Tomato Jam (Extended Jam)

Ben Sears

Ben Sears is a writer and restaurant guy in Birmingham, Alabama. He lives quite happily across from a creek with his wife, two sons, and an obligatory dog. You can follow him on Twitter and read his blog, Might Stain Your Shirt.

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3 Responses

  1. J_A says:

    Because I put Chinese five spices to almost everything (grilled steaks excepted) , I was thinking if I should add some when I do the six hours version. But since I do not know what the jam tastes, I am not sure it will make sense?

    My second question is what do you think of using plum tomatoes instead of roma or vine for the jam. They are normally softer, and they are the ones my Spaniard) mother used to make tomato sauces, including pasta sauces. I am thinking that they can cook faster and reduce the time (to just 4 1/2 hours 🙂 )

    Last, why not quickly sauté the tomatoes (particularly plum tomatoes). I think the char in the skin will be nice?

    Thanks again for your posts. I might not always comment, but I do read and analyze themReport

    • Ben Sears in reply to J_A says:

      I believe Roma is a variety of plum. I’ve used them interchangeably so I wouldn’t hesitate. As to char and or five spice, fantastic idea. I was thinking about trying it with cherry tomatoes so know I have cherry, five spice, and char to play with. With Roma/plum that’s a lot of variables. This’ll be fun. Thanks.Report

  2. J_A says:

    Okie dokie, I made the jam today.

    Couple of comments, or more, hehe

    1. Chinese five spices goes wonderful with it. About a heaped teaspoon. Can’t recommend it enough. On the other side, I didn’t put any salt, and for my taste it didn’t need it.

    2. Are you sure about the amount of sugar? I realized too late I didn’t have enough sugar at home, and I put like half a cup or less. I was planning to add some agave to top it up if I found it needed more sweetness. Thank goodness I didn’t, because I found the jam a bit on the sweet side. But, I’m not a sweet tooth, so that might be me only.

    3. The lemon juice is critical. I actually put too much by accident, and though I took out most of it (I only had the tomatoes in at that time), I know I still went over. And I’m glad I did, it has such a nice acidity that I ended adding more lemon juice halfway through. Try it again with less sugar and more lemon, and let me know.

    4. I sautéed the cut tomatoes in an iron cast skillet for l8ke five minutes before starting the process. I think it gave it a hint or caramelization that I found very pleasant.

    5. How did you get a full jar out of this recipe? After four hours (and truly, there was no way I could cook it any longer, there was no more liquid left), I ended with only half a jar (of very nice tomato jam)

    Many thanks again. It was fun.Report