Banking on the Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve
Bank failures are rare. When most of us think about banks failing, we think about the Great Depression. For those of us above a certain age, we might also think about the bank failures of 2008 and the Great Recession. In any case, banks don’t fail every day, but last week we had two major bank failures within a couple of days.
These weren’t just bank failures either. Last week’s failures now rank as the number two and three largest bank failures in US history. The collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank rank behind only the 2008 implosion of Washington Mutual.
Both recent bank failures seemed to come out of the blue. The Wall Street Journal details how the run on the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) unexpectedly developed within hours. The immediate catalyst was a March 8 regulatory filing that announced a sale of assets. The filing triggered alarms with investors and depositors and soon the bank’s stock was in freefall. Depositors started moving their money, to the tune of $42 billion in attempted withdrawals not long after.
The root cause of the problem was the shifting economy. SVB was flush with cash from the pandemic era when savings rates were high and venture capital (VC) firms were pouring money into tech startups. The bank’s deposits leaned heavily toward large accounts that exceeded the FDIC limit for deposit insurance. The Journal notes that the majority of the bank’s funds, about $157 billion, were held in only 37,000 accounts.
All banks are required to maintain reserves that equal a certain share of their deposits as well as investing the deposits in assets. At SVB, with money coming in faster than it could be spent, a lot of this money went into very safe investments such as Treasury certificates and 30-year mortgages. The problem with these long-term investments was that they paid very low interest rates.
The low-interest investments weren’t a big problem until inflation started rising and the Fed raised rates in response. Add to that the fact that tech companies hit a rough patch as the pandemic ended and people returned to in-person businesses. Venture capital firms backing the tech startups became more tight with their money. Deposits fell as the tech companies burned through cash and their VC backers were slow to provide more. At the same time, the long-term investments that SVB had made lost value as interest rates rose, putting the bank into a cash crunch.
To provide cash, last Wednesday SVB sold off some of its investments at a loss as well as some of its own stock. This was the sale that was announced in the regulatory filing. When the news broke, the stock collapsed and the VC firms instructed their partner companies to move their money… if they still could. With bank shares in freefall, state and federal regulators stepped in to close the bank on Friday.
The rub is that the depositors who lost their uninsured deposits in SVB comprised a large number of companies that used the money to make payroll. If these companies couldn’t get to their funds, they couldn’t pay their workers, and the crisis might spread to other banks.
This was why the Biden Administration enacted emergency measures to protect the uninsured deposits of the bank’s commercial customers. On Sunday, the federal government announced that it would guarantee full access to these deposits in an attempt to stem further panic.
Nevertheless, it was too late to save Signature Bank in New York. On Friday, the bank’s customers attempted to withdraw $10 billion in deposits, prompting federal regulators to take control of the company on Sunday.
“We had no indication of problems until we got a deposit run late Friday, which was purely contagion from SVB,” former congressman Barney Frank, a current board member at Signature, told CNBC.
But Signature’s problems may go a bit deeper. Signature Bank was one of the main financial institutions for the crypto industry. As post-SVB fears spurred depositors to move their money from Signature, the bank was left with the riskier crypto business, but there is debate over whether the company was actually insolvent.
“I think part of what happened was that regulators wanted to send a very strong anti-crypto message,” Frank said. “We became the poster boy because there was no insolvency based on the fundamentals.”
There was also a third bank failure last week, but this one was not unexpected. Silvergate Capital, a troubled institution that also dealt heavily in cryptocurrency, closed its doors last Wednesday, the same day that SVB started to fail. Silvergate was a major partner of failed crypto-trading firm FTX. Signature and Silvergate were the two main banks servicing the crypto industry. The news of Silvergate’s failure may have spurred the run on SVB.
It isn’t clear whether more banks will fail, but a fourth institution is in trouble. First Republic Bank’s stock crashed on Monday morning, losing more than half its value before trading was halted. First Republic announced that it had more than $70 billion in liquidity guaranteed by the FDIC and JP Morgan Chase. Other bank stocks were volatile but mostly bounced back in later trading.
It isn’t clear whether the crisis is over, but the swift and strong reaction from the Federal Reserve seems to be tamping down most fears. The question is whether other banks have fallen into the same low-interest high-risk trap that bedeviled SVB and the crypto bankers.
