Wednesday Writs: Voting Rights in Brnovich v Democratic National Committee

Voting rights protesters outside the United States Supreme Court. Photo by Slowking4, GFDL 1.2 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
As the Supreme Court wound up its busy opinion season last week, releasing two highly anticipated opinions on Thursday. The scuttle around these cases didn’t last long, eclipsed by the news that Bill Cosby was back on the loose. Never fear; Em Carpenter is here to give you a quick rundown. On one of them, anyway.
First was Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, this term’s so-called “voting rights case”. Seniority practices and protocol regarding the order in which opinions by each justice are released pointed to Brnovich being written by either Chief Justice Roberts or Justice Alito. It turned out to be the latter, with the chief taking on Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta, the case concerning the anonymity of donors to non-profits in California. Both cases involve hot-button political issues, and the Court delivered 6-3 party line opinions on both — 2 of only 10 such ideologically divided opinions this term. Let’s discuss Brnovich.
In Brnovich, the DNC challenged a new Arizona statute that imposed 2 restrictions on the time, manner, and place of voting: 1) votes cast in the wrong precinct would not be counted; and 2) no ballots may be collected by a third party other than a postal worker, election official, family or household member/caregiver, an anti “ballot harvesting” provision. The DNC alleged that these restrictions violated §2 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA).
The VRA is of course the federal statute enacted in 1965 to address the disenfranchisement of racial minorities, particularly African Americans in the south and “Jim Crow” laws. The original text of §2 read as follows:
(a) No voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard, practice, or procedure shall be imposed or applied by any State or political subdivision to deny or abridge the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color.
Alito wrote for the majority, joined by his 5 conservative brethren/sister. He gives a history of the VRA, from its passage in 1965 to its modern iteration. In 1976, the Court held in White v. Regester, a case involving voting districts, that a vote dilution claimant must prove that “the political processes leading to nomination and election were not equally open to participation by the group in question— that its members had less opportunity than did other residents in the district to participate in the political processes and to elect legislators of their choice.” But Alito points out that another 1976 case (published after White), Washington v Davis, held that an equal protection challenge to a “facially neutral” law requires proof that the intent of the law was discriminatory, a question that the White case did not address.
Washington would be applied to §2 in 1980 in Mobile v Bolden, which required a plaintiff to prove that a law challenged under §2 was motivated by a discriminatory purpose. In response, Congress amended the VRA, specifically stating their intent to contradict Mobile. The new statute read:
No voting qualification or prerequisite to voting or standard, practice, or procedure shall be imposed or applied by any State or political subdivision in a manner which results in a denial or abridgement of the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color…
The bolded language negated the requirement of discriminatory intent; it was enough to violate the Act if there was a discriminatory impact. A section (b) was also added:
(b) A violation of subsection (a) is established if, based on the totality of circumstances, it is shown that the political processes leading to nomination or election in the State or political subdivision are not equally open to participation by members of a class of citizens protected by subsection (a) in that its members have less opportunity than other members of the electorate to participate in the political process and to elect representatives of their choice…
Alito quotes the interpretation of the amended statute set forth by Justice Brennan in 1986’s Thornburg v. Gingles: “‘The essence of a §2 claim,’ the Court said, ‘is that a certain electoral law, practice, or structure interacts with social and historical conditions to cause an inequality in the opportunities’ of minority and non-minority voters to elect their preferred representatives.”
The Court is asked in the Brnovich case to determine whether Arizona’s new laws violate §2. The lower court had decided they did not, finding no “meaningful” impact on minority voters, citing the mere 0.15% of ballots thrown out under the provisions in 2016, while acknowledging that minority voters made up a larger chunk of that 0.15%. The District Court further conceded that there were in some cases “partisan interests” behind the passage of the law, but would not equate partisan interest with racially discriminatory motivation.
The Ninth Circuit sitting en banc (meaning the entire court heard the case, rather than a panel of judges) reversed the District Court’s decision, finding a disparate impact on minorities did exist as a result of the restrictions. The Circuit Court applied factors set forth by Justice Brennan in Gingles in its analysis, as well as a review of the history of racial discrimination in Arizona and current “socioeconomic disparities, racially polarized voting, and racial campaign appeals.” The Court also pointed to the District Court’s finding of lack of discriminatory intent, finding their reliance on such clearly erroneous (for reasons set forth above.) The Supreme Court granted the Arizona Attorney General’s appeal.
