From Tablet Mag: Rapid-Onset Political Enlightenment


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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10 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    Note: Tabletmag does lean “conservative”. So… trigger warning, I guess. “Contains Conservative Thoughts”.Report

    • North in reply to Jaybird

      Conservative thoughts? That’s got to be the harshest thing anyone has said about conservatives on this site in ages Jaybird. Well done.

      The headline of this article, note, is “How Barack Obama Build an Omnipotent Thought-Machine and how it was destroyed” and I think that summarizes the tone and thought quality of the article well.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to North

        That is the subhed on the post!

        I thought that the article was good enough to read anyway.Report

      • LeeEsq in reply to North

        Tablet started off as an interesting Jewish online magazine whose politics reflected standard American Jewish politics. The editors eventually started leaning right but also knew the politics of most American Jews so controlled themselves. It looks like they decided to go full into the far right edge of American Jews.Report

        • North in reply to LeeEsq

          Thank you for confirming my suspicions because I have, over the years, read a number of Tablet articles (one about the politics of ultra orthodox public schooling funding in NY; another about the rabbinical background thought on biblical Noah) that were informative, thoughtful and deeply researched so this one really surprised me.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to LeeEsq

          Far right edge?

          You didn’t accuse them of being “wrong” but of being “far right”. But, you clarified, not, like, a general far right, but far right for American Jews.

          Which confuses the issue even more.Report

  2. Jaybird

    In a similar vein, Twilight of the Liberal Left is a good read.

    How will the Democrats rebuild in the face of a loss of this magnitude?

    I suppose my money should remain on “Denial”…Report

  3. Slade the Leveller


    “Trump’s head turn was a perfect example of an event that has no explanation outside the favor of the gods, or whatever modern equivalent involving wind factors and directional probabilities you might prefer to the word “God.” Trump was fated to win, just as Achilles was fated to overcome Hector, because the gods, or if you prefer the forces of cosmic randomness, were on his side, on that day, at that moment. That move not only saved his life by allowing him to escape an assassin’s bullet; it revitalized his chi and set in motion a series of subsequent events that generated a reordering of the entire world.”Report

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