Weekend Plans Post: The Royal Rumble
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The backstory is that Vince was getting older, HHH and Stephanie attempted a coup, HHH and Stephanie might be able to pull off a coup against someone from the real world but Vince is The Last Carny, Vince took the knife out of his back and stabbed Stephanie with it in the front, merged with the UFC, grew a pencil-thin mustache, and just this last week signed a kabillion dollar deal with Netflix.
Plus all of the really scandalous and horrible allegations about the various scandals in which he was *PERSONALLY* involved during the last four of five decades.
Seriously. I’m trying to imagine trying to explain this stuff to someone only tangentially aware that Pro Wrestling exists and I’m already exhausted trying to come up with new ways to change the subject.
But this weekend is The Royal Rumble. This is usually my favorite WWE PPV event of the year. The clip isn’t available online but the sitcom “Young Rock” explains how Pat Patterson came up with the idea of The Royal Rumble.
Once upon a time, you only had the “Battle Royale”. 20 (or however many) guys in the ring and you eliminated opponents *NOT* by pinning them but by throwing them over the top rope.
This was pretty good because, let’s face it, if you have 20 guys in the ring, 19 of them are going to lose. But if you don’t pin them or make them submit, they’re really not “the losers” of the match. They just didn’t win it. The problem with 20 guys in the ring is that SO MUCH IS GOING ON. Where do you watch? Everybody is in the way of everybody else and unless you’re lucky, the elimination will happen on a different side of the ring than the one you’re on.
BUT! If you have each contestant enter every 90 seconds, you can do storylines like “this guy drew #1” or “this guy drew #30”. You can have a storyline where a wrestler doesn’t win the Rumble but eliminates the most people. Or doesn’t win, but stays in the ring the longest. You can have a guy who is normally pretty invincible against opponents one-on-one but, as part of the chaos, gets tossed over the top rope by a midcarder (and you can get a storyline out of that for a month). You can have a famous wrestler from a decade ago show up and get a huge pop before being eliminated for another few years. You can have former enemies team up for a few moments. You can have allies realize “it’s every man for himself”.
One of my favorite openings comes from the very first Royal Rumble and it involved the tag team Demolition. Axe and Smash were the first two entrants in the Rumble and, seriously, they were one of the most intimidating tag teams around. The discussions all revolved around how this tag team will be able to beat the crap out of every single entrant after them. They’ll just do the tag team thing. They don’t have to pin the guy… they just have to throw him over the top rope! How will the rest of the roster compete?
And then when #2 got in the ring with #1… they JUST STARTED WAILING ON EACH OTHER.
The crowd went *NUTS*.
Back in 2001, there was a great scene where The Undertaker and Kane cleared out the ring and just stood looking at each other and waiting for the other to make a move… and then the countdown for the next wrestler to come in started and they both turned to face the entryway and… it was Scotty 2 Hottie (a consummate midcarder). The biggest laugh of the night. And, yeah, they beat the stuffing out of him.
Anyway, this weekend is this year’s Royal Rumble. There are a bunch of storylines going on… you’ve got Gunther, who has been the Intercontinental Champion even longer than the Honky Tonk Man. You’ve got CM Punk who is back because Hell froze over. You’ve got Cody Rhodes who wants to finish the story. You’ve got LA Knight (yeah). You’ve got Damien Priest who has the Money in the Bank suitcase… why bother? Just wait for the main event to take place and then just take the belt then! Ah, who books this stuff. And we’re going to see a handful of big surprises, some guys eliminating multiple opponents, a good storyline with the “in the ring the longest” (seriously, if he drew #23 instead of #4, he might have won!), and, with luck, it’ll be pretty good.
I’m hoping for Cody Rhodes to win and finish his story. Instead, I know that The Rock will come back and fight Roman at Wrestlemania. Sigh.
We’ll have the women’s Royal Rumble and all I am hoping for is for Liv to make a comeback and for AJ Lee to eliminate her.
We’ll also have Logan Paul (sigh) against Kevin Owens for the US Championship and I hope that KO will put us all out of our misery and carry a belt for a few months.
