Weekend Plans Post: They Have Stopped Making My Preferred Detergent


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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10 Responses

  1. Michael Cain says:

    Amazon claims to still be selling the current versions of ERA in large bottles. You could buy a few years worth.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Michael Cain says:

      Sadly, Era is not the detergent in question. I was going to use the Calgon “Ancient Chinese Secret” commercial but figured “there are weeks where you could probably get away with that and weeks that you probably couldn’t and we’re probably in the latter”.

      So I went with a boring (but classic!) explanation about how protein gets out protein. It’s science.Report

      • Slade the Leveller in reply to Jaybird says:

        Did the sheets work though? And were they comparable in cost to the liquid stuff? Kind of a game changer not to have to buy soap and water when really all you need is the soap.Report

        • Damon in reply to Slade the Leveller says:

          IIRC Consumer Reports had a blurb on washer sheets and the bottom line was “more expensive per wash, not a good at cleaning that liquids”–like not even in the mid range of ranking all laundry cleaners and types.Report

        • Note: Our clothing doesn’t go through a whole lot. Like, I do a lot less of the whole “getting under a raised floor” than I used to, I get on the ground even less than I get on the floor, and “dirt” to us means primarily “cat hair” or “food stains”.

          SO! With that said, how did the test load go?

          The clothing came out of the wash without any clumps/smears of detergent! It smelled fresh, like it had just come out of a washing machine where it had been washed, and it dried and smelled great when it was done.Report

  2. Reformed Republican says:

    Board game meetup tomorrow. Trying out Mind MGMT, a hidden movement game based on the comic book about psychic secret agents. Better finish reading the instructions and learning to play before then.

    I have assorted odds and ends around the house that I need to take care of. I have been letting my to-do list grow, so I need to work on tackling that. It will probably be how I spend a good chunk of Sunday.Report

  3. fillyjonk says:

    I use the Tide for sensitive skin. It seems to do okay. My mom always used washing POWDER when I was a kid and I used that for years until one day I realized “you’re an adult and you can decide” and I started using liquid.

    (And my mom uses the same detergent as I do now)

    Usually it’s shampoo and conditioners that get discontinued for me; it’s hard to find a brand that doesn’t turn my hair into a bird’s nest. (I have very dry hair).

    I need to get out of town again; am going to go to the next town south for better grocery shopping and maybe buy myself some kind of small treat because it’s just been one of those weeks.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to fillyjonk says:

      We went through a dozen detergents before we found that Boulder liquid stuff at Costco. It was a godsend. I’m pretty sure that Tide for Sensitive Skin was one of the ones we passed through on the way to the perfect one.

      Ah, well. We use sheets now.Report

  4. Jaybird says:

    Dan the Automator is the producer behind Cornershop. If you were a teenager in the late 90’s, you probably heard the song “Brimful of Asha”. He produced that!

    Prince Paul produced albums for De La Soul. You probably remember their song “Me, Myself, and I” or “Buddy” but, here’s the point, he produced “Potholes in my Lawn”.

    So when these two weirdos got together, they both produced something *AWESOME*.

    Listen to the drop of this one:

    The song off of that album that I think you should listen to is “Once Again (here to kick one for you)”.

    But, if you ask me, the best song they did was Rock and Roll (Could Never Hip Hop Like This) Part 2 / Knockers.

    I *LEARNED* stuff listening to this song.

    Jump ahead to 5:01 and listen for a clinic on scratching. Holy cow. I didn’t know that 5:29-6:02 was possible.Report

  5. Michael Cain says:
