump’s inability to do Presidenting well such that even things he could do, he screws up — because he doesn’t understand the process nor does he care enough to do the hard work of reform.Report

      • DavidTC in reply to Marchmaine

        Congress has itself only notionally funded a lot of what happens… and clearly has lost oversight control in all sorts of areas.

        Congres hasn’t ‘lost’ oversight control. Congress has just completely failed to do it, like they have completely failed to do anything, for several decades.Report

    • DavidTC in reply to Jaybird

      The main thing that Trump has going for him at this moment in time is the 100% legal, 100% done-by-the-book stuff that comes to light that is absolutely scandalous.

      Jaybird, you fell for an extremely obvious lie about the amount of money that USAID gives Politico, maybe you need to re-calibrate what stuff is actually ‘coming to light’ vs. the stuff you’re just believing the lies about.

      In fact, why don’t you tell us some _more_ of that stuff so we can point out it’s wrong?Report

      • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC

        Is the argument that USAID wasn’t *GIVING* the money to Politico but *BUYING A SERVICE*?

        Then allow me to say “golly, is *MY* face red!!! USAID didn’t give the money to Politico. They were buying a service.”

        And you can feel like you’ve made an important point and I can feel like you’ve made a distinction without a difference.Report

        • DavidTC in reply to Jaybird

          No Jaybird, the argument is that you were blatantly, deliberately lied to about the amount of money.

          And you fell for it.

          Moreover this lie accompanied a conspiracy theory about what USAID was paying for, and a conspiracy theory about why political couldn’t make payroll, which I promise you would have literally nothing to do with that small amount of money, which incidentally would not have been due that day anyway.

          In other words, everything you were told about this and every implication from that, was a flat-out lie. Conspiracy theories on top of conspiracy theories.

          And now you are attempting to retreat to a more reasonable sounding position, which basically comes down to ‘but they were spending money on it! I’m not a complete and total fool, money was going towards them!’

          Entities within the US government do pay private companies in order to purchase goods and services from them. This includes subscribing to news publications. This has traditionally been something that conservatives approval of, in fact want more of under the term ‘privatizing government’

          That is not the same thing as lies about the amount being paid and a conspiracy theory formed around that lie that they were being paid to slant the news.

          But this is more of your ridiculous nilism, where you pretend that there is no such thing as a qualitative differences, only quantitative, rendering literally everything meaningless, where openly purchasing newspaper subscriptions just like any member of the public is the same as bribery.Report

          • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC

            Is this one of those things where I need to go back and post exactly what I said and we can argue over whether or not my “it is theorized” in there is meaningful?

            If not, that’s cool. I’m more than willing to accept that finding that millions of dollars were being funneled to Politico and then, when the contracts were cancelled, that Politico had a payroll problem was 100% a coincidence. Coincidences happen.

            And if the amount of money that Politico was getting was a small amount of money, Politico should be just fine in the future.Report

            • Philip H in reply to Jaybird

              You keep being presented with facts that show you that funds going to politico were for professional subscription services. A good many GOP Congress critters subscribe to the same professional services. It’s like buying a WaPo subscription. Nothing more nefarious then that.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

                I’m not disagreeing that the funds were going to Politico.

                Indeed, it is my position that the funds were going there.Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

                At the risk of a little light BSDI, has a complete list of media payments been made public? There are plenty of subscription services out there.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller

                I went to Claude.

                Hey. I’m looking for a database that contains all of the various subscriptions that the government pays for.

                Is this something that exists?

                Claude said:
                In the U.S., there isn’t a single comprehensive database of all government subscriptions, but there are a few ways to find this information:

       provides detailed federal spending data, including many subscription services, though they may be categorized under different contract types.
                The Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) contains contract information that would include subscription services.
                Individual agency procurement records and budgets often list their major subscriptions and services.
       (System for Award Management) contains contract award information that includes subscription services.

                Are you looking for any particular type of subscription or specific agency? That might help narrow down where to look. Some common government subscriptions include things like:

                Professional databases (LexisNexis, Westlaw)
                Scientific journals and research databases
                Software licenses
                News services
                Data services

                So I asked Let’s say Politico for either news service or data services.

                For Politico specifically, you can find some of this information through:

       – Search for “POLITICO” or “CAPITOL NEWS COMPANY” (Politico’s parent company). This will show you contracts for subscriptions and services.
                Individual agency procurement records – Many agencies are required to publish their contracts over certain dollar amounts. For example, you might find records of Politico Pro subscriptions in agency contracting databases.

