Bring Back Signet Rings

Jeffery Tyler Syck

Jeffery Tyler Syck is a professor at University of Pikeville (Kentucky). In addition to writing and commentary, he is currently working on a book about the political essays of John Quincy Adams. He is on Twitter @tylersyck and his website

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2 Responses

  1. Andrew Donaldson

    As I good-naturedly jokes with the author when he submitted this, you can tell who has never had a job in an industrial environment…Report

    • Michael Cain in reply to Andrew Donaldson

      Not just industrial environments. Back in the 80s I was working on a reasonably complicated wire-wrap printed circuit board, reached under it, and inadvertently hit several of the wire-wrap posts with my wedding ring. Fried a $700 chip. And this despite knowing about the significant scar on my father’s left-hand ring finger, where his wedding ring short-circuited the positive and ground on the DC power supply for an aircraft carrier’s sonar system. Visible damage at the points of contact on his ring that he never had repaired.

      The most paranoid person I knew about electrical equipment had worked 10 years in a large commercial power plant. Even 10 years after he left that environment, if he was walking around he had both hands behind his back, one holding tightly to the other wrist. He was the only engineer I ever knew who could give a technical talk and never make a hand gesture.Report

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