And a Fatal Four-Way Match with Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles vs. LA Knight that will be won by Roman Reigns due to some shenanigans.
And I think that’s it. In years past, we’ve had six or seven matches at this PPV. This year, we just have four… which tells me that the Rumbles will be good and long and so will the fight for the WWE Undisputed Championship.
I’m looking forward to it.
So… what’s on your docket?
(Featured image is “Rasslin”. Photo taken by Maribou.)
Yesterday was the follow up installment of Vince McMahon is a monster, where one of the ladies who had signed an NDA filed suit against Vince and the details are worse than I would have imagined. If true, Vince is a disgusting individual.
My original plans for this week were board game meetup tomorrow afternoon, followed by the Royal Rumble. I’m not sure if I am still watching the Rumble.Report
I don’t remember if the Weekend thread has a “no politics” rule. Sorry if I’m breaking the rules.
We all compare Trump to different people (or animals or whatever). I think the best comparison is to Vince McMahon. Like, nearly 100%.Report
This is pretty much okay. For what it’s worth, I agree.
They both seem to understand human nature to a degree that makes normal people really, really, really uncomfortable.
(We probably don’t want to get much more political than this, of course.)Report
My plans for this weekend are somewhat contradictory: first of all, I have to clean up the “depression nest”/”injured person nest” a bit – I sprained my knee (or maybe just really really pulled a muscle badly two weeks ago and the place has got BAD) but also remain fairly sessile in the hopes of this thing healing up the rest of the way.
The injury is nothing cool – I wasn’t in a mosh-pit, I wasn’t out chasing Bigfoot, I can’t say “but you should see the other guy” – I just overworked my knee on uneven ground and then wore bad shoes and then turned kind of wrong in my cold house when changing clothes. I thought I’d torn a tendon but after an examination the ER doc concluded the worst was maybe a sprain. So I was in a giant immobilizer (ankle to thigh) for a week with crutches.
Walking on crutches takes more effort and energy than I had imagined.
Tuesday, I saw my regular doctor, her conclusion was the immobilizer was actually making things worse because I was throwing the rest of my body out of whack, so I now have a much smaller over-the-knee-only one, and a four-pronged cane. It hurts most when I first get up from sitting but works itself out with a little walking.
This morning is the first morning where I really felt like “hey this might get better on its own” rather than “damn, I guess in a couple weeks I have to go for an MRI and see what kind of horrific surgery I need.” I’m also at the point of mildly cursing the immobilizer every time I have to put it on (I’m not supposed to walk far without it but can take it off when relaxing/sleeping) or adjust it (it does shift a little with walking)
At least I can actually walk now so I can go IN to the grocery store to pick out food rather than stare at a computer screen to order groceries and not be able to think what I need because I can’t SEE stuff on the shelves.Report
The internet and the electric are are nothing compared to the four-prong cane.Report
Ugh, it sucks when the warranty runs out. Good luck!Report
I haven’t watched wrestling in a long time because I couldn’t handle how many of them died, so I didn’t really know who Bray Wyatt was or about his death (heart attack at 36). I just recently ran across some of his work online, and man he was interesting. A wrestler and a big fan of horror movies whose character work was experimental art. During covid, when wrestling didn’t have a live audience, the WWE let him produce some really weird content. I’d say the right guy at the right time, but I’ve heard speculation that his heart problems were part of long covid.Report
There was a period there where wrestling was *AWESOME* from the mid-late 90’s to the mid-oughts.
Then, for a decade or so, it was bad. There was a bright spot here or there (205 Live) but for every laugh or cheer, there were a dozen heavy sighs.
Then… around 2015? 2016? It started getting good again. Like, we started saying “Oh, yeah… that’s why we watch this.”
And not just for the PPVs! For the regular Monday night show! I mean, there are still some heavy sighs but it feels like a weight has been lifted.
Well, apart from the truly awful revelations.Report
I’ve gotten the impression that it stopped being steroid freaks blading their foreheads and dying young.Report
Still some (probably) steroids on the WWE side. Still some pointless blading in AEW. I think the life expectancy and career duration have both increased significantly though.Report
I was never a wrestling fan, but when it hit in the 80s my impression was chubby circus strongmen do kinetic gymnastics.
