Repeal and Replace, Remix, Repeat

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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13 Responses

  1. Greg In Ak

    The chefs kiss on top of RDS’s line here is he doesn’t have a plan yet. It’s coming out in weeks. ACA has been around for years and none of the R”s have clue what to do other make empty promises. You would think all those geniuses would have plans lines up. Nope, not even gonna pretend to have done their homework. Just vaporware.Report

    • pillsy in reply to Greg In Ak

      In Trump’s case, I’m serenely confident that he has no plan.

      In DeSantis’ case, I think there’s an outside chance that he has a plan that will (only) appeal to major GOP donors and Federalist writers, but is currently going over the PDF with a fine-toothed comb to make sure it doesn’t have any sonnenrads in it.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Greg In Ak

      none of the R”s have clue what to do other make empty promises

      This is a downstream effect of Democrats having passed a bunch of Heritage Foundation ideas that had been put into practice by a Republican Governor and Republican amendments to the bill to make it “free market friendly” instead of going after single payer.Report

      • pillsy in reply to Philip H

        OETRW that Republican Governor ran against his own plan after becoming the Republican Presidential nominee.Report

      • Greg In Ak in reply to Philip H

        That tricksy Obama and his trying to work with R’s by opting for free marketish solutions. It did work well politically, sort of.Report

      • Jesse in reply to Philip H

        The “ACA was nothing but a Heritage Foundation” plan is BS. The exchanges were yes, a Heritage Foundation idea, but there is the massive regulatory changes, the Medicaid expansion, and so on, that lefties seem to forget about when they want to dunk on Obama.

        Also, there were not 50 votes for single-pater in 2009. Hell, there weren’t 10 votes for it, and single payer isn’t that popular, once you actually give the positives and negatives for it. Also, there are plenty of countries w/ much better health care systems than we do, that don’t have single payer.

        If Obama would’ve tried to pass single payer, no health care plan would’ve gotten passed, 2010 would’ve still happened because the economy was crap, and Twitter would be full of people claiming Obama could’ve gotten it passed if he would’ve just fought harder.Report

  2. Saul Degraw

    The GOP politicians are just as fanatical as their base because the base primaries out the moderates again and again and again. They want to go back to the 19th century. It isn’t rocket science to figure this out.Report

  3. Chip Daniels

    Republican Senate frontrunner in Montana calls for returning ‘healthcare to pure privatization’

    Tim Sheehy, a lead contender for the Republican Senate nomination in Montana, said earlier this year that he wants to privatize the U.S. healthcare system, according to audio obtained by Semafor.

    “I mean, healthcare worked before health insurance existed. Each town had a doctor that would drive to your house, take care of you and you’d pay him,” Sheehy said. “And guess what? It worked. It worked when you actually paid a doctor for services provided. And then we started getting into this HMO, insurance, mega-conglomerate structure.”

    His office later walked back his comments:
    In a email to Semafor, a spokesman for Sheehy said it was “clear that Tim was attacking insurance companies and acknowledging our health care system is broken.” They added that Sheehy believes there needs to be “greater transparency, competition, and shopping for services in our health care system,” as well as protections for patients with pre-existing conditions.

    Asked if Sheehy supported Medicare privatization, they said: “Tim knows we must keep our commitment to every Montana senior to protect their Social Security and Medicare benefits. He believes our nation made a promise to our seniors and we must keep that promise. Full stop.”

    If that sounds incoherent, its because it is.

  4. Chip Daniels

    What I think is noteworthy is the utter lack of any kind of seriousness, on this guys part, and the entire GOP.

    They have absolutely no idea what they want for healthcare policy but are incapable of not touching it.Report

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