Clare Briggs

Clare Briggs is a famous cartoonist who lived from 1875 to 1930. Poems by Wilbur Nesbitt.

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3 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    1907… there was a tie between the Cubbies and the Pirates.

    The Cubs went on to win the World Series that year so now you can imagine this guy beaming and saying he knew it all along.Report

  2. Steve Casburn

    The fourth and fifth games were a doubleheader, with one of the games making up a game previously postponed because the grounds were too wet for play.

    According to the Chicago Inter Ocean newspaper of July 1, 1907: “[Umpire] Hank O’Day called the [fifth] game [in the 13th inning] because every one [sic] was tired and hungry.”Report

  3. Steve Casburn

    Before this series started, the Cubs had a season record of 47-12, and led the National League by a commanding 11 games. Going 1-4-1 against the Pirates did not make much of a dent in their lead, cutting it to 8.5 games.

    The Cubs did indeed sweep all four games against the Reds, and went on to win the National League on the trot, with a final record of 107-45-3.Report

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