Trump Term Two, Day One, Executive Orders

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95 Responses

  1. Michael Siegel

    Lawlessness. Half of this he doesn’t have the authority to do and the other half is BS.Report

  2. Jaybird

    Mount Denali got its name changed back to Mount McKinley.Report

  3. Marchmaine

    Ok, I can feel my anti-Trump non-Republican Solidarity party enjoyer calling balls and strikes credibility wearing off in the other thread… so here’s one we can all condemn as plain old bad.

    And, not just the usual ‘dumb bad’ but actual bad bad… triple bad bad bad for the people actually convicted of Sedition.

    In a properly functioning Republic, we’d impeach him for this.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Marchmaine

      We tried to impeach him twice. For critically important stuff. We failed.Report

      • Marchmaine in reply to Philip H

        Yes, I was there.

        On this one, part of me suspects that someone (I’m assuming Susie Wiles… btw, notice how everything hinges on Susie Wiles existing — how long will that last?) said, um, for the tiniest shred of protection, let’s just commute the sentence of the Seditious Conspiracy boys. At least they’re still convicted felons then.Report

    • DavidTC in reply to Marchmaine

      In a properly functioning Republic, we’d impeach him for this.

      The prior argument for not convicting him in the Senate was ‘He is out of office, and the court system will decide’.

      The court system did not decide, it did not reach a decision on that. It ended due to his reelection.

      He is now back in office. It is now time to convict.

      Likewise, while he was out of office, the legal system asserted it could not question his decisions, implicitly saying the only way to punish him for a huge chunk of things he does as president is impeachment.

      Like, all the excuses are laid bare.Report

      • Marchmaine in reply to DavidTC

        None of this is relevant to a throw-away line I kinda wish I’d dropped.

        It’s not, I guess, an obvious point, so I’ll make it obvious: the thing that’s broken in the Republic isn’t the Presidency, its the Congress.

        The check on Presidents abusing their Pardon power isn’t some DA in Biloxi, MS or even the SCOTUS, it’s Congress impeaching the President for that abuse. That’s the primary reason (secondary is political/comms) Presidents exercise their Dodgy Pardons on their last day… the way the Impeachment Process works in the Constitution requires (too long) a runway for Congress to react.

        I’d recommend Dems draft *narrow and targeted* (if they are constitutionally able) articles of impeachment to signal that the improper use of the Pardon Power is a High Crime. Sure, it won’t get the votes on Trump right now.

        But, if you really want to do politics well ™ Dems should draft articles of impeachment on Biden’s pardons and see if they can bait Rs into impeaching Biden for the feels and (perhaps) opening up the pathway to SCOTUS to rule on the constitutionality of types of pardons — plus proving you can impeach Presidents for Presidential Acts, even if they have left office.

        Sometimes you eat an L (impeaching a DEM) to iterate a future W.Report

        • Philip H in reply to Marchmaine

          I think we agree that Congress has walked way back from being a co-equal branch. Problem is the GOP spent 50 years damaging the other co-equal branch which means both checks are no longer really in play.Report

          • Marchmaine in reply to Philip H

            So you’re saying only the GOP has agency?

            We can all agree that one of the problems with Congress is that it is fundamentally driven by short-term tactical decision making – esp. at the individual level. That’s a political reality that requires leadership to overcome for strategic objectives. Every political failing/weakness is an opportunity for some group that wants to take it.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to Marchmaine

          Given that this would be the funniest outcome, I support it wholeheartedly. Impeach Biden for pardoning Hunter and other members of the Biden family.

          Hell, put the Fauci on there and *DARE* Rand to impeach Biden.

          I love this idea.Report

          • Marchmaine in reply to Jaybird

            I know, right? And once you get over the shock of the thing and count the costs, you realize the cost is $0… what’s Biden going to do, complain about being excluded from running for President again in 4-years? Hope Historians can save his reputation on the Presidential Ranking Chart?Report

            • Jaybird in reply to Marchmaine

              Now, I’d suggest that the impeachment of Trump rely rather heavily on 3 or 4 of the pardons of the J6ers and not all 1600ish of them.

              If it’s all 1600ish, then the impeachment won’t get off the ground.

              But if it’s those particular 3 or 4? It’s doable.

