The War On Chronic Illness Drugs

Sam Merrill

Sam Merrill, NW native, Evergreen State College Alumni, Professional Patient managing an upper cervical disease.

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1 Response

  1. Dark Matter says:

    To my mind the correct way to take things would’ve been to address the underlying regional inequities, but that would’ve required a passionate commitment, as the resources necessitated would be substantial.

    In the earlier part of this article these “inequalities” were spelled out. Taking PT for example, what would it take to put a high quality PT shop close enough to matter in every place in rural America? Presumably they’re not going to be run at a profit. My expectation is the resources needed would have been eye watering.

    If the solution is to end economic/medical inequalities, then it’s likely math won’t allow it.

    We should get a lot less moralistic when the chronically ill have to choose between addiction and pain.Report