Video Throughput: The Science of Navigation
So I’m hoping this will be the first in a series of episodes talking about astronomy in the movies. Hope you enjoy it.
by Michael Siegel · July 15, 2021
Tags: AstronomyMaster and CommanderMoanamoviesscience
Michael Siegel
Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.
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Excellent. You explain this very well.Report
Oh, dude. This was *AWESOME*.Report
One thing I always wanted to learn in the Navy was how to navigate with a watch and a sextant. Unfortunately, my motorcycle accident happened before I had the chance.
I’ve since learned the basics, but I don’t have a sextant to practice with. I should probably correct that…Report
This made me curious. I know that it’s possible to spend five figures on a sextant, I was wondering whether it was possible to get a cheap one… and what “cheap” meant. $800? $200? $99?
How’s 36 bucks sound? (Plus S&H, of course.)
Ebay also seems to have a couple of brass ones for less than that, but I wouldn’t bet on getting a brass one for $27.
But for a couple hundred bucks, it looks like there are some really good options too.Report
I’d be leary of some of the brass ones I see on Amazon. Just looking at them makes me think of overpriced historical replica swords and knives you see on some sites.
Probably go for something more like this:
No real need for brass, just need something salt water won’t destroy.Report
This is weird, was I just watching a video about this? Or had it come up previously on these threads? I swear I just heard a conversation about sextant material.Report
Oops. I just went to YouTube to try to track down what I saw, and I typed in “movie sextant”. Don’t do that. Apparently the algorithm thinks you’re looking for erotica.Report
Why are they called that? Because ( says) it has an arc of 60 degrees, which is one sixth (or in Latin sextans) of a circle.Report
We had cheaper ones we got through educational sellers when I was in grad school. Don’t know if they’re still out there.Report
Have you seen the movie Escape Plan?
It’s not a movie I wholeheartedly recommend (more of a “sheepishly recommend… maybe have it on a Friday night so you can have some pizza and a couple of beers with it…”) but one of the plot points revolves around how you might make a sextant out of stuff you have available in a prison.Report