On Flying Cars and Why We Still Aren’t The Jetsons

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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21 Responses

  1. Marchmaine says:

    Good. More money for hyperloops.

    “Rez said lithium-ion battery problems will be a constant challenge for the industry. They output energy at a 50 times less efficient rate than their gasoline counterparts, requiring more to be on board, adding to cost and flying car and plane weight.”

    I would simply use gasoline.Report

    • Chip Daniels in reply to Marchmaine says:

      The biggest problem is that making things fly through the air takes much more energy than rolling them along the ground.

      Were it not for this fact, airplanes would have replaced trains and freight ships long ago.Report

  2. Saul Degraw says:

    The best things that anyone can do for transit are find ways to make public transit (those things that take lots of people places) and make them more reliable, more comfortable, and more servicable to more areas. However, in the United States half the country thinks that suggesting this means you have a direct line and kinship with Kim Jong-un. The other half debates with much intensity and passion on whether stating “Hey, maybe people blasting music loudly on speakers on the bus/train car turns off and depresses ridership” is racist or not.

    Public transit exists in this weird nowhere land of being a social services (i.e. for people with less than moderate incomes) and a general government service meant for all people. This means that you have an inbuilt tension over people who advocate for more public transit from the general public service/environmental side as compared to the social service side (which gets defensive and aggressive when you suggest music blaring loudly on buses and trains is sub-optimal for a ridership prospective).

    For the Jetson things, too much money sloshing around in V.C. Tax them more.Report

    • Damon in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      I actually had a chat, on other unrelated topics, with a woman from Jamaica IIRC. She said she would NEVER live anywhere that was accessible by public transportation. As a long time resident of around DC, she knew the implications of that statement.Report

      • Philip H in reply to Damon says:

        Between, MARC, VRE, Metro and the various bus networks, you have to live WAY out to be away from something in DC that is not accessible by Public Transit. Even Metro feeds some toney neighborhoods (East Falls Church) and MARC goes to Harper’s Ferry WV.Report

        • Saul Degraw in reply to Philip H says:

          In SF (and many issues), the big issue (pre and presumably post COVID) is that it is very easy to get from your neighborhood to the downtown core (most buses and rail ran east to west) was pretty easy. Getting from neighborhoods on a north-south or not east to west plain required more planning.Report

        • Damon in reply to Philip H says:

          Indeed. Given that, and based upon some other comments, I think she was really looking to avoid bus routes. Even if a metro train station is nearby, a mile or three is still a significant distance if you’re walking.Report

          • Philip H in reply to Damon says:

            Her choice, but it’s not one that is supported by a lack of access in the DC Metro area. And frankly I rode the bus nearly as much as I rode Metro while living there and had no real issues.Report

            • Damon in reply to Philip H says:

              Let’s say my limited experience with the DC metro system has been uniformly “meh”. It appears to be better than NYC, but that’s a low bar. My use has been outside “commuter times”, but I’ve found the cars dirty, often with loud kids playing loud music and breakdancing (that’s still a thing?) Maybe they were doing some tik tok stuff? I’d never call it a pleasant experience and i’m a live and let live kinda guy.Report

    • LeeEsq in reply to Saul Degraw says:

      The other issue with transit in North America is that politicians implement policies that make driving much cheaper than it really should be by making sure parking is readily available, gas is cheap, and most highways are free rather than toll. This is because citizens would vote them out of office if cars are realistically expensive to drive. I also note that many people who would be economically off driving transit prefer to drive absolute beat up cars rather than take transit.

      Developed with high transit use generally do so by a carrot and stick. The carrot is frequent, reliable, and comfortable service. The stick is policies that make car priced accordingly. Even the best transit can’t compete with the point A to point B of a car and you don’t have to deal with annoying people on transit either. So you need to make driving pricey and difficult enough to get people who can afford a car, not to drive.Report

      • Michael Cain in reply to LeeEsq says:

        As others have noted, fares cover only a small fraction of the cost of mass transit. Just before Covid, I lived in a west Denver suburb and was converting to light/commuter rail to go downtown to the big library, the art museum, the performing arts center, etc. It was finally, after 30 years in that suburb, easier and less expensive than driving. The subsidy was still clear — I got a ridiculous fare because I was an oldster, I was mostly riding in a 45-seat train car with two other people, on right-of-way that cost more than $100M per mile to acquire/build. And to be perfectly honest, if I was going to a fencing studio, would have had to hike more than two miles each way from the station, regardless of the weather, because fencing is a small-time sport and can’t afford space any closer to the nearest station than that.Report

  3. Michael Cain says:

    Exactly. It wasn’t that the Jetsons had flying cars, it was the kind of flying cars they had. They didn’t just fly, they solved all the problems that personal ground vehicles have. Autonomous control, clearly, to enable bumper-to-bumper dense sky lanes without accidents. No at-grade crossings. No merging problems. No stopping to drop the kids off — don’t underestimate the little one-person anti-gravity vehicles they used to drop Elroy and Judy off at school. No requirement for storage space — George’s four-person vehicle folded up to briefcase size. Perfect personal transportation, without any of the problems of either today’s personal vehicles or today’s mass transit.Report

    • North in reply to Michael Cain says:

      Let’s call a spade a spade- they were magic cars.Report

      • Michael Cain in reply to North says:

        Of course they were. Rosey was also magic, given that they apparently wedged all of the AI in there, plus the power storage, plus the sensors and actuators…

        I have a first draft of a fantasy novel (part urban fantasy, part parallel world sorcery, part economic/political theory) that I’m not at all happy with. I’ve started working on short stories to fill in some of the characters’ back stories a bit and strive for consistency in the magic before trying a rewrite. Where I seem to be headed is every bit of choice in the magic spell bound to an object pushes the spell farther towards sentience. Eg, in an enchanted sword that can’t be resheathed until it’s drawn blood, the spell has to make choices. Does nicking my own fingertip with it count? How about squirrels? Do I have to kill an opposing knight or just wound them? Does the spell evolve to match the owner of the sword? At some point the spell wakes up…Report

  4. DensityDuck says:

    Someone on Twitter pointed out that all these tech guys keep putting all this work into weird blockchain/crypto-currency scams, when you could just make a 3D-rendering of a rocket and claim you’re gonna knock Lockheed off their perch and VC people will bury you in money because they have absolutely no resistance to aerospace scams…Report

  5. DensityDuck says:

    Flying Cars are also one of those “it would be easy to (thing) and solve the problem, why doesn’t anyone just (thing)” “because you’re right that (thing) is easy but you’re wrong that it’s the problem” situations that so often come up in engineering.Report

  6. CJColucci says:

    If we had flying cars, imagine the carnage between mid-air collisions and cars falling from the sky or flying into buildings.
    And where would you park them?Report

  7. LeeEsq says:

    Considering how bad people do with normal driving, I can’t imagine the issues that would come from flying cars.Report