By the 90s it was ‘roid freaks losing their f*ing minds for $$.
But that’s just an outsider’s impression.Report
Meeting the kids at the house, which hopefully won’t be mine in a couple of weeks, to sort through all the photo albums. Definitely going to be a few tears shed on Saturday.
Computer shopping with my mom on Sunday, which ought to be fun. 😉Report
I’m doing an online class on data science and ML in my free time, and a couple of days ago as I was googling various types & aspects of neural nets, the top bit of Chrome did a little animation and brought up an invite to do some coding challenges — so I figure i’ll carve out a bit of the weekend to look at that. I gather that Google uses this as a talent acquisition tool, so maybe I’ll get some ideas for enhancing our own interview process out of it.Report
You’ve got Damien Priest who has the Money in the Bank suitcase… why bother?
Watching off and on for the last several months, my impression is they were ready to push Priest and gave him the Money in the Bank contract, then Judgement Day turned out to be more popular for longer than they thought. They drew the line at having one group of heels hold the tag titles, the women’s belt, and the men’s belt. I still think they’re trying to figure out how to write their way out of their Judgement Day dilemma.Report
I think they need to change the MitB rules. Get rid of the cash-in any time gimmick, because it really makes the holder of the case look like a goof if they don’t win the belt. Instead, the holder gets to challenge for any belt. They can choose the time, place, and type of match. They have to give at least 24-hours notice.
This still give the winner an advantage, but without the current issues.Report
“Let’s turn them into a comedy group!”
—HHH (probably)Report
The problems are that Ripley is the best female talker in the company, Mysterio now has a comic angle that translates into immediate audience engagement, Bálor is so technically good in the ring he needs a belt at least on and off as a reason to work with other top talent, and Priest is probably the best all-around Black performer they’ve got. (Yes, I know he’s Puerto Rican, but other than the “Señor Money in the Bank” bit they haven’t used it (eg, no accent).)
Breaking them up without wasting all that talent is going to be tricky.Report
I don’t know the status of the group, but isn’t the usual move to have one of the bad guys turn face? You can get even more content out of a group by making them feud.Report
There have been a number of intra-group problems. However, they were all bad-guy vs. bad-guy power jockeying and blame-shifting.
None of it was the “This is supposed to *MEAN* something!” kind of disagreement after a particularly egregious dirty win.
(And Balor, as much as I love him, is not a particularly interesting face.)
For them to turn Judgment Day, they’d have to… jeez. I don’t know. Take on The Bloodline after The Bloodline puts somebody on a stretcher.Report
Oh, that’s an interesting idea: turning an entire group. Has that ever been tried? I think a lot of turns are designed to create or dismantle groups. A very talented tag team splits so that at least one of them can move up in singles, that kind of thing.Report
Maybe? The NWO Wolfpack? Maybe?Report
If I put on my booker’s hat and think about the hints…
Start from Priest’s the only one of the four who can pull off a face turn. Ripley goes behind Priest’s back and nearly messes up his chance to use the Money in the Bank contract. Priest, with a major singles belt in hand despite Ripley, says he’s out of there. He resigns his half of the tag titles, slams the belts in Bálor’s chest, and wishes him the best of luck. Bálor goes hat in hand to Drew McIntyre and offers him the tag belts to finish McIntyre’s heel turn.
I’m never right when I try to write these things. But they’re wasting Damian Priest and none of the things they’ve tried to sell a McIntyre heel turn have worked.Report
*THAT* is not awful. I have seen worse storylines.
Priest is a good heel but not a *GREAT* heel and maybe he’d be more interesting if it were him against Judgment Day for a while.
He was a face for a bit there… might be time to let him shine.
Need to put him on a stretcher first, though. (He’s worked hard. Give him a month off. Then let him come back and say “I’M BACK”.)Report
Don’t have to rush a decision about Priest as a heel or a face. Get him a singles belt then let him beat a couple of faces and a couple of heels and see what works.
