Saturday Morning Gaming: I was wrong about Horizon Forbidden West


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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6 Responses

  1. Geoff Arnold says:

    In big open world games, I’m mainly there for the story rather than the combat. So I’ve got into an interesting pattern. First time through, I play on easiest settings, so I don’t need to worry about upgrading my skills and gear. I can get through the main quest line in a pretty linear fashion. Then I go back to complete the sidequests and arenas, and get all of the gear and max everything out. And THEN, I start a “New Game Plus” at maximum difficulty level, which allows me to bring all of my skills, gear, and stash with me, and I revel in the insanely difficult combat with equipment and skills that are appropriate to the challenge.

    First time through, I rarely die. Second time… I die a lot. And it’s a different kind of fun.

    Interestingly, this isn’t working for the Burning Shores DLC. The big boss fight pretty much requires that I become comfortable with all the new gizmos that they’ve introduced, so after a couple of painful deaths I’m doing all the sidequests before I try again.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Geoff Arnold says:

      There’s one thing that the game does that bugs me (though it’s certainly not the *ONLY* game to have pulled this particular leg).

      It’s the whole “THE CLOCK IS TICKING!” thing.


      But first let’s go find this guy’s seeds so that they can be planted in his memory and let’s find this lady’s grandson who ran off and joined the bad guys and maybe we should help these armorers get the parts they need to make their masterpiece armors for the contest and we totally need to run in the dinosaur races.

      And then we will save the world.

      Because we are on a timeline.Report

  2. Stevebikes says:

    Least surprising update ever 🙂Report

  3. Geoff Arnold says:

    That’s no different from other open world RPGs. I’m doing a Skyrim playthrough (to appreciate the latest generation of graphics mods) and “The dragons are coming, and the whole of Skyrim in engulfed in civil war…. but first, let me get a house, adopt a child, and find them a pet rabbit, and find a carrot to feed the rabbit….”Report

  4. Jaybird says:

    My buddy pointed out that Horizon: Zero Dawn is on sale at steam for 67% off. Get a $50 game for $16.49.

    Memorial Day Weekend is coming up!Report