Weekend Plans Post: Ground-Penetrating Radar, Short Weekends, and Grape Juice


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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7 Responses

  1. Fish

    Hope all is well!

    Not much planned for this weekend. Looks like it’s going to be a bit cooler this weekend so I might leash up the dog and take her hiking again. We did six or so miles last weekend and she trotted the whole way (except for the bits where she found a shady spot and refused to budge for a few minutes–smart dog). Otherwise, not a whole lot going on.Report

  2. Reformed Republican

    This is a short weekend for me. I work 4-tens, and I normally get Mondays off. However, this week I moved my day off to Wednesday, and I am also taking Friday off. However, it’s not all fun and games, because my wife will be getting oral surgery on Wednesday to put in the hardware for a tooth implant to replace one that had to be pulled. On the bright side, I will have six days off. On the lest bright side, part of that might be nursing my wife, depending on how she feels.

    Despite being a short weekend, I do have board games tomorrow. Sunday will involve some grocery shopping, and I’m not sure what else. I will probably mostly take it easy.Report

  3. fillyjonk

    Brutally hot here and I’m STILL dealing with the chigger bites (they can take 2 weeks to heal; I still have one super itchy spot on a shoulder). So I’m not sure. Not eager to go in and do work while campus is closed for the 4-day summer week because they put the AC on low and the buildings get hot, and I nearly had an asthma attack yesterday (from the humidity in the building plus working for the past several days with damp soil, even though I was wearing an N95 mask)

    I’d like to go and do something “fun” but I stepped out of the house to take a bag of trash to the wheelie bin, and….WHEW. Maybe not. It’s supposed to be like this…..well, probably until September….Report

  4. Carl Schwent

    Were they checking your liver or exploring for oil?Report

  5. Slade the Leveller

    It’s the weekend of the annual minor league baseball trip with my son, a tradition we’ve carried on since 2006. We played 9 holes of golf before the game tonight, and we’re driving up to a LPGA tournament before tomorrow’s game.

    It’s a trip I really look forward to every year.Report

  6. Marchmaine

    My Doctor asked if I knew what Foie Gras was trying to educate/jolt me… my only thought was a Homer Simpson-esqe, ‘yes, and it’s delicious’.

    Unfortunately non-Alcoholic fatty liver runs in my family; probably what took down my Yiayia (before all this fancy technology stuff). Which is sad because all she ate was baseline immigrant food she made herself. When asked what one does for this he said, have you considered kale? And I was able to rattle off half a dozen of my favorite ways to use Kale. He meant, no, just Kale Kale. Ah well, there’s an exit strategy for all of us, just have to figure out how to manage it.

    On the brighter side, it’s not every weekend that a fella comes to the house to talk about marrying your daughter. So we had a nice sitdown and I told him he must answer these questions three ere my blessing he would see. Well, technically four questions, but you know.

    Sociologically the match is interesting because he’s 1st Generation Greek (both sides), I’m 2nd Generation (half), and my daughter 3rd Generation (quarter)… which will make their children slightly more Greek than I, and culturally closer to how my Dad was raised than I. She’s college educated; he left after a year and now manages several properties he and his uncle own; the sort of guy who can do anything… tear down a boiler? Re-roof a Cabin? Navigate DC rental laws? Keep peace/order in an urban building? Sure. First time I met him he reminded me of my Uncle Damianos; uncannily so. Open hearted, gregarious, smart, but not clever, people oriented with a high EQ, and the sort of person who just does what needs doing without tallying the debt or cost of it. He wouldn’t fit in here at all.

    They are travelling to Greece with his parents to meet the rest of the family, including his 102 year old Papou; who, I’m guessing, doesn’t have a fatty liver.Report

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