Go West – King of Wishful Thinking (and Redux)

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

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10 Responses

  1. My question is, who is this supposed to appeal to? I am right in the wheelhouse agewise of this song, I vaguely remember it coming out and listening to it (even owned the Pretty Woman soundtrack, ye gods) and even I really have no nostalgia for it. I didn’t remember the video particularly, couldn’t have told you the band’s name to save my life…I just do not get why Jimmy Fallon would select such an obscure song to give this treatment to? Honestly it sort of embarrasses me, like watching Baby Boomers doing a dance routine to “Born to be Wild” does. Kinda cringeworthy!Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Kristin Devine says:

      It’s an MKUltra trigger.

      Look for something interesting to happen in the next couple of days.Report

    • Slade the Leveller in reply to Kristin Devine says:

      Why not? It’s a super catchy tune, and it would have been on the radio a ton when Jimmy Fallon was a teenager. Maybe he just likes it and has the means to do this thing.

      Besides, the demo that’s watching late night network TV is going to eat this stuff up.

      Miss you ’round here!Report

    • Mostly just generalized nostalgia, I think, rather than necessarily this specific song. It’s a very 80’s music video. Could have picked one of a hundred others probably. Maybe this was something NBCUniversal already owned the rights to, or something Fallon or Rudd remembers fondly. (I remember it fondly enough to have looked it up at some point.)

      And I think cringe is part of the appeal. “Man, remember when we were that way?!”

      Of course, being in my 40’s I look at the lead singer and think “That dude’s gotta be completely bald by now.” (Sure enough…)Report

      • Kolohe in reply to Will Truman says:

        ‘Very 80’s music video’ is what makes this notable (and may have what brought it to people’s attention again).

        The song was released and video made in 1990, so it’s right at the inflection point of the end of 80’s trends in both music and video making, and right at the beginning of how both would transform when pop rock of the era gave way to grunge or boy/girl bands or R&B artists.Report

  2. CJColucci says:

    Neither the original nor the remake appealed to me. Neither had to. Presumably, it appeals to someone Fallon’s team cares about. If not, and if they continue to misread their audience, Fallon, et al., will be out of business. That’s how it works.Report

    • Presumably, starting a fun, chatty, lighthearted conversation by speculating about something not terribly serious appeals to ~me~. If the commenters on Ordinary Times continue being such unwelcoming a-holes to everyone all the time, fewer and fewer people will come here, till it becomes a circle jerk of sourpusses who talk only to hear themselves speak. That’s how it works.

      Oh wait…Report