Fumigating with Coq au Vin

Ben Sears

Ben Sears is a writer and restaurant guy in Birmingham, Alabama. He lives quite happily across from a creek with his wife, two sons, and an obligatory dog. You can follow him on Twitter and read his blog, Might Stain Your Shirt.

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3 Responses

  1. Crprod says:

    When I was a grad student decades ago, a fairly fancy dish to serve to fellow grad students was often referred to as chicken coq au vin with wine.Report

  2. J_A says:

    I’m definitely doing this, thank you for posting.

    My mother, who was raised in France, made coq au vin frequently, but it’s not a child palate friendly dish, and I didn’t like it at that time, so I never bothered with it and hadn’t realized it was so easy to make. Plus, the idea of crispy skin coq au vin is a game changer.

    I’ll let you know how it goes (I just bought a bottle of Tempranillo just for it)Report