The Haller Pizza

Ben Sears

Ben Sears is a writer and restaurant guy in Birmingham, Alabama. He lives quite happily across from a creek with his wife, two sons, and an obligatory dog. You can follow him on Twitter and read his blog, Might Stain Your Shirt.

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5 Responses

  1. Burt Likko says:

    Absolutely concur on anchovies with their salty, oily, rich goodness. Nothing on Earth takes garlic better than anchovies.Report

    • Reformed Republican in reply to Burt Likko says:

      I have yet to try anchovies on pizza, but I have enjoyed them in some other dishes. I got a recipe for sourdough pizza crust (and finally got a new starter after I lost my previous starter), so maybe I will give it a try soon.Report

  2. ChasM says:

    I am gonna make this pizza as soon as it’s warm enough to fire up the wood fired bbq grill, which gets up to 700F and cooks pizza in 4 mins. This combo is going right into my recipe book, thanks!

    I have both a thick ceramic stone and a carbon steel one. The steel works great in an oven up to 550F because it cooks the crust faster, but at 600+ the heat transfer is too rapid and crust burns before the cheese melts. So the ceramic goes in the bbq.

    May I suggest watching a video on how to make round pizza? I struggled at first looking at just pictures, but eventually got the hang of it after YouTube.

    I’m definitely in the anchovy camp but have to do halvsies bc my spouse is a supertaster and hates them.Report

    • Ben Sears in reply to ChasM says:

      I tried a half anchovy pizza with my son once and he came out of the experience adamant that he could still taste fish on his pepperoni side and that there can be no such thing as a half anchovy pizza. I think it was all in his head, but as I said: adamant. He wants no part of that plan going forward.
      I will check out the videos on round pizza. I’ll miss the little Adelaide recess I usually get, but round would be nice.Report

      • Haller Magee in reply to Ben Sears says:

        Guys. I appreciate the nice words Ben. I help out with Pizzarias to this day. Those were killer though Ben. To have the freedom to cook whatever??? Awesome!
        Everyone loved it!Report