I hate stretchers. Pick a pay per view. Priest and Bálor win a tough tag team match. A tough match for whichever belt Priest is getting. Then when Priest cashes in the contract, no squash but a good 10-15 minute match with every finishing move the two guys have before Priest wins.
Then on Monday night following Priest leaves Judgement Day and takes a few weeks off. The new version of Judgement Day gets settled, then we’ll worry about Priest (see first paragraph).Report
Who are the biggest faces?
Seth Rollins has the belt, I guess. They’re booking him against heels.
Cody? If the plan is Rock vs. The Head Of The Table at WM, that’s a bit deflating.
Randy? LA Knight?
CM Punk?
If they’re letting all of the air out of Cody, they’re going to need a babyface on Raw who actually wants something.Report
I never connected with Ripley’s promos. I think that Bex and Charlotte and even Bayley do better. (Ripley’s promos grate on me like Nia Jax’s.) Her look? Well. This is a family website so I won’t go into detail but I approve of her look. Her wrestling? Top notch. Her match with Charlotte? Five stars. Standing ovation.
Just not crazy about her promos.
Mystero’s crowd response always has my jaw on the floor. The thing where he starts to talk and get out one syllable before being drowned out? “How in the heck does he do that?” my bud and I ask. He’s also not a bad wrestler. An amazing heel. One of the few to understand how to get the face over. I would pay money to boo him. I have. I do.
I love Balor in the ring. I hate him on the stick.
Priest is in this weird spot where he doesn’t really benefit from being a heel like Dom is a heel. He takes shortcuts instead of cheating outright (WHICH IS GOOD!!! IT WORKS!!!) but he having the suitcase for that long and never finding a moment to use it makes him seem like he doesn’t have enough ambition.
I suppose that there’s no way to have him lose it without breaking up the band…
So… yeah. They don’t know how to write their way out of this so it’s easier to just tread water, sell tickets, t-shirts, and say “we’ll do something after the Rumble. No. At Wrestlemania. No. After Wrestlemania.”Report
I may be biased on Ripley simply because they don’t have any other women who could pull off keeping the male members of a faction in line and making it believable. Those shoulders certainly help, but her acting is first rate.
WWE damn well better have someone on staff who worries about nothing besides getting audience engagement during the opening bits. The crowd sings for Rollins while he wallows in it. You can see the audience anticipating their two syllables in the Cody Rhodes’ entrance music. Drowning out Mysterio. My understanding is that years ago management wanted to dump Daniel Bryan and absolutely hated that he could go out and get the audience to do “Yes! Yes! Yes!” for minutes.Report
There was a segment where Bryan and HHH were out there and the audience was too busy shouting “YES YES YES” to listen to what HHH was saying. HHH quipped “your entire family show up tonight?”
I yelled at the television. Not in a good way.
Did they hate money?Report
Lady Marchmaine is on strike; er, on vacation; er, visiting her mom in MN.
So just me, two boys (23 & 9) and the youngest daughter (17) who just started driving and is now for all intents and purposes a boarder who doesn’t pay rent.
Lady M was exceedingly thoughtful and bought a bunch of heat & go stuff so we wouldn’t starve… but we all know that 5-guys, Chipotle, and sushi are all the survival skills we need to master.Report
I like 5 guys but I don’t understand how it always ends up costing like 50 bucks for some burgers and fries. I understand it with sushi but an order at the counter place? It’s ridiculous.Report
Yeah, 5-Guys is expensive… but in ruralia as Donald Rumsfeld used to say: you go to dinner with the restaurants you have, not the restaurants you wish you had.
{irrelevant fun fact, I went to HS with Rumsfeld’s youngest and met him when he was merely the the CEO of Searle}
Plus, I can honestly say that at this point in my professional career, I am rich enough to be blind to $10 increments. Like if you told me this thing I wanted was $45 here but only $35 there I’d blink twice and try to understand what point you were trying to make.Report
Heh, to be fair I can afford it, it’s just the principle of the thing. My son’s school had one of the sponsorship nights there a little over a month ago so the wound is fresh.
