Texts Between Fox News Host and Trump White House Revealed By January 6th committee

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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9 Responses

  1. Oscar Gordon says:

    That is what spin looks like.Report

  2. Philip H says:

    They see the end goal of their 50 year march to overturn the new Deal, roll back civil rights, and instill white conservative male minority rule. Even absent Donald Trump they believe they are winning and will continue to do so.

    We keep underestimating them at our own peril, even though they have been VERY clear about who they are and what they are doing. That they would do this on personal cell phones, turn it over willingly and then seek to gum up the works by not answering questions about it ANOTHER example among many of their complete lack of shame or caring.Report

  3. Chip Daniels says:

    The Fox News hosts didn’t realize that the coup WAS Trump’s intended legacy.

    From the standpoint of MAGAs Trump’s mandate is to overturn democracy and install himself as a strongman by any means necessary, and he has the stones to do what others are too afraid to contemplate.

    This bit of news will make the tee vee hosts look bad to the base, not Trump.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Chip Daniels says:

      Agreed. Much like Abbot and Texas have now cleared the way to end Roe, Trump was perfectly content to finish the Republican’s 50 year march to authoritarianism.Report

      • Chip Daniels in reply to Philip H says:

        While they seem disconnected, I see a deeply disturbing pattern emerging:

        We see repeated instances of American corporations, institutions and individuals surrendering to demands from the autocratic regimes around the world, such as censoring media or college courses that offend China.

        Or people like Tucker Carlson delivering straight Russian government propaganda on the highest rated cable show on Fox.

        Popular pundits lauding repressive governments like Hungary or Poland as exemplars to be followed, or directly condemning democracy itself without suffering any pushback.

        Combined with the complacency and lassitude shown towards our homegrown anti-democracy movement, it shows me that the institutions we depend on to defend democracy are unequal to the task.
        That they can be silenced or bought or bullied very easily.Report

  4. Philip H says:

    How Ironic that Ted Cruz’s former communications director is essentially calling them all out:

    Turns out, some of former President Trump’s biggest, most powerful fans/informal advisors at Fox News knew he did something terrible on January 6. And so did his family. And members of Congress. And Trump administration officials.

    They knew he was enabling the riot.

    How do we know this? Because they explicitly begged his former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to ask Trump to take action to stop the riot in real-time texts as the destruction unfolded that day.


  5. Saul Degraw says:

    Vox has a good essay on this but it does fill me with a lot of doom and gloom: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2021/12/14/22834009/fox-texts-trump-meadows-ingraham-hannity-capitol-riot

    “This isn’t the only issue on which Fox’s dishonesty has been exposed. On one of the fundamental policy topics of the day, the pandemic, the right’s most influential news network is saying one thing to its audience and doing another in private.

    Fox News’s programming on vaccines and vaccine mandates has been relentlessly hostile. Yet more than 90 percent of Fox News employees are fully vaccinated, and the company has a vaccine mandate that’s actually stricter than the one President Joe Biden has proposed for large corporations. Hosts tend not to mention this on air and, on the rare occasions that they do, they mislead their audience about it…..Of course, not all plutocratic populism is disingenuous. Some of the right’s billionaires, like leading Trump backer Rebekah Mercer, appear to be true-believer culture warriors in addition to being plutocrats.

    This is consistent with a separate body of political science research that finds that, on the whole, self-interest is less politically salient than partisan and cultural identity. Broadly speaking, people identify with a political party based on cultural affinities; once they do, they tend to bring their economic views in line with whatever the party’s mainstream is. That’s part of why white working-class voters vote against social safety net expansions that would benefit them.”Report

  6. Chip Daniels says:

    In a development foreseen by just about everybody, it was senior Republicans, such as Rick Perry who were urging Republican-controlled states to simply overturn the votes and install their own electors.

    Donald Trump could vanish tomorrow and the Republican war on American democracy would continue apace.Report