Weekend Plans Post: Post Revelry Relaxation

Featured image is ““low battery” by twicepix and is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
The best social events are the ones that are unplanned in advance.
I’m not talking about game nights, of course. Those are awesome. I’m just talking about the last minute “I’m not doing anything, are you doing anything?” and then you go and hang out. Last weekend had *TWO* of those. Friday night we went over to one of my friends’ house and we sat at the dinner table and had some cake. Then we went outside and their daughters served us small rocks on playroom tiles and we were told what flavor the rocks were. The rocks on the green playroom tile were mint, you see. The rocks on the purple playroom tile were grape. We sat and talked with the grownups and, when the girls weren’t looking, tossed the rocks over our shoulders back onto the rocky area where they originally came from. “Mmmm! Good!”
Saturday had an awesome new card game that we played (Core Worlds) and I can’t wait to tell you about it.
Sunday had our friends that, pre-pandemic, had barbeques for all three of the big summer three-day weekends and, last year, we couldn’t go. THIS YEAR WE COULD! So we went and ate smoked meat and pasta salad and then they dragged out a firepit and we toasted marshmallows and made s’mores as their neighbors shot fireworks up into the air.
“The sun isn’t even setting!”, we said to each other. “That one even sounded expensive but the only thing they’re getting is the noise!”
Maybe they were doing it for kids who had an early bedtime.
We tried different toppings for the s’mores. Using Reece’s Cups is a development that has been around for a few years. If you ask me, the peanut butter doesn’t add anything that the graham cracker doesn’t already provide. I’d have been happier eating the Reece’s Cup by itself. We also tried some of those fancy schmancy gourmet chocolates. The Lindt Intense Orange Dark Chocolate was really interesting. I’m not a fan of dark chocolate, really, but I did really enjoy the play between the orange and the marshmallow. If you’re a dark chocolate fan, you ought to pick up one of those for your next s’mores session. I remain a fan of the traditional Hershey’s s’more. At the end of the day, putting stuff on top of that just seems like gilding the lily.
And after a weekend full of playing with little kids, learning new games, and eating smoked meats… I am ready for a weekend where nothing interesting happens. Maybe a trip to Costco to get some more Hecho en Mexico Coca-Cola and bacon bits. Maybe a baked potato on Saturday which, the website says, will be a cool enough day in the morning that we won’t mind the oven having been on. And getting the laundry done so we can put it away on Sunday.
But it was so nice to have our batteries drained quickly by doing things with friends than by the parasitic power loss of the last year. It makes recharging something fun and pleasant again. Hello basement! I’ve missed you!
So… what’s on your docket?
Wife & bug just left to go pick up the mom and kids we are friends with, so they can all drive to CA (SF area) to visit another friend (who just recently finalized her divorce) and her kids* for a whole week.
Just me and the dog for 9 days. Gonna go see Black Widow. Play lots of video games.
*The kids have all known each other and been friends since they were under 6 months old. They’ve missed each other during the pandemic.Report
Last weekend was supposed to be “I’m tired. I’m going to take Friday off and turn this into a four-day weekend.” Instead it turned into “taking Thursday AND Friday off and driving the next state over to help Dad move into his new place.” (Bonus: traveling to my hometown an hour away from Dad’s place to move a couch for my Aunt and put together her new couch.) It was great to see the family and it was good to get Dad taken care of, but in the end here it is Friday again (yay!) and I’m still tired.
And tomorrow I’m going over to my MIL’s to replace her kitchen faucet. I’m happy to be helpful and I’m grateful that I am in a position where I can help and I’m pleased that I can occupy at least some of the space my Dad occupied for centuries (being “the guy who can fix things”), but boy!
It feels good to help my people, though, so that makes being tired not so bad. And who am I kidding? If I didn’t have a faucet to replace I’d be kicking around the house Saturday with nothing to do anyway!Report
Anyone want to read a good story, here’s one about how Twitter helped a dad get a job at Costco.
My daughter got in to a fender-bender last week; or so we thought.
Turns out the car is ‘totaled’
We were probably one or two years away from replacing that car… now we are a week away; or so I thought.
And OH MY GOD have you seen what the car market is like? Sure, I’d heard about chip shortages and high used car prices, but those things I treated as “stories” well, let me tell you that the are burying the lede.
‘Lightly’ Used cars cost what NEW cars used to cost… and by that I mean MSRP price, not the discounted price. New Cars? I’ve offered three places MSRP plus Tax and Tags (thinking they’d eat the fake ‘dealer fees’) and all three have told me to have a nice day… we were THOUSANDS off… they are looking for (and I suppose getting) 20% OVER MSRP. They didn’t even counter.
Which, a week ago didn’t matter to me. Today? Crisis.Report
I have been getting two letters a month for the last three years asking me if I wanted to sell my Yaris.
That’s the thing about used cars.
They’re not making any more of them.Report
You should totally sell.
Unless you need to replace the car… then definitely don’t sell.
I didn’t research this too much (since I didn’t have a car to trade)… but some folks were saying that you only got movement on the New Car price if you had a Trade… which they would buy at the ‘usual’ KBB value and work the arbitrage. Plus, they just plain need stock on hand.
But private party selling used-car / buying used-car? Maybe that’s just a wash. Just don’t go anywhere near a dealer.
Reports suggest the chips should start flowing in a couple/few months… which might make the end of 2021 a great time to buy 2021’s as the 2022’s are hitting the market. It seems the 21’s are built, they just can’t get the chips to complete them. So… if you can wait, and can avoid the new model concupiscence… then might be great deals in NOV. +/-Report
Probably gonna be recuperating from today’s work – one of the quirks of my city is that Bulky Waste/Yard Waste pickup is only once a month, it’s on a Saturday (first Saturday if it’s not a holiday weekend, second Saturday otherwise) and you have to call in advance to tell them you are putting stuff out. Oh, and you can’t put stuff to the curb more than 24 hours before they pick it up.
So today was cut all the shrubbery day (and also gather up the stuff I had trimmed before and stacked on a tarp in a corner of the backyard). Also put down a couple broken lamps and the old vacuum that the motor had burned out on. Sometimes people come through early and “pick” that kind of stuff – if it’s someone who can fix it, more power to them; if it’s someone selling it “as is” at one of the eternal “yard sales” in town (where it’s also rumored that if something’s stolen out of your yard – it’s happened to me – that’s where it winds up), then buyer beware.
So it was maybe about five hours working, total, plus maybe a bit more gathering up the stuff I had already cut and hauling it to the curb? I will probably be sore tomorrow.
I also found some poison ivy. I tried to avoid touching it and cut it while wearing gloves but sometimes it’s hard to avoid exposure in cases like that. I just hope I didn’t forget and use my hand to wipe sweat off my brow before I had washed it…
Next week has some….effortful things (the biggest one being: I’ve been asked to read Scripture and “say some words” at the interment of ashes of someone I knew who died back in 2019. The people higher on the “food chain” in church who would have known her are THEMSELVES now deceased…..so it falls to me. I am not exactly looking forward to it, but I felt also like I could not graciously say no)Report