              But there are too many people who can’t imagine this. “We’d have *BIDEN* be the first President to be successfully impeached?!?!? WHAT ABOUT TRUMP?”Report

              • Marchmaine in reply to Jaybird

                Agreed. I’d focus on the dozen or so folks who were convicted of Seditious Conspiracy.

                That’s a pretty solid case for High Crime.

                As for order of impeachments? I’d do Biden first because that might actually have the votes, and the goal is to set the precedent that some Pardons can be considered High Crimes, even if the ‘Presidential Act’ is formally correct.

                After that, as long as the opposition can avoid the big dramatic ‘impeach the electorate’ types of things and just stay focused on narrow aspects… sure, consider it staking a position for future use.Report

              • Philip H in reply to Jaybird

                Trump was impeached twice. He wasn’t convicted. Words matter Jay.Report

  4. Saul Degraw

    After a morning meeting, I sat down to my computer around 11:30 a.m. ET and read two reader emails picked more or less at random out of my inbox. The first was from an American expat. The gist of his email was that American liberals — Blue America, for lack of a better descriptor — are totally unprepared for what’s coming down the pike toward them. The second was from a federal government employee reviewing the executive orders relevant to the federal workforce and explaining to me in so many words, ‘yeah, good luck with that.’ The expat’s email was generally more pessimistic and totalizing than I’m inclined to be. You may differ and you may be right; who knows? But in general the two emails together captured the moment as well or better than any report, essay or interview I might have read — a mix of actions and red flags almost unimaginable by any normal standard (though in virtually every case unsurprising) mixed with an underbrush of the sheer size, inertia and difficulty of whatever changes Trump is trying to make. They’re both true. Both true at once.

    The best way to understand most of these executive orders is that they are statements of intent. That’s actually what an “executive order” is, in its origin: even in the much smaller federal government of a century ago, let alone two and a half centuries ago, the federal government was always a big thing — geographically if not in comparison to what we know today. The President can’t talk to everyone who works for him as head of the executive branch. So executive orders are ways of making clear, putting on paper, what his directions are.

    At a fundamental level, they are, especially for Trump, performative. They become real when his appointees begin acting on them and they get litigated in courts, and validated or not validated. Pardons and commutations are real. Those things actually happened yesterday. They’re done. People are out of jail. That can’t be reversed. And Trump appears to have pardoned or commuted either every Jan. 6th convict/indictee or almost all of them. (This last marginal difference is unclear; but if a few stragglers weren’t released, he released the most dangerous and the most violent.) It’s important to understand the difference.

    One thing I found interesting last night is that as lawyers began reading through the EOs, they noticed something pretty consistent. They were sloppy and contradictory, often doing things the authors hadn’t even intended. Is that a big deal? Well, yes and no. It’s the President’s will. So he can — mostly — express his will again or kind of as many times as he wants to. Fundamentally if President Trump wants to do X he’s not going to be stopped because an executive order was a sloppy cut and paste job, which many of these were. Success or failure is going to come down to three variables: 1) court action, 2) how much focus and determination his appointees have in putting them into effect and 3) public opinion. But it’s an indication that the belief that Trump’s team is more tried, tested and expert this time around may simply not be true. And that’s an important fact to know.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Saul Degraw

      From inside – if only that were true. We are already getting very specific direction to implement many of his EOs. Direction from career civil servants acting as political appointees – as they do every transition. They got their direction from somewhere.

      His team is more competent then you think.Report

  5. Jaybird

    The head of the FCC has an interesting thread about DEI and how one of the executive orders was to “end the promotion of DEI”.

    It’s gone from the FCC’s budget. No more advisory groups, no more equity action plans, no more DEI analysis in the economic reports.Report

    • InMD in reply to Jaybird

      Good riddance.Report

        • Saul Degraw in reply to North

          And fascism took hold of the land because lo, the centerist declare the woke was worseReport

          • Jaybird in reply to Saul Degraw

            “Is that a reason to stop being woke? Maybe be less woke?”
            “LOL. LMAO.”Report

          • North in reply to Saul Degraw

            Well, to be clear, the centrists said “this seems not very helpful as a practical matter and pure poison as a political matter”, the idealists answered “even trying to assign a name to this, let alone critiquing it, is racist” and then the voters said “yup, woke is worse”. And here we are. Though, let us be clear, the question of wokeism is only one of many elements many of which make the centrists look bad too.Report

            • LeeEsq in reply to North

              Woke is mainly ivory tower discussions that moved into online spaces with a slightly bigger number of speakers. The big problem with a lot of it is that it comes across as really doctrinaire to normies. I don’t think it turns people away from liberalism or leftism but it definitely can turn them off from politics. Take for example discussions about what books should be read in school. Real world people will speak about including non-white or LGBT authors. Online left edgelord people speak about cancelling white male authors with glee. Totally different ways of approaching the same topic.Report

              • North in reply to LeeEsq

                I generally agree with the caveat that it did manage to colonize out of the ivory towers into the greater NGO world (with generally detrimental effects), media and to a more limited degree the c-suite.