                I can help you look through these sources if you’d like. Are you interested in a specific agency’s subscription to Politico, or are you looking to understand the total government spend on Politico subscriptions?
                Also, keep in mind that some agencies might subscribe through intermediary news service providers rather than directly through Politico, which can make tracking the full scope more complex.

                I’m looking to understand the total government spend on Politico subscriptions.

                I’ll help you find this through, as it’s the most comprehensive source. You’ll want to:

                Go to
                Use “Advanced Search”
                Search for both “POLITICO” and “CAPITOL NEWS COMPANY LLC”
                Filter for “Contract” spending type
                Look specifically for Product Service Codes (PSC) like:

                D304 (IT and Telecom – Internet)
                D399 (IT and Telecom – Other)
                Y1DA (News Clipping Services)
                Y1DZ (Other Administrative Support Services)

                One thing to note: The total spend might be understated because:

                Some subscriptions might be bundled under larger contracts
                Some agencies might purchase through resellers
                Smaller purchases might fall under simplified acquisition thresholds
                Some subscriptions might be purchased through government purchase cards (which aren’t always itemized in public databases)

                Would you like me to explain how to dig deeper into specific agencies’ contracts once you find them in

                Now let’s say that I want to search for something like a right-wing Politico. What should I look for?

                I aim to be direct and objective in explaining government spending data. Some prominent conservative-leaning news services that have government contracts include:

                Washington Examiner
                Daily Caller
                The Washington Times
                National Review
                Bloomberg Government (which has some conservative coverage but is more business-focused)

                You can search for these publications on using similar methods as with Politico. I’d suggest:

                Search for the parent company names rather than just publication names
                Use the same PSC codes mentioned earlier
                Look for terms like “news service,” “subscription,” “media monitoring”

                Would you like me to explain how to look up any specific one of these publications? I can help you understand their corporate structures to ensure you’re finding all relevant contracts.

                So there’s the starting point:

                Sadly, you can’t search for left vs. right kinda stuff.Report

              • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird

                It’d be kind of cool to get the general ledger of the United States of America. Can you image how big a file that’d be?Report

            • DavidTC in reply to Jaybird

              I’m more than willing to accept that finding that millions of dollars were being funneled to Politico and then, when the contracts were cancelled, that Politico had a payroll problem was 100% a coincidence.

              Jaybird, you are still repeating lying insinuations and proposing that something is a ‘coincidence’ where the non-coincidence version _literally cannot be true_.

              Politico had a problem with payroll _before_ the US government decided to cancel all subscriptions to it. If you are confused about the order of events, here:

              You will notice the cancellation is happening on _Wednesday_, whereas as the payroll problem happened on _Tuesday_, and the government is required, constitutionally, to obey the linear passage of time.

              What was (possibly) canceled, or least frozen, a few days _before_ the problem was USAID’s subscriptions, which totaled $42,000. We don’t actually know this happened, incidentally. USAID had doors locked and stuff and supposedly money was frozen, but it is unclear exactly what was frozen and what sort of automated payments continued.

              I don’t know if I need to explain the odds that a subscription payment was going to happen in that particular time, especially considering they are yearly subscriptions. Nor should I have to point out that the payroll was made a hours later, which is not not good, but does indicates there was, indeed, a technical problem.

              And I really shouldn’t need to explain that billion dollar companies do not balance on razor-thin cash-flow that require $42,000 hitting their bank account in a specific week.

              Pretending that it is possible that ‘things that are happening in the government’ and the technical glitch that Politico had with payment are even _slightly_ related is insane gibberish, conspiratorial nonsense of the highest level.

              And you not only fell for it, but are unwilling to stop trying to find a connection. Still wink wink nudge nudging straight into addled nonsense.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC

                Yeah, the tweet that I saw that said that Politico had a payroll problem was on Tuesday.

                What was (possibly) canceled, or least frozen, a few days _before_ the problem was USAID’s subscriptions, which totaled $42,000. We don’t actually know this happened, incidentally. USAID had doors locked and stuff and supposedly money was frozen, but it is unclear exactly what was frozen and what sort of automated payments continued.

                Again, I’m 100% down with saying that the timing was 100% coincidental.

                Pretending that it is possible that ‘things that are happening in the government’ and the technical glitch that Politico had with payment are even _slightly_ related is insane gibberish, conspiratorial nonsense of the highest level.

