New York City Mayor Eric Adams Indictment: Read It For Yourself

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5 Responses

  1. Kazzy

    Compare how Democrats respond to this with how Republicans respond(ed) to Trump.Report

  2. InMD

    When I saw the news I figured they’d finally found evidence that he has been living in New Jersey all along. Totally different from what I expected.Report

  3. Jaybird

    Turkey? That’s it? And he influenced the opening of the Turkish Consulate?

    That’s… that’s table stakes for becoming Mayor of NYC.Report

  4. Marchmaine

    There seems to be a lot of pent-up anger against free flights and upgrades. And we don’t even have Ryan Air here.

    The Matching Funds Fraud was safeguarded by *notarized* certification letter… which strikes me as Tammany shorthand for Give me My Matching funds — at least when we compare it to 21st century electronic verification and work flow financial technology.

    I’m further bemused by the FDNY/Turkish Consulate occupancy certificate scandal which genuinely seems like good ‘Borough Presidenting’

    Somebody hates Adams in NYC, I’m just curious who and why — I couldn’t care less whether he sinks or swims.Report

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