Weekend Plans Post: In the House of Charles Entertainment Cheese


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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15 Responses

  1. Brandon Berg says:

    Not sure I understand the RFID thing. Does that mean that the games are free play for a fixed hourly rate?Report

  2. Marchmaine says:

    This week I started a with a new company and it wasn’t until after I signed the offer that I found out they *only* give Macs to their employees. So this weekend will be spent in recovery from that trauma.Report

  3. fillyjonk says:

    Still death-hot here. Will probably be death-hot until October. I still braved driving to the next town over to go to the JoAnn Fabrics because I felt like I was gonna lose my stuff if I stayed in town another day

    Bought a Halloween doormat. Yes I want it to be fall.

    then I went to Kroger’s for groceries, not a great idea, apparently this was the first day after payday/Social Security day a lot of people got out to shop AND ALSO the store’s AC was broken and it was like 85 F in there. And the “customer service” desk was closed so my checkout person was having to field calls (there were 2 checkstands open and the self-checkouts are supposedly for 20 or fewer items). I was polite to her, I know it wasn’t her fault everything was bad but it was not a fun experience.

    I feel like AC repair companies should prioritize public buildings for repair….Report

  4. Jaybird says:

    Half of what I learn about AI makes me say “OH WAIT NOT THAT THAT ISN’T WHAT I WANTED!!!”

    But the other half is “you know what? Okay. Yeah.”

    Here’s Frank Sinatra singing “Where is my Mind?” by The Pixies:

    If I had a problem, it’s that the *REAL* Frank SInatra would have waited until it seemed insane before starting to sing. That’s one thing that AI can’t master quite yet. The whole “not singing yet” thing.Report

  5. Brandon Berg says:

    I just learned that Chuck E. Cheese was founded by Nolan Bushnell. Also, apparently it went bankrupt in 1984 and merged with Showbiz.

    This is how conspiracy theories get started. It’s all connected, man.Report

  6. Jaybird says:

    Quick Summerslam review:

    Great psychology in the matches. I was on the edge of my seat for half the PPV.

    The finishes were head-scratchers. They would have made sense for an In Your House PPV. Not the 2nd biggest one of the year.

    I can’t wait until they finally break the old records and let us move on.Report

    • Reformed Republican in reply to Jaybird says:

      I felt like the end of the Roman/Jey match was a straight-out-of-the-Attitude-Era swerve for the sake of the swerve (and we couldn’t figure out how to get out of this).

      Hopefully LA Knight winning the battle royale means they are finally going to start letting him win matches (and it wasn’t just Slim Jim putting their thumb on the scale).

      Glad to see Cody get the win over Brock. Hopefully this will shut up the “WWE only brought him back to bury him since he didn’t beat Roman” folks. It probably won’t though.Report

      • If they had weeks of “WHOSE SIDE WILL HE PICK?” for the whole Jimmy and Jey storyline, it’d be different. He’s torn! He’s got loyalty to his brother. But he’s got loyalty to his tribe! These are in tension! HOW WILL IT GET RESOLVED?!?

        Then you do that *EXACT SAME FINISH* and the match goes from “the story is spinning its wheels” to “THEY MOVED TO THE NEXT ACT!”

        The Cody/Brock match was a great exception. That story got resolved and tied off with a little bow and was that a face turn for Brock?Report

        • Reformed Republican in reply to Jaybird says:

          If anything, they were building the tension with Solo. Way out of left field.

          Supposedly the Brock thing was improvised by Brock, so probably not intended as a face-turn. I don’t think Brock loses if he doesn’t want to (in the sense that he has a lot of control over his storylines, though I doubt anybody on the roster could pin him if he didn’t want them to), so I don’t think it is unreasonable to think he likes/respects Cody.Report