                And if something that both the further left and all of the rights media apparatus are shouting at the top of their lungs turns left-curious people away from politics while energizing right-curious people. Well enough said. It may be merely grifty, wasteful and dubiously just as a practical matter but it’s political cyanide. We should, probably, also acknowledge that this isn’t exactly woke’s fault- it wasn’t originally conceived as a way of prying scarce tenure jobs and academic resources from the death grip of elderly white men and giving them to hungry minorities and women in academia. It probably wasn’t originally meant to actually be some nation sweeping ideology.Report

        • Saul Degraw in reply to North

          DEI might be the closest thing the left as to a wingnut grift but it is more tedious than actually harmful and if done right, it could theoretically be beneficial (it will never be done right because that requires time, effort, and money that doesn’t produce a profit).

          But this order is only limited to the federal government and it is really not worth getting underwear in a twist over DEI considering all the other damage Trump and Co. is going to do.

          Coalition building means having to grin and bear some things you dislike sometimes.

          How long before JB trolls on the sentence above?Report

          • Jaybird in reply to Saul Degraw

            I think it’s a fine observation. I think that Omnicause thinking is actively bad for the Democrats.

            Do you think that the moral leadership will be willing to embrace some vulgar utilitarianism to get a handful more bedfellows? “Guys, guys, guys… we’re here to talk about fighting Trump. We’re not going to open with a Land Acknowledgment and we’re not going to talk about Gaza.”

            Think you can get away with that?

            Because I lean “no” for the moment.Report

            • North in reply to Jaybird

              I mean, you’re flagrantly wrong about that. Harris had multiple instances of doing this exact thing you’re describing during her campaign and she “got away with it” just fine from the Dems and even the identarian lefties. She lost, partially, because she hoped she didn’t have to go from mostly not talking about it to actively talking against it, sure, and couldn’t because of her mistakes in 2020 but she did do exactly what you’re referring to.


              • Jaybird in reply to North

                Do you think she got away with that?

                Because I lean “no” for the moment.Report

              • North in reply to Jaybird

                She lost by a hair and suffered no particular revolt, defection or uprising from the intersectional left. So by your own terms, yes, she got away with it.

                Likewise her convention was one giant celebration of doing exactly what you described and it’s generally viewed as one of the high points of her campaign so she definitely got away with it.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to North

                She never was ahead according to her internal polling. Not even for an hour.Report

              • North in reply to Jaybird

                All correct but was that because she didn’t do the identarianism enough or because (at least partially) she couldn’t distance herself from it and was too risk averse to try actively turning against it? I’d say the latter. And she did downplay and turn away from identarianism and did not suffer some vast revolt from the identarian leftists (not that they seem to command that many votes anyhow).

                If this election had left because Kamala’s left wing stayed home- well that’d be an enormously different conversation than we’ve ‘enjoyed’ since the election.Report

              • DensityDuck in reply to North

                “She lost by a hair”

                so, no, she didn’t get away with itReport

              • North in reply to DensityDuck

                Did she loose because she wasn’t woke enough? I doubt it myself.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to North

                She lost because:

                1. She was too woke
                2. She wasn’t woke enough
                3. She mixed being too woke with not being woke enough in the wrong ratio and thus turned off both the people who wanted her to be woker and the people who thought she was too wokeReport

              • North in reply to Jaybird

                An amusing theory but one I don’t subscribe to. It remains to be demonstrated that “woke” commands a material, dedicated voting constituency among the electorate. Like libertarianism woke has a very influential set of advocates and fashionable taste makers on the elite level; also like libertarianism its extremely present on the internet and like libertarianism it gets very large degrees of signal boosting from both traditional and right wing media apparatuses. It so far, however, seems to command no masses of actual voters. The people it purports to advocate for think it’s kooky and annoying. Heck, woke doesn’t even have its own 2-5% party like the Libertarians do.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to North

                It doesn’t command a material dedicated voting constituency among the electorate, it does, however, command a material dedicated constituency among the staff.

