JD Vance and Yawgmoth’s Bargain


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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21 Responses

  1. Chip Daniels

    I’m pretty sure the reason women despise Vance has nothing whatsoever to do with Magic The Gathering.Report

  2. Doctor Jay

    While there are lots of examples of women who don’t like MTG or the people who play it, it isn’t universal. I know a few women who play MTG, or have played it. I think what 15-year-old girls really don’t like is 13-year-old boys, and older boys who still act like they are 13.

    Early teens. It’s a transition we all went through.Report

  3. Doctor Jay

    Well, I have to say that I’ve known other young men that loved to play black decks, dress in black, and act like they are the baddest thing in the room. As long as they weren’t running for Vice President, I felt kind of sympathetic to them, since the whole thing seems like they are trying to convince themselves more than anybody else.Report

  4. Saul Degraw

    Oh JFC, women don’t dislike Vance because he played Magic even if it is still a mainly male thing to do. Women dislike Vance because he is an anti-abortion extremist, a hypocrite, and basically gets to as close to arguing that allowing women to vote was a big mistake without explicitly stating it.Report

  5. LeeEsq

    Many years ago somebody on Gawker wrote a mean article that made fun of her date because he admitted to playing Magic the Gathering. Therefore, women who refuse to vote for Trump and Vance are doing so because of Magic the Gathering rather than Dobbs and the promise to ban abortion, contraceptives, and end recreational sex? Do I have this right Jaybird?Report

    • Jaybird in reply to LeeEsq

      Dude, all I was doing was taking the deck that he said that was his favorite and broke it down for the reader.

      “Yawgmoth’s Bargain,” you might have asked reading the excerpt from the article. “What the hell is that?”, you might ask.

      Well. That’s the deck. That’s the basic combo (though, as Dark Matter points out, there are others that could also work with it).Report

  6. Dark Matter

    Now this by itself isn’t *THAT* powerful… but there are a handful of combos you can use to make it deadly… specifically, these two:

    I can think of others. Mirror Universe swaps life totals with your opponent. Basically any deck which is speed/burn might benefit from this… although the 6 mana to cast thankfully means it’s not a turn two thing.Report

  7. North

    I’m going to comment, gently and with affection, that the various commenters who’re jumping on Jaybird for this post seem to be reading really really far between the literal lines of what he wrong. I’m going to further suggest, again with genuine affection to my co-leftists, that you consider that your reaction in these comments may well be making a point for Jay that he couldn’t have achieved had we stuck to the themes Chip, Dark and Doctor Jay’s comments hewed to that I endorse whole heartedly.Report

  8. Fish

    Based on my own experience, the real problem is 15-year-old Vance hanging out with the wrong 15-year-old girls. But yeah, I get it. Even as a nerdy D&D player I looked at Magic and thought, “No way…I ain’t THAT nerdy!” But now here I am many years later with close to 20 decks and having just this week spent mumble mumble mumble dollars to upgrade my Shelob, Child of Ungoliant spider tribal (excuse me: KINDRED) deck.Report

    • North in reply to Fish

      I’d be in MTG myself but, some 20 years ago, around the time Weatherlight came out I realized how the card treadmill system worked and that I’d be buying cards endlessly and decided (with Weatherlight and my hatred of that crew lending a mild assist) to stop playing.
      But my husband is still in it bad. We have a constant running battle between his desire to cover every surface of our home with cards and my minimalist tendencies endlessly driving them back into the crate(s) and binders where they’re supposed to be contained.Report

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