                Again, I am 100% down with the glitch happening at the worst possible time.

                Coincidences happen all the time.Report

  3. DensityDuck

    ” at the same time, it’s going too far to remove references to the Tuskegee Airmen from Air Force Basic Training ”

    (nobody told them to do that, they just decided to do it on their own)
    (and as soon as Hesgeth found out it had happened he ordered them to put it back)Report

    • DavidTC in reply to DensityDuck

      Those videos were literally shown as part of the military’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training. So of course they were removed, the government asserted that the Air Force should not have Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training anymore.

      Actually, my question is…where do you think those video _should_ be shown? In what way _are_ the Tuskegee Airmen relevant to Air Force history that is _not_ talking about diversity and inclusion? Please explain why you think people should learn about the Tuskegee Airmen. And what should said about them?

      ‘A group of airmen named the Tuskegee Airmen existed. They did some stuff in WWII, like a lot of other groups. They flew fighters to escort bombers, were pretty successful at it, and had one of the lowest loss rates of bombers they were escorting in WWII, but not _the_ lowest rate, so it raises the question of why we’ve decide to talk about them specifically. Oh well, we can’t say more about this.’

      Seriously, explain why you think they are important _besides_ them being Black, which is, repeat after me: Showcasing diversity.

      A thing which is no longer allowed.Report

      • CJColucci in reply to DavidTC

        Not to mention that semi-voluntary over-compliance is a feature, not a bug. Ban or require something vague enough, and make determined noises about it, and people can be counted on to do things that, if pressed, the people giving the orders might — might — back down on and feign shock that someone would take their entirely reasonable orders so seriously and literally.
        That’s how it’s done.Report

      • DensityDuck in reply to DavidTC

        “[T]he government asserted that the Air Force should not have Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training anymore.”

        I’m old enough to remember people like, um, you, telling me that “look what you made me do, look at this awful thing that you made me do” wasn’t a defense against intentionally doing something mean and stupid.

        I mean, you’re right that the directive did not specifically address how the Air Force was to honor the legacy of elite units like the 332nd Fighter Group, but it’s also likely that the people writing the directive assumed that the Air Force would interpret it reasonably and say “we should create a separate method to remember these men” and not “WELP, GUESS WE GOTTA DELETE ANY MENTION OF BLACK PEOPLE WHATSOEVER, JUST FOLLOWIN’ ORDERS HERE, HAIL TRUMP”.Report

        • Philip H in reply to DensityDuck

          Was NASA being reasonable when it removed every reference to women leading the space program from their website.Report

        • DavidTC in reply to DensityDuck

          What you are doing is fascism apologism, where the government issues vague directives that make it extremely clear the ideological direction they are coming from and what people are meant to do, but when people try to follow them and there’s any public backlash, it’s always ‘oh they didn’t really mean to do that, that was people just doing that on their own’.

          But this actually wasn’t a vague directive, because the Trump Administration is fundamentally too stupid to be good at fascism.

          The directive was to get rid of any diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, of which this video was literally part of. And the Administration has made it extremely clear that they _mean_ this, to the point of talking about criminal charges for people who ‘hide’ such programs. This is not some wishy-washy, ‘use your own judgment as to what you want to keep but tone it down’ thing, this has been very emphasized.

          The idea that this video was unreasonable to remove, that it was not removed in a normal attempt to comply with presidential directives, is absurd. Because this sort of video is what 50% of DEI is! (And another 40% is stuff like ‘don’t ask to touch Black people’s hair no matter how interesting it is’)

          The only people that sounds absurd to is this site, that has spent _years_ inventing gibberish about what diversity, equity, and inclusion programs are, so have worked themselves into such a state of ignorance that they don’t understand it includes things like talking about historic Black figures.

          What the Tuskegee Airmen did is fundamentally not different from what anyone else did in World War II, except in the fact that they did it for a country that did not respect their race, that forbid them to marry who they wanted, that had legalized segregation in parts of it, and overt discrimination in all of it, and yet they fought for their country.

          You cannot talk about them except in that context. And talking about that, in that context, is what f*cking DEI programs DO.Report

          • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC

            What I love about the opening paragraph is that it exists in a perfect vacuum. No memory of Biden. No memory of Obama.

            Just an eternal present. Just an eternal Trump.