As the Fed continues to raise rates to combat inflation, there is now a new concern about weakening banks. Further interest rate hikes could imperil the hoped-for “soft landing” for the economy, but failing to continue to raise rates could let inflation continue unchecked. Neither option is a good one, and the Fed is going to have to attempt to thread the needle.
This again, points up why the Fed’s rate hikes are a poor, poor response system to large scale economic changes. Increased demand from “full employment” isn’t something we really should blunt.Report
Rate hikes are the only option on offer. Raising taxes and cutting spending on a Federal lever is something politicians don’t like to do and something that takes ages to pull off. So rate hikes it is.Report
The only reason rate hikes are on the table is because we have an economic policy that favors corporations over labor. A continued strong labor market and its concomitant demand is seen as a BAD thing. Especially coming out of pandemic, where corporations are still trying to claw back profits the “lost.”
There’s no reason for it.Report
Err inflation exists and has to be addressed even though neither you nor I like it. If you’re on the “it’s just corporate greed” tinfoil train I don’t think I can help ya there.Report
The policies being used to address inflation aren’t working. The labor market is not yet slowing – and demand is strong. Profits are up nearly every sector.Report
They’ve slowed inflation and likely will slow it more since rate hikes take a while to kick in. What’d probably be ideal would be if Biden and the GOP cut a deal for some modest broad based tax increases and modest spending cuts- especially if they married that with some serious permitting reform but that’d require both an entirely different GOP than currently exists and also a lot of political courage from the Dems.Report
Now would be an excellent time to re-read William Greider’s Secrets of the Temple.Report
“I’ve been writing for some months, the system is not just broken and not just injured; it is collapsed. And as long as the government continues to play putting Humpty Dumpty back together again, I think it will fail. That’s not an ideological statement. It’s just—I think it’s the reality.”
William Greider January 29, 2009Report
Full employment wasn’t the problem. Covid locked down demand, we reduced supply, then after the lockdowns ended demand increased instantly and supply did not.
Further a lot of people found different jobs during the lockdown, so those industries cranking back up is a problem.
Related to that we had that massive traffic jam at the ports for many months.Report
And continuing to jack interest rates addresses none of those issues.Report
Bank failures are rare.
Er — no. There have been 562 between 2001-2023, so far.
Our own Doc Saunders tells his SVB story:
And what this story constantly misses is ‘why’.
See, there actually is a good reason for why this happened. And it’s not convenience…there actually is a pretty easy way to get around this, called sweep accounts, where money is held in multiple banks and moves transparently between them.
Why didn’t the companies do that? Because SVB offered these corporations incentives for leaving all their money with them. Incentives like lower-interest loans, better pay structures, all sorts of things. These CEOs had immediate access to get loans and stuff at all hours, APIs to do things that would have required business hours and a bank manager at other banks, etc.
In other words: Companies who did put all their money in that bank took a _deliberate risk_, in exchange for benefits.
You know when we aren’t supposed to be willing to make someone whole at someone else’s expense? (Which the Fed is, indeed, going to do, raising fees for everyone that will passed on to customers?) When…they take a deliberate avoidable risk to make money. Like here.
But I kind of exaggerate there. See, that was the official reason they kept all their money in one bank, but there are two other fun facts: SVB is really, really good at making connections and glad-handing tech-bros and going to school with them, and etc, etc.
I.e., some of it was just the general graft and corruption that literally defines the executive class in this country. Aka, doing favors for their friends. Woopsie-doodle, that favor of keeping allt heir money in one back just cost the company hundreds of million of dollar, oopsie! Better go get a job as CEO at a _different_ company!
And the last unmentioned thing: You actually can just _buy insurance_ that would cover bank failures over $250,000. You can just buy it. They could have made these dumb choices, but just bought insurance to cover their risk. They did not do this, because they…are irresponsible idiots who don’t like money going to anyone but them.
But sure, let’s make them whole, by levying fees on everyone, and not even vaguely discuss how a bunch of ‘the smartest guys in the room’, the supposed genius techbros and finance millionaires, did what appears to be a completely idiotic decision to keep all their money in one bank. (And then…literally start a run on the bank, yes, they are the ones who caused it.)Report