At the outset of analysis Alito states that the Court does not intend to set forth a test for analyzing rules of “time, manner, and place” under §2 but rather present “guideposts.” He turns to paragraph (b), quoted above, as containing all the information needed to analyze a law’s compliance with §2 of the VRA. Alito focuses on the phrase “equally open”, and defines open as “without restrictions as to who may participate”. He further parses the language and concludes that “equally open” is synonymous with equal opportunity:
Thus, equal openness and equal opportunity are not separate requirements. Instead, equal opportunity helps to explain the meaning of equal openness. And the term “opportunity”
means, among other things, “a combination of circumstances, time, and place suitable or favorable for a particular activity or action.” … Putting these terms together, it appears that the core of §2(b) is the requirement that voting be “equally open.” The statute’s reference to equal “opportunity” may stretch that concept to some degree to include consideration of a person’s ability to use the means that are equally open. But equal openness remains the touchstone.
This is an important distinction — or rather, an important conclusion that there is no distinction, because while voting may be open to all adult citizens, opponents of the Arizona law argue that minorities in the state do not have the same opportunity to participate, due to increased “obstacles and burdens” that non-minorities are less likely to face. The Court does not agree, dismissing the burdens asserted by the petitioners as “inconveniences” we all face. “After all, every voting rule imposes a burden of some sort.
Voting takes time and, for almost everyone, some travel, even if only to a nearby mailbox.”1 The size of the burden is guidepost #1.
Secondly, a paragraph (b) analysis should ponder how much a proposed voting law differs from “standard practice” when the paragraph was added. Alito points out that when paragraph (b) was added back in 1982, nearly all voters were required to vote in person, at their assigned polling place, on election day. Thus, Alito reasons, Congress could not have intended the Act to prohibit those requirements, which are stricter than what Arizona has opposed.
Third, the size of the alleged disparate impact should be taken into account. Alito acknowledges disparities exist: “To the extent that minority and non-minority groups differ with respect to employment, wealth, and education, even neutral regulations, no matter how crafted, may well result in some predictable disparities in rates of voting and noncompliance with voting rules.” However, he finds that these disadvantages are not impactful or widespread enough to trigger a violation of the VRA.
Next the Court notes that analysis of the burdens presented by one method of voting should not occur without consideration of the other available methods. In other words, while one method may prove undoable for a person, there is no disparate impact if another method exists which does not present obstacles.
Lastly, Alito lists the strength of the state’s interest as a factor in balancing whether a rule goes too far. An interest like, say, preventing election fraud which can effect the outcome of close elections. (He’s just spitballin’ here, not referring to anything in particular, I’m certain.)
Alito notes that in his view, Arizona has done its due diligence to enable those who want to vote to do so. Precinct information is readily available, and changes are mailed to affected voters. In addition, each registered voter receives a sample ballot mailed to their home address which includes their polling place location, information also available online and in a pamphlet that is mailed out. Poll workers are trained to direct wayward voters to their proper poll. In other words, finding one’s correct place of voting is not difficult with a smidge of effort. Furthermore, a voter can ask to be placed on the “permanent early voter list” and receive a ballot at their home address each year. An early ballot can be dropped off at any polling place, without regard to where a person would be required to vote in person. Early voting lasts for a month prior to Election Day, giving voters ample time to get to the polls if that is their preference, in Alito’s opinion.
Addressing the evidence of the impact on minorities, Alito notes that among Indians, Hispanics, and African Americans, around 1% of each cast an out-of-precinct vote in 2016 (and around .5% of non-minority voters, which means, as the 9th Circuit pointed out, minority voters voted out-of-precinct at double the rate of non-minority voters.) “A policy that appears to work for 98% or more of voters to whom it applies—minority and non-minority alike—is unlikely to render a system unequally open,” writes Alito.