            Anyway, have you ever heard the term “malicious compliance”? Like, ever? Is my comment right here the first time you’ve ever seen those two strings of letters next to each other?Report

            • DensityDuck in reply to Jaybird

              Like when the OMB memo came out and said “do not freeze or pause aid given to individual persons” and organizations replied “welllll, teeeechnically, that aid comes to our organization and then it goes to persons, so, I guess we’ll just have to freeze and pause all that money, just like you said we should do, definitely what you said, just tryna comply here sor, goin agin’st orders mornmajobsworf sor”Report

            • DavidTC in reply to Jaybird

              What I love about the opening paragraph is that it exists in a perfect vacuum. No memory of Biden. No memory of Obama.

              Would you like to state an example of what you’re talking about?

              I think that Obama and Biden both did make it very clear the ideological positions that they were asking the government to follow.

              I can’t recall a single instance of someone following that and them going ‘Not that’.

              Is this the bogus IRS story _again_?

              Anyway, have you ever heard the term “malicious compliance”? Like, ever? Is my comment right here the first time you’ve ever seen those two strings of letters next to each other?

              The executive order:

              (b) Each agency, department, or commission head, in consultation with the Attorney General, the Director of OMB, and the Director of OPM, as appropriate, shall take the following actions within sixty days of this order:

              (i) terminate, to the maximum extent allowed by law, all DEI, DEIA, and “environmental justice” offices and positions (including but not limited to “Chief Diversity Officer” positions); all “equity action plans,” “equity” actions, initiatives, or programs, “equity-related” grants or contracts; and all DEI or DEIA performance requirements for employees, contractors, or grantees.

              That video was part of a DEI program, specifically, training. That program was terminated, hence, the video stopped being shown. Do you think the program shouldn’t have been terminated under this EO?

              Or is the argument that the video should have been shown elsewhere? Because the EO is also pretty clear about doing that in the very next section:

              (ii) provide the Director of the OMB with a list of all:

              (A) agency or department DEI, DEIA, or “environmental justice” positions, committees, programs, services, activities, budgets, and expenditures in existence on November 4, 2024, and an assessment of whether these positions, committees, programs, services, activities, budgets, and expenditures have been misleadingly relabeled in an attempt to preserve their pre-November 4, 2024 function;

              Seems pretty clear they don’t want DEI material sneaking out and going elsewhere. This was, presumably, an ‘expenditure’ at some point, an expenditure of a DEI program, so…it seems clear it isn’t supposed to be moved elsewhere under something else.

              The problem here is that you have hallucinated the DEI programs are something other than what they actually are, so you think showing this video is not really part of them.

              Yes, it is.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC

                Nah, I’m good. If you can easily imagine stuff like “yeah, he’s going to come up with an example… what examples might he come up with… yeah, that one”, I’m good.

                And I still don’t know whether you’ve seen the phrase “malicious compliance” before.Report

              • DavidTC in reply to Jaybird

                And I still don’t know whether you’ve seen the phrase “malicious compliance” before.

                I have. My question is, do you understand what _normal_ compliance is?

                The Air Force, and in fact the entire government, was ordered to removed DEI programs. Agree or disagree?

                The Air Force removed a DEI program. Agree or disagree?

                That DEI program included a video about the Tuskegee Airmen. Agree or disagree?

                That is because that is the sort of video that you find in DEI programs. Agree or disagree?

                A bunch of people have decided to pretend this is something other a direct result of what was ordered, because it Looks Bad.

                Yeah, it looks bad, because the executive order was, in fact, bad, because DEI programs are generally good things that people mostly agree with.

                The people at this site have spent years getting lathered up and foaming at the mouth about thing that are extreme outliers of DEI, done by almost no one, some of them even completely hallucinated by the far right. Along with the fact that some scammers operate DEI consulting. (Like they do all business process consulting, which is like 80% scammers as an industry)

                When the military does DEI stuff, it is emphasizing the achievements of minorities and women and minority religions and subcultures, mostly to try to _get them to serve_. It is operating on historically Black campuses in a way that causes people on those campuses to sign up. It is putting up pictures of female service members to try to pull in women.

                Along with the barest bones training ‘Do not harass or assault other service members, and don’t make fun of their religion or accent or whatever’. Maybe some stuff about operating in other cultures that is not so much ‘diversity’ as ‘do not get everyone incredibly angry by ordering women to remove their hijab in front of men’.

                That’s what military DEI is. It is, literally, videos talking about the Tuskegee Airmen. That isn’t some unrelated thing, that sort of stuff is a huge chunk of what the military is doing under the banner of DEI.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC

                The big problem, of course, is that history contains a lot of diversity. Sadly, it’s got a lot less inclusion (though it does have some) and almost no equity.


