Official Leaguefest 2022 Post
It starts today!
We will be eating pizza tonight for the welcome dinner. We have three open seats for anyone interested.
Right now it looks like there are no seats available for tomorrow night, but a couple could open up. Let me know if interested. My email address is trumwill at the site URL (or gmail-dot-com, which will land in the same email box).
If you are in the area and able to hang with us today, please let me know and we can loop you in to (some of) our communications on who is doing what and wear.
I won’t be in DC until tonight, but fortunately Jaybird has a spare couch in his hotel room so I won’t have to drive back and forth quite so much, which is nice.
If you’re looking for the previous Leaguefest post, it’s here.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Have fun!Report
Just got back home. What a great weekend! Great food, great sightseeing, great company! It struck me how it did not feel at all like meeting a group of strangers but rather a reunion of old friends. Everyone was exactly as I expected they’d be! Can’t wait for the next one (and thanks to all for putting up with my teen/pre-teen!)Report