With regard to the anti “ballot harvesting” provision, Alito noted that the evidence presented showed that the practice was most prevalent in minority-heavy areas. There was no evidence presented to show that without the collection of ballots in this manner these voters would not otherwise be able to submit their votes. But he goes on to write that it would not have mattered if they had; the state’s “strong interest” would prevail, because “[L]imiting the classes of persons who may handle early ballots to those less likely to have ulterior motives deters potential fraud and improves voter confidence.” For this premise he cites the 2005 findings of the Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by Jimmy Carter and James Baker, which recommended limiting the class of persons permitted to collect absentee ballots to family members, the postal service, or election officials to prevent fraud or undue influence.
Finally, Alito addresses the allegation that the Arizona law was enacted with discriminatory intent, and finds that it was not. While he acknowledged the iffy beginnings of the law which included a “racially tinged” video and the baseless claims of election fraud by Republican former state senator Don Shooter, the ensuing legislative debate was “sincere” and not motivated by race. Partisanship, perhaps, but not race.
The 3 liberal justices joined in a dissent penned by Justice Kagan in which she decried the majority’s perceived neutering of paragraph (b), declaring that the majority has “rewritten — in order to weaken—a statute that stands as a monument to America’s greatness, and protects against its basest impulses.” After an eloquent lesson on the history of the 15th amendment, and impetus for and effects of the VRA, Kagan criticizes the majority for what she views as an overly narrow interpretation of paragraph (b). Kagan believes the statute is intended to prohibit any rule that makes it harder for minorities to vote than it does for whites, whether it is intentional or not.
My take, for what it’s worth: these two provisions in Arizona are not particularly onerous and I am not sure this was a great case to push to this point. Now these fairly innocuous voting rules have birthed a set of “guideposts” that permit great latitude in crafting other, more restrictive and egregious rules. The best conjecture on disenfranchisement based on Arizona’s changes are so small as to make the Court’s decision seem reasonable. But what percentage of tossed out ballots must be cast by minorities before the impact is enough to trigger a violation? How big must an “inconvenience” be before it becomes an unreasonable burden? The Court does not say, but I fear the bounds will be tested.
Thank you, Em!Report
I saw a great essay a few days back (and can’t find it, dang it) that talked about how the downsides of going to the Supreme Court include not only losing but losing *BADLY*.
Like, having it enshrined that “nope, you’re wrong and, worse than that, we’re going to clear up some ambiguity over here as well.”
Citizens United is one of the examples of that that immediately comes to mind.
This seems to be another.Report
“If you come at the King, don’t miss” sort of thing?Report
With a helping of “not coming at the king and keeping half a loaf is an option, seriously”.Report
More like “Don’t draw attention to things you don’t really want changed.”Report
It was a dumb fight to pick but I’m torn on which way this should have gone. I think the dissenters have a very strong point on the actual text of the statute and I’m never a fan of an analysis that suggests ‘Congress can’t possibly have meant what they seem to have said.’ Of course you then get into a question of Congress’ constitutional authority to write a law quite like the VRA which is itself a perilous issue to relitigate.Report
” I’m never a fan of an analysis that suggests ‘Congress can’t possibly have meant what they seem to have said.’ ”
Although that was a key part of the argument in King v. Burwell…Report
Just because I’m not a fan of it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. My rule of thumb is to look even harder at those cases where I like the outcome.Report
You have to pick some place to make a stand, or it’s “death by a thousand cuts.” A little inconvenience that falls more heavily on a racial minority here, another little inconvenience that falls more heavily on a minority group there, and pretty soon you’ve suppressed a possibly significant number of votes. Biden won AZ by less than 11,000 votes. 44,000 votes spread across the right four states and Trump would have won.Report
I think that’s the opposite of the strategy you want to follow. You can easily end up with a result like this where a small battle with weak facts turns into a huge defeat. Ideally what you want to do is win your stronger cases big then use that (if you’re lucky, overly broad) authority to attack the more tenuous situations.Report
“Congress can’t possibly have meant what the text says”, say the textualists.Report
I figured that “Brnovich” must have been a typo at the immigration office that never got corrected, but there’s actually a city in the Czech Republic called Brno. The r is trilled, it seems.