                In any case, I think that a policy of removing too much and then putting back some of the stuff that shouldn’t have been removed is an acceptable price to pay.

                It’s good that the Tuskegee Airmen video has been reinstated, don’t you think?Report

              • CJColucci in reply to Jaybird

                Who is paying what price?Report

              • Jaybird in reply to CJColucci

                The “bad vibes” experienced by the people who were most upset about the video leaving for a week.

                “who”: the people feeling the bad vibes
                “what”: the bad vibes in questionReport

              • DavidTC in reply to Jaybird

                In any case, I think that a policy of removing too much and then putting back some of the stuff that shouldn’t have been removed is an acceptable price to pay.

                Price to pay for what, is the goal to not having other DEI videos that do the same thing for women and Muslims and whoever the military has actively tried to recruit by showcasing _their_ accomplishments in the military? Is that the thing we were trying to do? And we accidentally included this one video in that we wanted to not include?

                Jaybird, could you explain what you think DEI in the military _did_? And what now is no longer doing, or will eventually not be doing under the new policies?Report

              • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC

                What do I think DEI in the military did?

                I think that it had yearly trainings where a bored instructor droned over slides that mentioned concepts like “white privilege” and how “MAGA” is a White Supremacist term.

                I’m sure that there was stuff in there that talked about the Tuskegee Airmen and the importance of women during Vietnam.Report

              • Dark Matter in reply to DavidTC

                DEI programs are generally good things that people mostly agree with.

                Hardly. The way the local program works is we get worthless meetings on fighting microaggressions and there is pressure to hire non-white non-males.

                That’s somewhere between worthless, unethical, and illegal.Report

              • DavidTC in reply to Dark Matter

                Hardly. The way the local program works is we get worthless meetings on fighting microaggressions and there is pressure to hire non-white non-males.

                Hey, Dark Matter, how about a compromise on that. There will officially be no pressure to hire ‘non-white non-males’ if we can implement exactly one law and a Federal agency to do it. The law is simple: The government will send out identical resumes, one with the name of someone that sounds like a white man, and one with the name of someone who sounds like a woman or minority. If a business follows up with the first one, and not the second, repeatedly, to a statistical level, we fine the company a large amount.

                Maybe we already have information about that:

                And realize how much worse that is when you realize how _automated_ that system is. That at that first passs, resumes are being sent through a computer and scanned and spit out. Which means people are inserting themselves into the process at some point to discriminate, probably at the actual hiring manager’s location. The hiring manager gets handed something by a computer telling them to call someone, glance at the name, and think ‘Nah, not hiring a Jamal’, even if they do not _think_ that’s what they are thinking. The discrimination that happens at the interview level is likely much worse, just much harder to pin down objectively.

                The entire conservative bugaboo of ‘Unqualified non-white non-men hired instead of white men’ literally isn’t happening. First, because that isn’t the goal of that form of DEI, it’s to hire equally qualified non-white non-men, but even that does not actually work, they make, statistically, almost no difference. DEI programs like that do not actually accomplish their goals.

                What they end up doing is pulling noise makers and throwing themselves a party because the company, entirely normally, did hire someone who wasn’t a white man.

                If those such programs vanished, no one would care. The problem is that isn’t all DEI does.

                That’s somewhere between worthless, unethical, and illegal.

                Yes, a huge chunk of DEI are worthless and accomplish nothing. Welcome to the business world, where huge chunks of middle management do nothing useful.

                But I’m lying there, because there actually is evidence that doing things like talking about microagressions may have people dismiss the idea mentally, but they actually do start understanding the concept of ‘don’t make assumptions about people and force them to interact with those assumptions’. And it makes it clear that more overt bigotry is completely off the table. So it’s not entirely worthless.

                Other chunks of DEI do things like ‘Talk about the accomplishments of Black people in the military in an attempt to recruit and keep more Black people in the military’, as some people at this site have been startled to learn.

                Other parts of DEI are making sure buildings are wheelchair accessible, and in fact DEI has started to be called DEIA, with ‘accessibility’ at the end.

                Other parts of DEI are basically ‘This brochure we are putting out is entirely full of white people, and as we do not have any actual minorities, let’s hire some models to pose for some photo’, which is obviously not useful to _anyone_. But hardly needs to be barred by law.