                And if the staff can, for example, prevent the candidate from talking to, for example, Joe Rogan, we have a problem even if the majority of the populace ain’t particularly woke.Report

              • North in reply to Jaybird

                Yes, but staff and elite level thinking is a comparatively easy problem to fix. If the electorate is broadly out of step with your principles you have to choose to either change your principles or accept losing for the near to long term and that is a hard decision to make. If your elites and staffers are out of stop with the electorates principles its a lot easier to change that and is a much easier decision to make. Losses do it for the elites and firing or not hiring does it for the staff which also is downstream of losing.Report

              • InMD in reply to Jaybird

                I think she lost because inflation was bad and the border is out of control. I don’t think wokeness was an issue in the sense that she failed to inhabit some sort of Goldilocks zone. What it may have done, and tends to do, is make people look out of touch with the concerns and challenges of normal, every day people.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to InMD

                I wouldn’t call it a Goldilocks Zone as much as a Revelation 3:16 problem.

                The whole “but she didn’t campaign on that!” defense we saw from time to time demonstrates the problem.

                At time T, she proudly asserted X. At time Tsub1, she stopped talking about X entirely.

                Are supporters of X happy? Not particularly.
                Are opponents of X happy? Not particularly.Report

              • North in reply to Jaybird

                I still think that she “got away with it” in terms of that she did not kowtow or campaign to woke terms and, at times, even pointed away from woke terms and woke figures didn’t cause heck for her in retaliation for those decisions.

                She still lost, of course, but not because she wasn’t woke enough. Had she been more woke I think she would have lost by wider margins and suffered more downstream effects on her party.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to North

                Had she been more woke, she might have shored up Michigan and maybe North Carolina/Georgia.

                Had she gone more antiwoke and repudiated the stuff she said years prior and explained it away as a strange artifact of Trump I 2019 delusions, she might have shored up some of the legion of demographics she lost and I don’t know how that would have played out.

                But doing it the way she did it was…

                Well, I suppose the fundamental question is “is there anything, anything at all, that Kamala could have done to win?”

                And if the answer is “no”, well…

                Here we are.

                Maybe we should have followed Pelosi’s original plan.Report

              • North in reply to Jaybird

                I lay this mostly at Bidens door personally and can’t muster a lot of venom towards Harris herself. Going on Rogan, for instance, probably wouldn’t have mattered in the least. A different overarching strategy might have worked. While Trump won widely his margin was very narrow, beaten only by the narrowness of his margin in 2016. So it is pretty plausible that a different strategy would have plausibly netted the 2% difference she needed to reverse Trumps win into a similar win of her own.

                My point, though, is that when you talk about the Dems embracing utilitarianism more and not suffering punishment from DEI forces that really is what happened with this election. I submit it’s more that DEI forces are -incapable- of punishing the way you imagine because they literally don’t command an adequate voting constituency to “punish” that way. Even Michigan, specifically the Palestinian heritage voters there, which is your strongest example is quite weak. Those voters don’t consider themselves in DEI terms in the least. They’re “bring an end to the Jewish entity” not “argle bargle spray of DEI catchphrases”. Yes some of the DEI set gloms onto that, absolutely, but it’s not central to the actual voters thought processes or principles.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to North

                If there is nothing, absolutely nothing, Kamala could have done to win, you’re absolutely right.

                So we probably want to put some resources into “how might we be able to tell the difference between politicians who might win national elections and ones that are like Harris or Clinton?”

                If there were two or three things that she could have done differently and moved the needle, we probably want to hammer down what they are.

                Personally, I think a Sista Soulja moment would have helped. I think she should have had a different answer to the question of what she would have done differently than Biden. I think she should have told her staffers to pound sand and then gone on Joe Rogan.

                To pick three things off the top of my head.

                But maybe she, like Joe, was doomed to lose.Report

              • North in reply to Jaybird

                Sure, but since I don’t hold the position that Kamala couldn’t have won the election (considering how close it was that position strikes me as irrational) is all non-sequitur.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to North

                If she could have won the election, I submit: Talking about obvious mistakes made and what should have been done instead is not a non-sequitur but an actual important thing.Report

              • North in reply to Jaybird

                Sure, but your original point was:
                “Guys, guys, guys… we’re here to talk about fighting Trump. We’re not going to open with a Land Acknowledgment and we’re not going to talk about Gaza.”