I believe it would be a flap rather than a trill.. but spoken English has vocalic r as well – it’s just English orthography that obscures it. There’s no vowel sound in, e.g., “burn” besides the r (unless you’re actually saying “Boo-urn”)Report
Obligatory ‘I was saying Boo-urns…’Report
I thought about hyperlinking to the clip, but I was too lazy.Report
I don’t know anything about the Czech language, but it sounds trilled in the audio clip in the article I linked above, and the Wikipedia article on the Czech language says that r is a voiced alveolar trill.Report
No one has yet taken me up on my bet (for a craft beer) that AZ will flip from state-level Republican trifecta to Democratic trifecta in the 2022 elections*. If that happens: (1) this law will almost certainly be quietly repealed; and (2) I would be moderately surprised if AZ didn’t follow recent converts HI, NV, and UT and go to VBM for all registered voters (rather than their current large but voluntary permanent mail-ballot list (and yes, AZ already refers to them as mail ballots and not absentee ballots)).
* The long-term state-wide trend towards Democrats will continue. The governor is term-limited out. The population growth and redistricting commission will transfer more seats out of the rural/exurb areas. The Phoenix suburbs will continue to be angry about the (still ongoing as I type) “audit” of Maricopa County. The Republicans, with very narrow legislative majorities and some members who would like to remain competitive in suburban districts, won’t suppress enough votes to avoid the flip.Report
I can’t take up your bet Michael. I wouldn’t want to win it.Report
Great analysis Em!
Here’s a bleg: has the current court, say in the last decade or two, ever issued a ruling against a GOP led effort to restrict voting?Report
Don’t know, but good question. I can’t think of one but that means nothing.Report
My feeble googling efforts have also come up with a goose egg. That doesn’t mean they haven’t of course.Report
You’d have to look into denied petitions as well to get a sense of what they may have declined to do in that regard.Report
I cant think of any either. They might have denied cert for some wild ones.Report
This is a good example of how soft authoritarianism becomes enacted and destroys democracy.
It isn’t possible to destroy democracy by using only one lever of government, you need several.
What we witnessed in the runup to Jan 6, where Trump was pressuring governors and secretaries of state to overturn the election, he was stymie by just a handful of officials who resisted.
But one by one, the Republicans are forcing all the levers they can under their control.
By next year’s elections, the officials who resisted in 2020 will be swept aside and replaced by compliant Party loyalists, and this decision has given them the signal that virtually no voting restriction will be struck down.Report
Add this to Citizens United and you get a real chilling effect on all sorts of political activity – which is what the Republican Party wants since they can no longer win on the merits.Report
I was trying to find the recent twitter exchange where Liberals (not in good standing) like Chait and Yglesias were opining that the Democratic framing of Voting Access as constantly at odds with Voting Legitimacy was an own-goal that was hindering efforts at a better system on both fronts.
That’s where I’m at… if we’re going to modernize Voting, we have to modernize Voting security. I’ve also commented that making Voting ‘easier’ vis-a-vis mail-in and (eventually) internet… also has downsides to voter intimidation and vote stealing that in-person Voting actually provides better protections for.
Which is to say, much of the voting talk I hear from the left isn’t designed to modernize and protect voting but outcome based reasoning that eschews plans that should address and neutralize legitimate concerns from the right.
The point of which is to make the illegitimate concerns from the right moot.
Casting these issues a ‘voting restrictions’ is a category error that most Americans don’t support and the polling is consistent on that. There’s a path forward for modernization, and I concede Republican efforts to subvert that… which is why the path forward has to be modernization, security and inviolability…Report
ok, so here’s the left’s big problem – none of the alleged security issues are backed by evidence. Period. We can’t grant legitimacy to hand waving in the service of retaining power to a group that has – repeatedly – made it clear said retention of power rest on restricting voting access. You want to talk about voting security with zero data points on voting in any form being massively insecure. And over and over again when it is examined its so vanishingly small if it occurs that it impacts NO elections.
Take 100% Mail voting. Multiple states have done it for multiple years, but Republicans resist implementing nationally allegedly for security reasons. But examining the states that do it – including Republican states – and one finds no evidence of insecurity or fraud. None. How to “address and neutralize legitimate concerns” that re in fact not legitimate because they lack a factual basis?
