Weekend Plans Post: The New Grocery Store


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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6 Responses

  1. InMD

    I have never heard of Sprouts but I just googled it and apparently we have some in the area, including one along the scenic route to my parents house. Maybe we will check it out.

    Trader Joe’s I have found seems to set up shop in the worst parking lots known to man. Ours isn’t far but is such a nightmare to get in and out of that we’ve basically given up on it. Whole Foods is really just an occasional, holiday shopping experience. We get our Turkey for Thanksgiving there, and stuff for Christmas dinner, but not much else. Our Costco is like a quarterly trip to the bazaar. Over time my wife and I have made kind of a date out of the experience (we go somewhere for dinner afterwards, no reliance on the hot dogs). Weekly it’s delivery from boring ol’ Giant.

    This weekend is going to be packed. We are trying to get as much in as possible before weekends fill up with childrens’ sports and birthdays and get togethers again after school starts. Saturday morning we are going to the zoo, which is my favorite dorky family activity. Saturday night both(!) kids will be with grandparents so we are getting an awesome date of dinner, drinks and Alien. Sunday going up to Bmore to see the O’s against the Astros where they will hopefully not embarrass themselves like last night.

    I am pumped.Report

  2. Damon

    We have several stores in the area. Wegmans, some Asian place in little Koreatown, Giant, an Aldi and I think there is a Sprouts somewhere to.

    Never been to most of them. The grocery that I go to has most of what i want. I do need to roll up to the Korean grocer store when I get around to making molcejete de mariscos for some octopus.Report

  3. fillyjonk

    I have a wal mart supercenter, a small regional chain grocery that mostly doesn’t carry my preferred brands, and a one-off small grocery called Green Spray

    if I drive an hour’s round trip I can have Kroger’s, or an hour and a quarter, a Brookshire’s.

    I was unreasonably excited the other day in Green Spray to see that they now carry a couple of the kind of Tillamook cheese shreds – only place in town where I’ve ever seen them. I hope Green Spray is upscaling their offerings; they’re already the most expensive.

    I can only dream about getting to a whole foods or costco or TJs. Or Asian markets.

    I WISH we had a larger better supermarket but I bet it never happens, given that my city loves pushing for additional sales taxes (yes on groceries but supposedly that’s set to end). Also no one here really has any money so the upscaley places aren’t coming.

    I just wish there was something other than wal-freaking-mart or basically small storesReport

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