Is Zelenskyy Canceling Elections?

David Thornton

David Thornton is a freelance writer and professional pilot who has also lived in Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia and Emmanuel College. He is Christian conservative/libertarian who was fortunate enough to have seen Ronald Reagan in person during his formative years. A former contributor to The Resurgent, David now writes for the Racket News with fellow Resurgent alum, Steve Berman, and his personal blog, CaptainKudzu. He currently lives with his wife and daughter near Columbus, Georgia. His son is serving in the US Air Force. You can find him on Twitter @CaptainKudzu and Facebook.

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17 Responses

  1. North says:

    A cogent and clear analysis and explanation. I learned a lot. The Ukrainian constitution seems to address this matter quite concretely and practically- to be honest I’m impressed.Report

  2. Burt Likko says:

    Thanks for this quick, direct summary. I’ve really been enjoying your work here, David.

    I wonder why an American congressional candidate is posting a video from a Russian source. (Although I really don’t have to wonder very hard.)

    Not a reflection on David, because like him, I don’t have to wonder very hard about that either. And as an American citizen who insists that despite our many flaws and failings and fallings-short we still have much to be proud of as a nation and as a people, the rather obvious explanation for why a member of Congress is getting her news from a Russian source is a reason that causes me to experience no small amount of shame.Report

    • DensityDuck in reply to Burt Likko says:

      I’m old enough to remember when paying attention to non-American news sources was the only intellectually-honest thing to do. But I guess we’re done with that now.Report

      • Philip H in reply to DensityDuck says:

        There are plenty of non-American news sources that you can still pay attention to that also aren’t Russian propaganda. Back in the day Pravda (as but one examples) was as much “news” and OAN is now. Which is to say almost none. This would seem to be a reversion back to that.Report

      • Jesse in reply to DensityDuck says:

        If you’ve got some Le Monde, Bild, Nikkei, or El Pais articles for me, I’m all ears. But yes, the news from the nation controlled by a corrupt oligarch and his buddies is not going to be a news source I support.Report

  3. Slade the Leveller says:

    While not holding elections under martial law is certainly constitutional according to Ukrainian law, it does give me pause. It seems very ripe for abuse. If Ukraine wants to be part of NATO, this seems like something that ought to be addressed.

    This country managed to hold a fiercely contested one in the midst of a civil war.Report

    • Pinky in reply to Slade the Leveller says:

      Eh, not really. The northern half of the country had elections. The Confederate troops had spent a month 20 miles north of the border once, but otherwise there wasn’t a war in the north. And the southern states obviously weren’t voting. By analogy, in logistical terms and not anything moral or geopolitical, this would be like Russian elections held today.Report

  4. DensityDuck says:

    You’re right that Jane Adams is a “Congressional candidate”.

    She’s running in Clark County District 1, which has been Democrat since it was created forty years ago. The closest it’s ever come to being Republican was in 2022, where the Democrat incumbent won by a five-percentage-point margin.

    One of the things that people who yell about Those Rotten Republicans really enjoy doing is pointing out how this-or-that example of liberal perfidy is “just nutpicking” and “not representative”. And, well. We’re supposed to look at someone drawing to an outside straight and figure this is Just Run-Of-The-Mill Republican?Report

  5. John Puccio says:

    There is no debate if Zelenskyy said it. He did. It’s been widely reported by western media. Even Snopes said it was true.

    Justified or not, right now, the country is not a democracy, no matter how you want to spin it.

    The issue then becomes how many years will martial law be in effect. And how many years before the Ukrainian people demand an election. Frankly, this could easily become a decade long stalemate with Russia refusing to relinquish occupied territories and the west unable to move them by force or diplomacy.Report

    • Jesse in reply to John Puccio says:

      Was the UK not a democracy because Churchill didn’t have any elections until after WWII was over?

      Look, I get the argument the pro-Russian right wants to have – “these are two non-democracies, so why are we spending money there, when we could be spending money on homeless vets with kittens and rainbows” or whatever, but historically, most nations getting invaded don’t have elections.Report

      • InMD in reply to Jesse says:

        I think that’s especially the case if they also want to rake Biden over the coals for Afghanistan, a democracy we spent over 2 trillion dollars on yet was so flawed and corrupt it collapsed with barely a shot fired in its own defense.Report

        • John Puccio in reply to InMD says:

          Biden deserves to be raked over the coals for the disastrous exit, not the failure of trying to install a democracy there. That was always doomed to fail and there is a laundry list of people to blame for those 20 years flushed down the toilet.Report

      • Philip H in reply to Jesse says:

        The Right may want to have that argument, but until mid-February of last year Ukraine was a mostly functional democracy, in as much as we define such things.Report

      • John Puccio in reply to Jesse says:

        Technically during the war it wasn’t. But the UK did have a long (and bloody) history that forged its form of democracy before elections were suspended. And even then, the govt had the capacity to change leadership, as it did in 1940.

        Ukraine has only held elections for 30 years. It’s a fledgling democracy. It bears watching. Especially since we know how governments everywhere hate to relinquish emergency powers.

        You don’t have to be pro-Russian (I’m not) to see this becoming a protracted conflict where we can go a very long time before Ukraine ever holds another election.Especially, iIf Russian retreat of all Ukrainian territory is the only thing that will allow martial law to be dropped and elections to occur.Report