Weekend Plans Post: Molasses Baked Beans and Laparoscopy


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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12 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    We’re back home. We’re tucked in.


  2. fillyjonk

    You guys get the snow there? I hope that didn’t boondoggle any of the medical stuff.

    I spent last evening nervously watching the weather radar; first there was a tornadic storm to the west of me (but that tracked north and then fizzled out), then there was an enormous one to the south of me that looked like it would clip our area. As it turns out, it didn’t, but it was a tense evening for a while.

    Next week is my spring break so tomorrow I’ll do Zoom knitting and probably get some groceries and maybe try to clean the house a bit given that I’m now marginally more mobile. (I was able to climb the stairs today to get to my office the “normal” way, and not by leaving my right leg on the lower step and then stepping first with my left leg and pulling the right one up after it)Report

    • Jaybird in reply to fillyjonk

      The snow is one of those 5-year events, I guess.

      The drive to the hospital started out okay… I managed to sweep the walk and the (top half of) the driveway and we started out thinking “this isn’t so bad… if we keep to the main arteries and go slow and steady…” and then, about halfway through, we went from “a snow day like the snow days when you were a kid” to “hazardous” and we went down a gear and went slower and steadier until we got in.

      At which point we started worrying that the doctors might call in.

      BUT NO!!! THEY MADE IT!!!!

      And we came home around 4ish and the roads were kinda crappy so we went “slow and steady” and we got Maribou inside and I swept the walk and the drive again and then at 8PM I swept the walk and the drive *AGAIN* and we went to bed and woke up and now I’m debating whether I want to go out and sweep the walk and the drive again.Report

      • Fish in reply to Jaybird

        I just returned from digging a path across the back deck to the steps for the dogs. We’ve got around 18 inches or so, and it’s heavy and wet underneath the fluff.

        Glad MB is home safe.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to Fish

          The steps, which were cleared off last night at 8, were piled up to meet the level of the step above. So how high is a step? 6 or 7 inches? Well, that’s how much snow we got overnight.

          Sun’s back out tomorrow (though cloudy) and it’s back out in full force on Monday.

          So all of this will be gone by Tuesday.Report

          • Michael Cain in reply to Jaybird

            Fort Collins had a couple of inches on the grassy areas this morning, less on pavement. The road in front of my townhouse is clear and dry (no plow). The wind patterns set up so that we got a downslope off the Cheyenne Ridge* that forced the moisture around us and kept us a few degrees above freezing for almost the whole time.

            * The Cheyenne Ridge is the lesser-known northern counterpart to the Palmer Divide south of Denver.Report

  3. Slade the Leveller

    Big celebration weekend for us. Nowruz (observed) on Saturday and St. Paddy’s day on Sunday. I’m making some bacon wrapped dates stuffed with chorizo and goat cheese for Sat. and soda bread on Sunday.

    Also, going to see a band called Luna tonight. I’ve never seen or heard them so I checked their music out on Spotify. It’ll be a bit of a snoozefest, but I haven’t seen my friend in a bit so I’m going for that reason. Plus, the ticket is reasonable and I might be pleasantly surprised.Report

    • InMD in reply to Slade the Leveller

      I always try to go into seeing bands like that with an open mind. My wife and her college friends have very different taste in music than me but I don’t think I’ve ever gone with them to a show and found there was absolutely nothing to like about it. Sometimes I find it kind of interesting from an anthropological perspective to try and figure out what someone might find appealing about the act even if that someone isn’t me.Report

      • Slade the Leveller in reply to InMD

        That’s totally my attitude. I’ll take a flyer on anyone if the ticket isn’t too outrageous. I’ve never been totally burned and I’ve discovered some great acts.Report

        • Slade the Leveller in reply to Slade the Leveller

          Luna review:

          Money well spent! Way better live than on record. Killer rhythm section and the interplay between the twin lead guitars was phenomenal. Marred only by a couple of covers of the vocal meanderings of Lou Reed.Report

  4. InMD

    The good news is that we have finally reached a ‘break’ weekend from my older son’s athletics. I love how into his sports he is but the few weeks between seasons are a critical pause.

    The bad news is that all of us seem to have mild covid and I have no idea what the social protocol is at this point. If it was an unidentified cold I think we would all be out and about no question without thinking about it, but I know some people are still somewhat sensitive. I’m kind of figuring out door stuff is fine but maybe avoid indoor visits. Or I could just decide I do not care any more. We will see how I feel about it tomorrow.Report

  5. Jaybird

    We have slept on our left side for the first time in over a year.


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