Weekend Plans Post: The Swing of Things


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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6 Responses

  1. Slade the Leveller

    Last year we started bi-monthly lunch and cards with our mom and the tradition continues this Saturday. We’ve been playing a game called Skyjo. It’s mostly luck, with a little skill thrown in, and it’s perfect for kibbitzing.

    Church and seeing an old friend on Sunday. Hopefully, the tail end of this stupid cold I came down with after Christmas.Report

  2. fillyjonk

    Stuck at home for now because of Snowmageddon II – we got maybe 6″ of snow yesterday and today, which is enough to shut everything down. (We do not have a snowplow brigade, most the city does is throw a little sand on the intersections and wish us good luck, so if I don’t need (life-or-death matter) to go out, I don’t.

    I got back into town on Wednesday, after getting literally the only Texas Eagle running this week, and making my way through a pre-winter-storm-panic Kroger run to get groceries after having been gone nearly 3 weeks.

    So yesterday I put away the Christmas decorations and dealt with the accumulated mail; today I cleaned the house up a bit and did laundry and baked a meatloaf.

    I can hear guys in their big pickup trucks trying to navigate the piled up/rutted snow in the street and it doesn’t sound good. It’s supposed to get down to the teens tonight so I guess I stay home tomorrow as well. I have the kitchen sink (poorly insulated north wall of the house) on a slow drip just as a precaution.

    It’s warm enough in here and I have food and I have clean sheets on my bed, so I guess that’s really all I need.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to fillyjonk

      Welcome home. Sorry the weather sucks. I’m glad you survived the Kroger run… I know that I think it’s excruciating when I have to stand in line behind two people. A Snowmageddon Shopping Trip probably sucks thrice as much.

      Good luck this weekend. I hope you got a little something like a cinnamon roll or something equally frivolous to help with Saturday morning.Report

  3. Jaybird

    Listening to this one tonight:

    This lyric is so dumb but it’s also very much stuck in my head until I die:

    Hey, what’s your favorite song
    Maybe we could hum alongReport

  4. InMD

    The snow sucks. Winter is my least favorite time of year by about 1000 miles. There’s just no point in the entire season, not after Christmas and New Years pass. This week was already chaos with my wife and I having to juggle children with remote work through Thursday morning and now a little dusting overnight resulted in my older son’s basketball practice canceled. The justification has gone from roads are bad to ‘parking lots and sidewalks are unsafe’ and my eyes could not roll harder. As a society we have to face up to the fact that people who can’t walk around a little snow and/or ice in a parking lot without killing themselves are beyond our help.

    Anyway while I’m stuck inside with a couple of feral animals I’ll be trying to catch some wild card action. Hoping Jayden Daniels went down to TB with some of this ice in his veins.Report

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