Saturday Morning Gaming: A Steeplechase in D&D


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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10 Responses

  1. Marchmaine says:

    Speaking of Bards, I decided to try BG3 again and hit a new record of neither rage quitting nor boredom quitting.

    Made possible by a giant all-in-one Collection Mod mediated by Vortex. Fixed all the QoL and bad Dev decisions for the base game/characters.

    However, having made it to Act 3 for the first time, I hit Level 12 and now the game crashes only when I try to level up my bard… disabled all the ‘Bard’ mods, but that doesn’t fix it. Disabled a bunch of ‘level’ type mods. Nope. Now I’m stumped on which of the 160 mods might be breaking the game. Oh well, a new reason to quit BG3.

    Best QoL fixes that will make JB cringe:

    INVENTORY — carry as much shit as you want, thank you very much…Now, I showed great restraint and only increased carrying capacity 50x … there were bigger options. Please clap.
    Party Size — 4? No game ever limited your group to 4. With a bigger group, having a Bard leader is PERFECT
    Leveling — faster and more of them.
    Spells — Please fix and add 5e
    Feats — please fix and add ones that benefit all the other classes.
    Better secondary Loot — Rings, Cloaks, ‘n stuff
    Paladin Auras — greater than sneeze range? Yes please… but restrained myself to ‘reasonable’ range. Please clap x2.
    Other Races — meh, didn’t use them
    Other Classes — meh, didn’t use them
    Other sub-classes — meh, tempted by a couple, but didn’t use them.

    Ultimately Bard with 20 Char, Persuasion and Intimidation, plus only Utility/Control Spells and 16 Dex for Finesse/Bow? Pretty much just walk in to any situation and wing-it. Well, plus the maxxed Evocation Wizard, kinda need that.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Marchmaine says:

      I haven’t visited Nexus since BG3 was first released… let’s check it out.

      The most popular (all time) mods are a delightful mix of humorless rule changes, fixes, and additions and hairstyles, eye colors, and other skin tweaks.

      (It feels like most games are over-weighted on one or the other.)Report

      • Marchmaine in reply to Jaybird says:

        Yeah, waaay to many mods to change your hair and stuff that you never think about after the first six-or-seven-hours you spend on the Character Creation screens. 🙂

        The reason why I went with a collection was to make sure dependencies and conflicts were handled. It would appear not.Report

    • Fish in reply to Marchmaine says:

      I’m one of those people who thinks BG3 is near perfect and I haven’t even considered adding mods. I’ve only hit a couple of buggy issues and they mostly just encompassed camera angle stuff and weirdly having to jump through the occasional door instead of just walking through it (and one particular side-quest that kept crashing my game, though I did eventually get through it). I just hit 12th after in Act 3 last night, and there is A TON of game left to play here.

      I’m doing this funny thing where I’ll start a new game and roll up the character I might want to play in it (elven rogue, human bard, halfling barbarian) and then save the game right at the start. It’s an inefficient way of taking notes on what I want to play next, I guess.

      Agree with you on the feat thing, though. I mostly find myself taking “Ability Score Increase.”Report

  2. Jay says:

    I’m playing an Oath of Glory fire genasi Paladin (athlete background) in a legacy campaign taking place 200 years and two weeks after the events of our last campaign. Our last campaign lasted three years and in the finale our characters established a new pantheon of gods. Now, our current characters are representing the new gods in a test seemingly devised by the Lady of PainReport

  3. Derek says:

    I was the DM and very happy with how the steeple chase worked out. I was happy with everyone staying engaged and that is came down to the last locations for the win.

    I do like the idea of having more teams if I take this to a con. That add more conflict as Jaybird mentioned.

    Now I have to see if I really want to run it at a con.Report