                Think you can get away with that?

                Because I lean “no” for the moment.”

                And I pointed out that Kamala did actually do what you’re describing and “got away with it” in terms that the identarian left didn’t rise up against her. Now I think this is because both A) the identarian left chose not to rise up against her considering the stakes and B) the identarian left doesn’t command the voter support for them to rise up against her in a way that wouldn’t have resulted in them simply being thrown out of the party apparatus.

                You can absolutely say “Kamala should have explicitly campaigned against identity issues” and I’d be sympathetic. But you can’t accurately say that the utilitarian actions you describe for the Dems can’t/haven’t been done in the party when she literally did them in the 2024 campaign. Heck, let’s be clear eyed here, with as close Kamala came to winning; if she -hadn’t- been carrying the baggage from 2016 that she did, she might very well have pulled off a win with the “say nothing” strategy towards the DEI stuff.

                Now, I think DEI is 80/20 featherbedding and posturing pap/useful prognosis’ that started out marginally bad in political terms and has become unambiguously political poison and the fifth of it that is useful/meritted is also pretty uncontroversial so I’d be quite fine with a future Democratic candidate being overtly anti-DEI indulgence. I just would like us to accurately describe the lay of the political land instead of regurgitating something that sounds like a mid spicy level Fox news talking point.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to North

                And I pointed out that Kamala did actually do what you’re describing and “got away with it” in terms that the identarian left didn’t rise up against her.

                I suppose we can hammer out who qualifies as being identarian left or not but the only demographics that Kamala increased her numbers with are white guys with grad school.

                Trump’s share increased in every other demographic. I can find you the chart, if you’d like.Report

              • North in reply to Jaybird

                It’s okay, you don’t need to prove my point for me further. White guys with grad school are almost a traced over circle on a Venn diagram with the identarian left.Report

              • InMD in reply to North


            • DavidTC in reply to Jaybird

              Do you think that the moral leadership will be willing to embrace some vulgar utilitarianism to get a handful more bedfellows? “Guys, guys, guys… we’re here to talk about fighting Trump. We’re not going to open with a Land Acknowledgment and we’re not going to talk about Gaza.”

              Think you can get away with that?

              Because I lean “no” for the moment.

              Do you literally know any organizer or process or _anything_ on the left? Have you actually ever participated or even listened to a discussion on the left? Or is it just a bunch of stereotypes and parodies running around inside your head?Report

              • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC

                I just know stuff like “the staffers didn’t want Harris to go on Joe Rogan” and stuff like the museum who stopped their Kimono photo shoots because of Cultural Appropriation.

                Oh, and the whole “comedy isn’t supposed to punch down” moment we had for a minute there.Report

          • North in reply to Saul Degraw

            You and I don’t disagree much Saul. DEI is assuredly, along with a terrifyingly large number of NGO’s and nonprofits, the left wing equivalent of the rights’ megapastor Christian circuit. And, much like the megapastor Christians before it, the whole thing has made the left look bad and steered the left in unproductive cul de sacs.

            I would never, ever, say that Trump is worth getting rid of DEI. We seemed to be steadily rolling it back on our own. But I have no qualms about saying that Trump tossing it out is probably more good than bad. Those highly educated folks will simply have to find other jobs instead.Report

            • Saul Degraw in reply to North

              As part of this purported anti-DEI push, he is rescinding civil rights era executive orders that no other President has done so, be careful what you wish for. Nothing Trump does is worth all the damage he will also do. Nothing


              • InMD in reply to Saul Degraw

                Gotta learn to pick our battles, Saul. The kind of discrimination I’m assuming you’re concerned about would still violate the equal protection clause and possibly also the civil rights act.

