Open Mic for the week of 1/6/2025


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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46 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    Trump’s vote certification went through without a hitch, not even a symbolic protest like in 2016, 2004, or 2000.

    Prepare your “straightforward from here” takes.Report

  2. Philip H

    So it turns out all the protect the kids from being turned transgender was indeed a moral panic. Well done us:

    “The total number of youth who had any diagnosis of gender dysphoria was less than 18,000,” Hughes explains. “Among those folks, there were less than 1,000 [youth] that accessed puberty blockers and less than 2,000 that ever had access to hormones.”

    In other words, the study found that less than 0.1% of teenagers with private insurance in the U.S. are transgender and receive gender-related medicines.

    • Dark Matter in reply to Philip H

      From your own link, about 3% of youth self identify as trans. “Youth” implies 43 million people.

      Thus the potential “size” of this issue is 1.3 million people.Report

      • Philip H in reply to Dark Matter

        1.3M is the total universe, not the universe actually receiving medical treatments under psychological supervision – which is much smaller. That aside, this is still a vanishingly small community in a country of 340,110,988, and their receiving standard of care (under the supervision of physicians and psychologists with parental permission) makes them no threat to anyone – as if helping people live as their authentic selves should be a threat to begin with.

        All this boils down to the fact that those who waste political energy on “battling” transgender people this cycle did so from a morally corrupt and cynical position, a statement now backed up by empirical fact. Those “warriors” deserve derision and mockery for attempting to inflict pain and suffering on a tiny number of children – and public shame if they attempted to do while claiming to be Christian.Report

        • Derek S in reply to Philip H

          “derision and mockery for attempting to inflict pain and suffering on a tiny number of children”

          Funny, I would use this myself against your opinion on this. My position saves children from the pain and suffering of sterilizing and/or militating themselves before being and adult. We don’t let children drink, smoke, own guns, or marry until then.

          Also, a large number of children with gender dysphoria do not continue into adulthood.

          One such study

          This is a no brainer to add to the list for me and let the children’s bodies and brains continue to grow naturally and see how they finish in adulthood.Report

        • Dark Matter in reply to Philip H

          did so from a morally corrupt and cynical position, a statement now backed up by empirical fact.

          Female genital mutilation doesn’t affect many people in the US. Ergo opposition to it must be “morally corrupt and cynical”.

          Adults making serious and permanent changes to the genitals of children seems like something that should get a lot of attention.Report

    • LeeEsq in reply to Philip H

      Moral panics never depended on facts and numbers.Report

      • Philip H in reply to LeeEsq

        Of course they don’t. But when the facts don’t align with the panic-ers narrative I will happily call them idiots in public because they richly deserve the derisive shame I intend to pile on them.Report

  3. Pinky

    Would it be weird if I came back just to remind everyone that I predicted Harris getting 230 electoral votes on July 2? That’d be weird, right? (I’m always terrible at guessing election results. I need this victory lap.)Report

  4. Saul Degraw

    Looks like we might not have super high tariffs after all:

  5. Jaybird

    Facebook has announced new policies regarding… well, I’ll let Zuck tell you.

    The content moderation team is moving from California to Texas.Report

  6. Jaybird

    Oh, and Dana White is now on the board at Meta. (He’s the UFC guy.)Report

  7. Saul Degraw

    The Bulwark looks at the curious case of Lindy Li, a woman who spent 2024 being a very big Democratic cheerleader in PA but turned to a proud Fox News apostate right after the election.Report

  8. Philip H

    Meta’s retreat from fact checking (trying out Elon X) makes malicious rewriting of history even easier:

    Christian nationalists rationalize their will to dominance on false claims that they are the “true” Americans and the rest of us — liberal Christians, non-believers, non-Christians — are interlopers. That’s why fake history is central to their project. Barton, for instance, focuses mainly on falsifying evidence that the founders didn’t “really” believe all that stuff about the separation of church and state they wrote directly into the Constitution and defended in the Federalist Papers. Instead, he concocts a fictional history where they wanted Christianity imposed by law on the nation.

    • Jaybird in reply to Philip H

      Oh, Amanda Marcotte! There’s a blast from the past!

      Anyway, I would prefer a note at the bottom of a post praising Johnson’s statement saying “we have no documents where Jefferson said this” to censoring the post praising Johnson’s statement.

      “You’re not allowed to praise what Johnson said since what Johnson said was factually inaccurate”.

      Who the hell are you to make that call?Report

  9. Philip H

    The GOP has learned things from Trump:

    The challenge that affected the largest number of voters was Griffin’s argument that voters who did not have a driver’s license number or Social Security number on file should not have been allowed to vote. State election officials say there are myriad reasons a voter may not have those numbers in the database — many of which are no fault of their own. But Griffin argued it could lead to ineligible voters being able to cast a ballot. The State Board of Elections disagreed. In mostly party-line votes last month, the board, which has a 3 to 2 Democratic majority, dismissed all of his protests.

    Read more at:

  10. Jaybird

    Jay Varma has written an opinion piece for the Daily Beast: Why I Shouldn’t Have Been Shamed for My Pandemic Sex Parties

    The main thing I was thinking while I read it was “why, oh why, did he not share this with the world *BEFORE* the election?”Report

  11. Saul Degraw

    What economic forces will Trump use to get Canada to bend the knee?Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Saul Degraw

      Threats of chili powder, cayenne pepper.Report

    • Brent F in reply to Saul Degraw

      Tariffs in theory could utterly tank the Canadian economy fast, because North America is so networked together.

      The upshot is that American takes all kind of damage that the voters weren’t going to expect in that scenario. Gasoline becomes crazy expensive in the Pacific Northwest and Midwest because it runs on Canadian imports, the traditional American automakers have production grind to a halt because the supply chain is integrated. Chaos is the word of the day.

      Canada takes way more damage, but is also going to have vastly more political will to weather the crisis than Americans who had no idea why the prices went up but hate it.Report

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