                It’s almost as if ‘a vague term to refer to a program that reduces biases and increase understanding of differences in this specific place’ is a term that can, in fact, be used to refer to many different things. Some of which are worthless, some of which actually do useful short-term things, some of which might meaningfully change things long term, and some of which, I guess, can be evil.

                But railing against it is like railing against marketing.Report

              • Dark Matter in reply to DavidTC

                DavidTC: There will officially be no pressure to hire ‘non-white non-males’ if we can implement exactly one law and a Federal agency to do it.

                We have already outlawed this kind of discrimination because it’s heinous. If you’re trying to claim the gov has to encourage heinous behavior until we get a perfect society then I don’t agree.

                that isn’t the goal of that form of DEI, it’s to hire equally qualified non-white non-men,

                If you’re going to insist that you hire people in higher percentages than exist in the talent pool, then math suggests you do have to hire unqualified people.

                The problem is that isn’t all DEI does.

                Then I suggest you stop defending the heinous parts and only defend the parts that are useful.

                talking about microagressions… not entirely worthless.


              • DensityDuck in reply to DavidTC

                “That DEI program included a video about the Tuskegee Airmen. Agree or disagree?

                That is because that is the sort of video that you find in DEI programs. Agree or disagree?”
                (emphasis in original)


                old and busted: “DEI isn’t nearly as widespread as you CUNservatives imagine, it’s not just being ‘jammed into everything’ the way you say, actually it’s about education regarding equity and history and structural bigotry!”

                new hotness: “if it mentions black people, it’s DEI.”Report

              • DavidTC in reply to DensityDuck

                DD, it is not my fault that the conservatives have flatly hallucinated what DEI programs actually do for years at this point.Report

              • DensityDuck in reply to DavidTC

                (what they were saying DEI programs were is what you, now, are saying DEI programs were and are)Report

              • DavidTC in reply to DensityDuck

                This conversation started with the following situation:

                a) The Trump administration told the military to remove all DEI programs

                b) The Tuskegee Airmen videos that were part of Air Force Basic Training were part of a DEI initiative

                c) thus is extremely obvious that the decision to remove those videos was an entirely correct interpretation of the EO

                I was making the assumption you actually knew the first, and have enough basic logic to understand the last point, and your point of misunderstanding was the second point.

                Which means you (And Jaybird), objectively, did not know at least one thing a DEI program did at the start of this thread. Not just didn’t know it, but dismissed the idea that such a video _could_ be part of a DEI program without even bothering to check.

                I guess, alternately, you could have no idea what the EO said, or might be Patrick Star levels of dumb and not be able to put together ‘If they say to remove all of a thing, and something is part of that thing, they have told you to remove that something’.Report

              • DensityDuck in reply to DavidTC

                “thus is extremely obvious that the decision to remove those videos was an entirely correct interpretation of the EO”

                You’re going awful hard at this for someone who insists that this is not malicious compliance but that the direct and knowing intent of the Trump Administration was to delete all mention of the Tuskegee Airmen from the history of the United States Air Force (which makes it doubly odd that as soon as the administration learned this had happened they ordered the information restored.)Report

  4. Derek S

    “I could explain that foreign aid from all sources, about $72 billion in 2023, is only about one percent of the federal budget. US AID’s budget, at $40 billion is slightly more than half of that.”

    It should bother you that 72 billion is being called negligible.

    “I could explain that most foreign aid money is spent in the United States. US AID typically purchases large amounts of American agricultural products to send to needy countries. Those purchases have stopped, which will negatively impact American farmers.”

    If this includes eggs, I am very glad it has stopped.

    “I could point out that Trump’s new Secretary of State, Marco Rubio (who, by way of full disclosure, I volunteered for in 2016), was a staunch supporter of US AID until a week or so ago. So were Melania and Ivanka Trump.”

    Funny how this happens when you learn details about something and find out it is doing too many things you disapprove of.

    “While I do have problems with some of the items that have been funded by US AID, the lawful process for dealing with these expenditures is to go back to Congress which is controlled by Republicans, and fix the problems in the new budget.”

    Finally, this is the real issue. President Trump is going about this the wrong way. While I get wanting to bypass the swamp, Trump should have gone to congress to have USAID defunded. Which would have languished for years as congressmen knife fight each other over their pet projects.

    In the end this is just an amazing PR stunt that makes Trump look like he is doing what he said he would, if it weren’t for those terrible Democrats and letting the Democrats defend aiding Guatemalans transitioning.Report

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