Saturday Morning Gaming: Baldur’s Gate III


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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14 Responses

  1. Marchmaine says:

    Oh great, now I have to go make a new Character. Not sure I’ll play… but making D&D characters is kind of an addiction.Report

  2. Fish says:

    Download finished late last night. I’ll probably fire it up after a bit more Dredge. Not being able to roll dice for hours is criminal negligence, however.Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    Playing the main game now.

    Without getting into spoilers: HOLY COW THIS IS AWESOME THIS IS FREAKING AWESOMEReport

  4. James K says:

    Show nudity? Calm down! We just met! But then I thought: Would this be a *PROPER* review if I didn’t say “yes”? So, in the interest of making sure that everything was covered, I picked “yes”. For science.

    Surely If you want to make sure everything is covered you leave “show nudity” off, yes?

    I didn’t play Baldur’s Gate much back in the day, I don’t care for AD&D and I hate real time with pause, especially for a rules system that is premised on being turn-based. Also Baldur’s gate was exceedingly fond of throwing combats at you that would instantly kill you unless you got very lucky or cheesed them in a very specific way (much like the example you gave above). I’m sure this counts a good game design to someone, but that someone isn’t me. My big RPGs from that period are Arcanum, and the first two Fallouts.

    I’m still early in BG3, and I’m really enjoying it so far. I like that it’s properly turn-based and I really appreciate how they’ve implemented 5E’s resting mechanics.Report

    • Fish in reply to James K says:

      I totally cheesed the final boss fight in the original Baldur’s Gate, but a win is a win, dammit! As for Arcanum, I could tell that there was an excellent game with a compelling story in there, but unfortunately I bounced off of it. Maybe some studio will pick it up and remake it for me.Report

  5. Jaybird says:

    Started over again, made a Dwarven Cleric. Found out that my companion is also a Cleric. Of course. You need that band-aid box.

    Started over again. Halfling Thief. Do Halflings grow facial hair? Looks like a “no”. “Long sideburns” are the best Halflings can do. Well, bummer. I’ll cheat and put a beard on him anyway.Report

    • Marchmaine in reply to Jaybird says:

      Beastmaster Ranger working ok so far… extra meat shield, a heal, plus ranged to deal with all the other ranged.

      magic is still 50/50 kills them kills youReport

      • DavidTC in reply to Marchmaine says:

        So, does this game have all the 5E subclasses? When you were making a ranger, did you have the option of, for example, swarmkeeper?

        Also, is this moddable?Report

        • DavidTC in reply to DavidTC says:

          …actually, I can answer my own question, they don’t have artificer, so clearly don’t have everything.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to DavidTC says:

          Not *ALL* of the 5E subclasses. A sprinkling.

          Wanna be a sorcerer? You can pick Wild Magic, Draconic Bloodline, or Storm Sorcery.
          Wanna be a warlock? You can pick Fiend, Great Old One, or Archfey.

          Wizards don’t have subclasses. So “Bladesinger” isn’t an option.

          If you want to become a bard, you can pick drum or lute or violin or flute or lyre.

          They have more of a selection with the races. Have you always wanted to play a Svirfneblin? Now you can! Druegar? It’s an option! Do you want to be a Drow who comes from the nice part of the Underdark or from the mean part of it? What kind of chin do you want your Dragonborn to have? You have a dozen to choose from.

          And, yes, you can pick what you want your character to look like from the waist up and you can pick what you want your character to look like from the waist down. Dragonborn don’t have quite as many accessory options as, say, Half-Orcs but the whole “why do Lizards have boobs?” conversation has never, ever, led anywhere good.

          Here’s the Nexus mods page. The two that immediately caught my eye were “Search the room!” (that would be a real time-saver!) and “Deities for All!” (why should only Clerics get to choose a god?).

          But I imagine we’ll have Swarmkeepers before the end of the year.Report

  6. Reformed Republican says:

    I am playing the original Baldur’s Gate (well, Enhanced Edition) thanks to a Humble Bundle. It plays surprisingly well on the Steam Deck. I am not too hyped about BG3. I have tried a couple times to play Divinity Original Sin, but never really got into it. Maybe when I hear more I will change my mind.

    I got my party to Nashkell last night before I got to bed. I will probably try to go back finish up some side quests and gain a level before hitting the mines, but I didn’t want to waste too much time and have the Harpers start complaining about the delay (which they do, if my memory serves me).

    I also finished Dave the Diver, though I am still dabbling a bit to finish up some of the quests and expand my sushi empire.Report

  7. Fish says:

    I started over again last night as well, after a conversation with Jaybird revealed that I missed A METRIC SH*T TON of the character creation process. So…I recreated half-orc Paladin and chose Oath of Vengeance instead of Oath of the Ancients, but found that the default stats the game gives you (point-buy is a crime against humanity) are Pretty Good, Actually. I also upped the difficulty to “Tactician” from “Normal.” Can’t say that I’ve really seen a difference yet.

    Oh, and to my sadness I discovered that I can’t really carry Lae’zel, the delightfully disdainful and sarcastic Gith fighter. With only four slots for my party I’m fulfilling the fighter role and I need a cleric, rogue, and mage (maybe I need a mage? MAYBE I DON’T NEED A MAGE!).Report