Weekend Plans Post: Greek Couscous Salad


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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9 Responses

  1. Reformed Republican

    Peanut Butter, the new kitten we found nearly two weeks ago, has adjusted well. Her first vet appointment showed her to be in good health. After a day or two of shyness, she became a typical bold kitten, though she would still hiss when first approached. Now, she doesn’t even bother with the hissing.

    Last night, we moved her from medical quarantine across the house to social quarantine in the master bathroom. The cats can smell one another through the door but cannot really interact much more than that. Our oldest cat does not seem to care. The next oldest cat is disturbed by this new development. The third oldest seems very curious about the kitten.

    Tonight, we will let the kitten out into a larger area to play and get familiar with, and tomorrow we might try to introduce her to cat #3 in that area, since she seems interested but not threatened.

    Aside from that, tomorrow is a board game meetup. I also need to mow and take care of some other stuff around the house. Beyond that, hopefully some relaxation.Report

  2. Damon

    Couscous: I recently did something similar……

    I used a stove top and it was ready faster than your rice cooker. I dumped it into a bowl, added extra virgin olive oil, pieces of roasted salmon, tomatoes, oregano, roasted squash chopped up, salt and pepper. It’s also good with a good salty hard cheese like asiago. YMMVReport

  3. Marchmaine

    That’s a great dish… we have it all the time with grilled foods. We make it as a Greek country salad substitute: Tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions and feta, but tossed with red wine vinegar and olive oil… heavier on the vinegar side — helps cut through the grilled meat flavors.Report

  4. Jaybird

    Okay. A warning. The store was out of Moroccan-style couscous but it had Israeli-style pearl couscous and so I did some substitution.

    It’s still good, but it’s 100% different. Like, only get the pearl couscous if you’re going to be making a non-Greek variant.

    It’s like eating greek oatmeal.Report

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