                We also have to deal with the reality that as necessary as some of these things were 60 years ago the country has changed. The rules and regs have also metastasized from simple non-discrimination requirements into a morass of rent seeking, shadow quotas, and new forms discrimination, all to the detriment of state competence, capacity, and trust. If they really do want to start discriminating against racial minorities there are plenty of tools to fight back. Otherwise it’s time to let it go.Report

              • Saul Degraw in reply to InMD

                That is not what Trump is doing and it is very naive to think it is what he is doing. He is taking a wrecking ball to everything and trying to roll us back to Lochner or further.Report

              • North in reply to Saul Degraw

                Of course not, nor would I ever say otherwise.Report

              • Brandon Berg in reply to Saul Degraw

                As should be expected from Blueski, this is disingenuous and/or histrionic. Race and sex discrimination in employment is already illegal for all businesses (excepting those with legitimate requirements for sex-specific hiring), which includes government contractors. He rescinded this EO for the affirmative action provision, not the redundant anti-discrimination provisions.Report

            • DavidTC in reply to North

              Yeah, um, this thread needs to be archived and pulled out in about a month, I think. Maybe two.

              Because what people seem to think is going to happen is not what is going to happen.

              BTW, I’ve seen literally no one here mention that Trump is including going after accessibility as part of this.Report

          • Philip H in reply to Saul Degraw

            Its not just for us feds – there’s a separate EO requiring it to be policed out of contracts and grants.Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to Jaybird

      There are probably duelling Atlantic pieces upcoming about the significance of ending DEI on MLK day.

      I’ll probably agree with one of them.Report

  6. InMD

    My reactions are as follows:

    1. EO on Birthright citizenship- bad policy for reasons I went onto on other post, probably unconstitutional.

    2. Border Emergency- unclear what this actually does, if anything. Seems likely to be empty posturing.

    3. Getting rid of work remote bad, getting rid of DEI good, don’t know enough about the protections but my anecdotal experience from my brief stint as a federal employee was that there was little discipline or accountability anywhere.

    4. Paris- bad, but probably doesn’t mean much given the chances of anyone meeting what they agreed to are already low. Climate will be mitigated (or not) by tech not treaties.

    5. Weaponization of the government- unclear what this actually means.

    6. TikTok- very bad if in fact unilaterally disregarding a law passed by Congress.

    7. 1/6 Pardons- also very bad for reasons that seem too obvious to require further explanation.Report

    • LeeEsq in reply to InMD

      1. Ending Birthright citizenship by EO isn’t unconstitutional if five out of four Supreme Court Justices say it is fine by sophistry.

      2. It means that asylum seekers can’t enter the United States through the Mexican-US border along with other people even if they have visas and such.

      3. I’m very meh on DEI but the right is not going after it in good faith but as a bogeyman. Getting rid of remote work is a way to exert dominance and insure compliance.

      4, 5, and 6 agreee.

      7. Trump needs his freikorps.Report

      • Brandon Berg in reply to LeeEsq

        Ending Birthright citizenship by EO isn’t unconstitutional if five out of four Supreme Court Justices say it is fine by sophistry.

        Worked for FDR, but we have a better class of justice on the Court now. There are legitimate questions about whether Congress can eliminate automatic citizenship for children of illegal immigrants (no, Wong Kim Ark didn’t address this), but it definitely can’t be done unilaterally by the President.Report

  7. Jaybird

    Trump just rescinded Lyndon Johnson’s EO 11246. That’s the Affirmative Action one.Report

  8. Marchmaine

    Trump pardoning the Silk Road guy is, I think, the direction his Administration is going. Team Grey social and economic policies… everything else yadda yadda evangelicals and Christian Nationalists – pure smoke screen.Report

  9. Saul Degraw

    Executive Order BlitzkreigReport

    • Philip H in reply to Saul Degraw

      Following Bannon’s advice to flood the zone with sh!t so people ( meaning mostly the media) become overwhelmed and shut down, ending opposition.

      Seems to be working.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

        CNN is moving Jim Acosta’s slot to midnight and Wolf Blitzer is taking over the old one.

        If only there were a news station worth watching! Wait, let’s check on the ratings of the big three

        In total day, Fox News averaged 1.46 million viewers, up 21%, followed by MSNBC with 791,000, up 2%, and CNN with 481,000, which was flat. In the 25-54 demo, Fox News averaged 186,000, up 26%, followed by CNN with 91,000, down 3%, and MSNBC with 84,000, down 2%.

        Since the election, Fox News said it has drawn 72% of the primetime cable news audience, with MSNBC averaging 576,000 viewers, down 57% from the period of 2024 up to Election Day, and CNN averaging 378,000, down 49%.

        Overwhelmed must be the only explanation, I guess.Report

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