Did Europe’s Farmer Protests Change Anything?

Bill Wirtz

Bill Wirtz is an agriculture policy analyst for the Consumer Choice Center

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1 Response

  1. Chip Daniels

    Perversely, much of the European right that challenged environmental rules in their campaigns will still be happy to see mirror clauses popularized, because they are a convenient way to erect protectionist measures for their constituents.

    One of the weaknesses of reactionaries is that they are incapable of actually solving the mundane problems of governance, such as managing trade, handling complex environmental problems and the like.

    This is because the motivating engine of reactionism (as opposed to merely conservatism) is grievance and spite. The primary motivation for the European and American reactionaries is ethnic and cultural grievance, a desire to set a social hierarchy in place.

    Themes of invasion and cultural decline bring the crowds to their feet and to the polls, while the issues of climate change and efficient management of trade are seen as boring and only used as proxy for the culture battles.Report

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