The Trump Indictment Explained

David Thornton

David Thornton is a freelance writer and professional pilot who has also lived in Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia and Emmanuel College. He is Christian conservative/libertarian who was fortunate enough to have seen Ronald Reagan in person during his formative years. A former contributor to The Resurgent, David now writes for the Racket News with fellow Resurgent alum, Steve Berman, and his personal blog, CaptainKudzu. He currently lives with his wife and daughter near Columbus, Georgia. His son is serving in the US Air Force. You can find him on Twitter @CaptainKudzu and Facebook.

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11 Responses

  1. Em Carpenter says:

    “ The events described took place from 2015 to 2017 with the last payment to Cohen in December 2017. The statute of limitations on the felony falsification crime is five years while the second degree misdemeanor charge has a statute of limitations of two years. The first-degree falsification charge would seem to be within time limit…”

    How do you figure?

    Are we going with the he was out of state argument?Report

    • CJColucci in reply to Em Carpenter says:

      Em, I’m not a criminal practitioner, but the Statement of Facts seemed to me to spell out a conspiracy, but the Indictment did not charge one. Any thoughts on why not?Report

      • Em Carpenter in reply to CJColucci says:

        My cynical side says it’s because he’D have to be specific about what “underlying crime” they were conspiring to commit, which is something they’re not being crystal clear on, IMO.Report

    • I wonder if there’s a “relation back” doctrine in NY law that might apply here. If the most recent act in furtherance took place within the limitations period, then can you reach back in time to other, earlier acts in furtherance? Is that all part of committing the same crime?Report

  2. Marchmaine says:

    Yeah, the AMI ‘catch-and-kill’ deal seems like it could withstand scrutiny.

    Though I’m guessing that lots of important people have ‘catch-and-kill’ deals out there that we should probably trackdown as fraud and/or payments in-lieu of.Report

  3. Dark Matter says:

    The first was a claim by a doorman in the fall of 2015 that Trump had fathered a child out of wedlock.

    And this guy was paid to keep his mouth shut?Report

  4. DavidTC says:

    It’s worth reminding people that a good chunk of Trump’s problem here is _not_ what he did, it’s that he specifically rigged it to keep from having to pay taxes on it, which is why it’s structured in this completely inane way and he falsified records.

    He could have just written these people a check, out of his, ya know, _bank account_, and that would have been legal. You can pay people not to say things they know about you. It’s entirely legal. (They have to be careful asking or it can be extortion, but it’s still entirely legal to pay off extortion.)

    Yes, _in theory_, that payout could have been a campaign contribution (made by himself), and _in theory_ they could have somehow proved it was to influence the election instead of literally anything else, but it would have been pretty hard. Although Trump actually is on record saying it was that because he tried to _back out_ of the payment after he won exactly because it didn’t matter anymore.

    But, instead, he decided to illegally funnel money in a very complicated way from his company (Aka, money he hadn’t paid income tax on.), and then commit a bunch of crimes to cover it up.

    It’s interesting to compare this to John Edwards, who had friends of his make the payoff, and no one really lied about it, which made it a good deal more legal…although he ultimately got tripped up by that counting as an illegal campaign contribution. Well, he got away with it, I mean, but that was the actual case against him. They just couldn’t prove it. (Unlike the fact they have Trump on record talking about exactly this.)

    Everyone, if you ever find yourself in this circumstance: Write the damn check from your bank account. In an entirely legal way just like you’re pay anyone else. Be sure, if you discuss it with anyone, to emphasis that you are covering up this affair to _protect your marriage_, not to get elected, and be sure to continue the payouts after the election to show that. They’ll be on really shaky grounds to come after you.

    It. Is. Not. Illegal. To. Cover. Up. Affairs. With. Payoffs. It is illegal to do all sorts of crimes while doing that.Report

    • Dark Matter in reply to DavidTC says:

      If I ever become a billionaire and then run for public office, the first step will be to hire better lawyers.Report

      • Reformed Republican in reply to Dark Matter says:

        I don’t think Trump listens to his lawyers, so better would not help much.Report

      • DavidTC in reply to Dark Matter says:

        Trump has this weird problem of, instead of just actually _paying_ lawyers, he tries to set up extremely weird payment options with them, like what happened here, where he involved paying his lawyer as part of the scam.

        It’s because, and this is something that is easy to forget: Trump’s business is actually money laundering. In that his business is expensive real estate, and buying and selling expensive real estate is literally how money laundering is. Like, that’s the entire point of that existing, trading luxury condos for different amounts. The whole thing is just money laundering, from top to bottom…they’re used to store value in, they’re traded at above and below market prices between people, it’s all just money laundering. It’s just a way to move money around and give it a legal origin. “No, I didn’t earn that money from my hypothetical crimes, I earned it by buying this condo for X and selling it for 3X two weeks later…yes, the person I sold it to then immediately sold it for less, and is also very obvious Russia oligarch who you claimed was paying me off, but I don’t see how that’s relevant.”

        People don’t really grasp that that entire structure, something like 80% of high end real estate transactions, is just money laundering.

        And I don’t know how much money laundering Trump actually does (Apparently not enough to keep a casino or two afloat!) but that’s the universe he operates in, the mental mindset of ‘Things are not bought with openly exchanging cash for good and services’, like normal humans, but with ‘Things are done via incredibly convoluted deals that people can’t figure out to avoid paying taxes’.

        Of course, another problem is, when he promises to pay people normally in cash, he, uh, doesn’t. Good lawyers know this, and stopped working for him a while ago. It’s the bad lawyers who are willing to go in on scams with him.

        This is because he has a lot less money than he claims to have, and also banks won’t loan to him anymore because he’s incredibly bad at paying them back.

        Which, as you probably remember, Dark, I pointed out is how the super-rich actual operate…getting loans against their assets so they don’t have to pay taxes on them. Banks refusing to loan to Trump utterly screws Trump over, it means he can’t operate in normal Rich Person mode. If he could have gotten a loan he could have just…borrowed money to pay Stormy Daniels off and not had to pay income tax on it. But as it was, his options were ‘Have the Trump Organization pay him some cash that would be taxable as income so he could write a personal check to her’ (legal) or ‘Commit a bunch of crimes to structure a payment directly out of his corporation to her’ (not legal)

        And the second is how his brain works.Report