In terms of random connections to the children of Bush administration officials, back in college I was acquainted with a group of rich kids who were friends from high school with Paul Wolfowitz’s son (IIRC they actually referred to him as ‘Wolfy’). I am not sure that I ever actually encountered him, and given my plebian nature almost certainly did not but it’s probably as close as I can get in a 6 degrees of separation kind of way.Report
Heh, I grew up on the ‘wrong side of the tracks’ where both sides of the tracks were really, really good. But the right side was, oh, you mean *that* Froman? From the Sausage king Fromans?
But that was before Rumsfeld started dropping bon mots all over the news.
Me: No, no, Donald Rumsfeld? Donny Rumsfeld? With the mansion? The pharmaceuticals guy?
Searle? I only remember ComEd. Pretty wild that guy ended up SecDef.Report
This weekend will be packed as usual. Swimming and basketball for my oldest son tomorrow, followed by MIL and her male associate coming over for dinner. Sunday is a children’s birthday party which thankfully ends with plenty of time to watch the conference championship games, which should be good this year. I am hoping for Chiefs and Lions wins since I think it is the proper dose of delight and upsetting for people.
I never got too into wrestling as a kid, but a good friend of mine was really into it to the point he’d have parties in high school for the big events. IIRC he also had a Holk Hogan wrestling buddy like those in the commercial. Sometimes we would sit it in the rotation when we were passing around the…. ah nevermind.Report
I have the Ravens taking care of the Chiefs. KC has been a little too spotty for my taste this year. You can’t really argue 6 straight conference championship games,though.
The Lions getting into the SB would be a story for the ages. SF has pooed the bed just often enough this season to make it interesting.Report
For AFC I feel like the Chiefs have the momentum after such a hard fought win last week. Also I think Mahomes > Lamar no question, up and down season notwithstanding. This could be wishful thinking by me given my negative disposition towards the Ravens.
NFC could really go either way. 9ers are in serious trouble if Deebo doesn’t play which sounds increasingly likely.
Either way should be good games. Hoping some of my knucklehead buddies can stop by for them. I won our fantasy league this year so I have the bragging rights.Report
Heh. I came in 2nd in our work league because I stupidly subbed in Mayfield for Goff. Nothing more aggravating than leaving a win on the bench.Report
Dude it happens. I barely made the playoffs because I kept starting Mahomes over Purdy and forgot Kyren Williams came off IR. Both were wracking up points on my bench while I lost. Made the switch the last week and thankfully it worked out.Report
With no justification, Kelce for KC and McCaffery for the 49ers (and their respective coaches) put on clinics in tight games.Report
Huh, Naomi’s back.
I guess Vince really is gone this time.Report
Jade Cargill! And she’s kept her name!Report
LIV!!! Pity about AJ Lee.Report
Bayley! I would have preferred Jade or Liv but I understand why you can’t have someone who has never been on the show before win and Liv is great but she hasn’t been on tv for a dang sight.
At least it wasn’t Nia Jax.Report
Poor AJ Styles. He’s the one who will be counting the lights. (And Roman wins, of course.)Report
Yep. It was a good match though.Report
KO vs. Logan Paul was better than it had any right to be.
And if you’re going to keep the belt on Paul, that’s the absolute best way to do it. The ref seeing Paul’s brass knucks on KO’s hand? Best DQ finish I’ve seen in years.
However disappointing the outcome was otherwise.Report
The Rumble itself.
I think Punk is my pick… because they’re bringing the Rock back at WM.
And if it’s Cody? Then I’m wrong about the Rock coming back.Report
Okay. We’ve got Drew vs. Sami at WM so it ain’t gonna be Drew.
But Gunther, Cody, and Punk are all reasonable winners here.Report
Ugh. It’s going to be a three-way. Punk, Sami, and Drew at WM.Report
Cody at WM.Report
I expect that Vince resigning in the face of another nasty lawsuit means Rock — now a TKO board member — will be keeping a low profile. In particular, no public media appearances where reporters can ask what the TKO board is doing to fix the problems.Report
“We cannot speak about ongoing investigations/lawsuits.”
“Do you have any comment about any knowledge you had of improprieties?”
“The Rock says we cannot speak about ongoing investigations/lawsuits.”
(reporter giggles and starts scratching on his notepad furiously)Report