Saturday Morning Gaming: Diablo II Resurrected (for real this time)


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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11 Responses

  1. Dark Matter says:

    I tried Diablo II back in the day, I loved it, it required so many mouse clicks I instantly got hand problems. I realized I wasn’t physically able to play it without hurting myself. Every time the Warrior swung his weapon it was one click.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Dark Matter says:

      Stay far away from this one, then. It’s probably not as addictive as it was the first time (for example, I can’t imagine playing it regularly in 6 months) but I expect it will take over my life for the next week or so.Report

      • Reformed Republican in reply to Jaybird says:

        So they did not add in the “hold mouse button to attack” option from D3?

        My gaming is pretty much the same as it has been. I’m trying to finish up Kingdom Hearts 2, and I am chugging away through G-Rank in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. However, I have reached a bit of a wall. I’ve been playing solo, but the quest that need to complete to unlock the next level of quests is annoying. To beat it, I probably need to make a set of armor with specific skills. It’s also just not a fun fight. Instead of fighting the monster like normal, you are supposed to use a bunch of siege weapons like cannons and ballista. I’m not sure if I will keep pushing onward, or take a break for a while.Report

    • Pinky in reply to Dark Matter says:

      “Diablo II claw hand” must have been a common medical diagnosis back in the day. The best way to avoid it (other than not playing, because that wasn’t going to happen) was a build that needed less clicking, like a summoning necromancer. Build a tanky golem, let your minions kill an enemy, then use Corpse Explosion. I think the hurricane druid with a pack of wolves was similar, but I could never get much success with it.

      I liked the paladin because it cut down on the keyboard work. Set up one good aura, Holy Shield, and a portal on the right click, and Zeal on the left click.

      Jaybird’s frenzybarb could destroy your cartilage all the way back to your elbows.

      ETA: The worst thing wasn’t the one click per swing, it was the 10 clicks per swing because you were whaling on the mouse trying to get in a hit.Report

      • Dark Matter in reply to Pinky says:

        If memory serves, I found out later that mage had some options and if you had a bow based guy you could hold the mouse down and it would continue to fire. However I liked warriors and dropped out before I learned that… and having dropped because of absurd cartilage issues, wasn’t willing to explore what “less bad” would be like.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    Got my first unique. A Skewer of Krintiz.

    Saving for my future frenzy barb.Report

  3. Brandon Berg says:

    I tried Diablo II for the first time a year or two ago, and I found that the inventory management really took a lot away from the game’s enjoyability.

    I also got to the end of Act IV and just hit a wall. Apparently I was supposed to be saving up fire resistance gear?Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Brandon Berg says:

      My Necro is hitting a wall at Act III.

      Part of the problem is that the game does this thing where there are awesome support characters, awesome tanks, and awesome DPS… and if you all play multiplayer, you’re going to have a great time.

      But if you’re just playing solo? Well… there are builds for when you’re just playing solo.

      And they are not the same as the ones for when you’re playing multiplayer.Report

      • Charles in reply to Jaybird says:

        I started it last night with a Barbarian, as I typically do for my first times through games like this. I will probably play through with either a Druid or Necromancer after I finish one playthrough with the tank.Report

    • Charles in reply to Brandon Berg says:

      I started it last night on Switch, and I had forgotten about the awful inventory system.

      I don’t play video games for realism, and I don’t play dungeon loot-fests like Diablo so I can be selective about what I keep in inventory and what I sell/store.

      Diablo III, for all the crap it got from fans of the series, at least had a much larger inventory so instead of having to sort through things multiple times in a dungeon run, you could wait and purge after each run.Report