About Biden’s Special Counsel Report

David Thornton

David Thornton is a freelance writer and professional pilot who has also lived in Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia and Emmanuel College. He is Christian conservative/libertarian who was fortunate enough to have seen Ronald Reagan in person during his formative years. A former contributor to The Resurgent, David now writes for the Racket News with fellow Resurgent alum, Steve Berman, and his personal blog, CaptainKudzu. He currently lives with his wife and daughter near Columbus, Georgia. His son is serving in the US Air Force. You can find him on Twitter @CaptainKudzu and Facebook.

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4 Responses

  1. Doctor Jay says:

    Fun aside: I did a term paper in a college history class where I went at looked at reactions in the newspapers of the day to the dropping of the A-bomb on Hiroshima. One of the tidbits I discovered doing this research was that more people had heard of this event (the A-bomb) than could name who was president of the US. I don’t remember the percentage – it was high, but low enough to shock me. Something like 10 percent could not name the president correctly.Report

    • CJColucci in reply to Doctor Jay says:

      To be fair, Truman had been President only for a short time and hadn’t yet emerged from the long shadow of FDR. If they thought it was Eisenhower or someone else other than FDR, that would be different.

      Or did you mean more people had heard of the Hiroshima bombing than could correctly identify the President who was sitting when you wrote the term paper? That would be strange.Report

  2. Damon says:

    Somehow I doubt very much, were I, or the majority of any other citizens in the same situation, that the prosecutor would have a much less charitable view of things, but then again, most of the people I know who would need access to classified documents, have people who keep better track of them and aren’t allowed to keep them “indefinity” without regular review of the NEED to have them, since they are “owned” by the gov’t.Report