Let Joe Biden Be Joe Biden: Voter Reactions To President Biden’s Events

Adam Bass

Adam Bass is an aspiring reporter and broadcaster from Massachusetts. He graduated from Wheaton College in Norton MA. Bass was general manager, and head of the political news coverage department of WCCS Wheaton College, where he did extensive coverage of the Massachusetts Senate Primary Race and The Massachusetts 4th congressional district primary race, as well as reporting on other National and local news. He now works as an intern for Newton News at NewTV where he has covered the 2021 municipal elections, hosts and produces The Cod Cabin where he and three of his colleagues podcast about Massachusetts politics and news, and has been working part time at WCRN 830 AM in Worcester Mass.

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6 Responses

  1. By all means! I think we’d all love to hear a LOT more from Joe Biden!

    I for one would love a retelling of that horrible housefire he was in when 400 firefighters and a team of Dalmatians walking on their hind legs ran into the flames to save Jill, who was at that time literally engulfed in flames despite being a doctor, or something, and the Corvette. Maybe he can tell it to some burn victims this time, that would be a great look.

    Speaking of legs, how about those hairy legs that turned blonde in the sun? You know the thing, with the roaches, and the kids climbing in his lap, and Corn Pop? He was a bad dude.

    But then things can take a turn for the serious and he can fill us all in on how he got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold their aid! Followed up by a direct threat to overthrow Vladimir Putin, after which the White House will explain that nah, he didn’t really mean it.

    And then that lying dog faced pony soldier can wrap it all up with a speech he cribbed from Neal Kinnock! Great idea! Let it ring from sea to shining sea that this decrepit, corrupt, ridiculous, racist, warmongering confabulator is the best the Democrats can pull out of their crypt of withering corpses! Let him stand as a glorious reminder that the younger Democrats are so widely loathed that not a single one could even hold a candle to Robert L Peters, or whatever his name is.

    Where’s Jackie?

    Look, fat, if you didn’t like this article, then you ain’t black.

    God save the Queen!Report

  2. KenB says:

    I wonder if one issue is that he has limited energy, so while he might be fine to maintain a high level through an occasional public appearance, multiplying the number of appearances by two or three would mean less vigor in each, and more danger of “senior moments.”Report

  3. Marchmaine says:

    “Biden so far has been building a campaign team that has been more diverse and younger than his 2020 team, signalling a possible acknowledgement that he needs to improve upon his margins with young lack and Hispanic voters.”

    if (IF) he’s bleeding Black and Hispanic voters, seems an open question whether a younger, more diverse team is the answer.

    I can see how it might look like a good idea if that’s your prior bias… but it implies that Biden/Dems aren’t signaling hard enough on Youth and Diversity? IF he’s bleeding those voters (I’m agnostic on this, but IF you’re playing that game) there’s a reasonable chance that the Youth/Diversity game is doing the bleeding. Now, it could be that this is a newer younger smarter crowd that will address that; but it stands to question: is the weakness in that demographic Young Diversity voters bleeding to Team Red? Or will doubling down on that type of message increase (however small) the bleeding? Who’s this messaging for? The people already voting for you or the doubters?

    I don’t think that anyone doubts Biden has good Retail Politics skills – and those can flash at any given moment. But he’s lost a step. He’s lost a lot of steps. 2020 provided a lot of cover for his team to reduce the workload of the campaign and shield him from the wear & tear. Being President also has benefits in that you don’t have to knock down barriers to get coverage… so that will help him too.

    I’m sure team Biden is building spreadsheets and power points on the optimal exposure-to-rest analysis; we’ll just have to see how it plays or if he can find enough in the tank to continue the illusion for another cycle. But for the opposition, he wouldn’t have a chance.Report