We can’t because the concerns are not being raised to be neutralized by factual policy proscriptions. They are being raised to divert energy. And, preventing people from mailing ballots, forcing them to stand in long lines by closing polling places and preventing tribal collection of ballots where no one has actual postal service to their houses are all voting restrictions whether they poll well or not.Report
You’ve shot past the mark and are making the typical “left’s big problem” mistake.
Voting Modernization is about all those things… you literally fall into a reactive trap by talking about fraud… the point of Voter ID and Voting Security is about legitimacy. If your Modernization plan doesn’t also address Security and Inviolability, then you’re whistling pass the graveyard.
Plus, you have blindspots about Mail-in voting… blindspots that I humorously pointed out in the previous election where I invoked my Patriarchal Privilege to ‘help’ my wife and children vote for the American Solidarity party (that’s two “r’s” and two “l’s”). In the olden days I could only ‘enourage’ them… but the voting booth provided protection for *them* from well intentioned *me*. But with Mail-in votes… well, that’s just not an issue now, is it?
I don’t have any particular problem with Voting-by-Mail per se, but saying there’s can’t be any concerns about the Inviolability of the vote (holding askance security for the moment) when I’ve basically pointed out that (soft) coercion is inevitable basically displays a certain form of ‘privilege’ in itself.
Which is to say my primary criticism of the Left is that you *aren’t* advocating for a broadbased Voting Modernization program, but reasoning backwards from outcome preferences and/or reacting to the other side’s attempts to reason backwards from outcome preferences.
I’m onboard with Voting Modernization… which I hope includes RCV and other aspects… but the Modernization plan has to address Access, Security, and Inviolability for Legitimacy.Report
Legitimacy wasn’t in question until Republicans started loosing elections because more non-whites started voting for democrats. There are rafts of voter ID laws on the books in multiples of states, and their existence has not increased legitimacy. So my data driven conclusion is that Voter ID is neither about security nor legitimacy but instead about making voting incrementally harder, since its well documented that that those same people of color have less “acceptable” ID then white people.
We are also not a “Paper Please” country so if you want my ID you better have a damn good reason for it.
When you present evidence, not feelings not possibilities, evidence that these are failures that impact elections, and thus require addressing, we can talk.Report
Evidence… you keep using that word:
“An overwhelming majority (81%) of respondents also said they support voters being required to show ID in order to vote, including 62% of Democrats, even as critics contend voter ID laws suppress turnout and unfairly discriminate against groups like low-income, elderly and minority voters.”Report
Well sure, they FEEL as if voter ID makes things “Safer” even where there is no evidence it does so. Lots of things make people FEEL safer. Taking your shoes off at the airport made people FEEL safer but lots of security experts said it was just for show. None of them are based in evidence. Which makes them a waste of time and resources.
Again, expanding voter ID has been done in a lot of places – what’s the EVIDENCE that it has done any actual work to increase security? and if voter ID were to lend legitimacy, why isn’t its expansion across the US trumpeted by those who call legitimacy into question?Report
If 81% back this for Legitimacy, then incorporate this into your Legitimacy plan and move on to other aspects.
Legitimacy *is* about feels… among other things.
Ignoring 81% percent is bad politics if your goal is to modernize and manage change.Report
I agree that there is no vote integrity problem that voter ID solves. I also agree that large numbers of people nevertheless think it’s a good idea, unaware of the actual facts on the ground and the motivation of the voter ID advocates. So here’s what I suggest. Put a voter ID provision in a package. Either have the states, or the feds, issue an Official Voter ID Card free of charge on registration, which, as part of the package, would be automatic, or accept a very wide variety of IDs not, as some proposals have it, designed with surgical precision to disadvantage certain classes of voters. Is it bullshit? Sure it is. It’s a bullshit solution to a non-problem, but if that’s the price of an overall good deal, I’m OK with it.Report
Sure, that’s the spirit.
Since its a Voting Modernization act, among the goals of a good ID system is also unique identifiers (whether sequential or hash, I’ll leave to the info sec guys) that can quickly be compared across precincts, statewide and maybe even nationally.
We’ll want to modernize/digitalize the voting tabulation systems as well… plus even with Motor Voter Free ID, we have to deal with State Level systems that are, um, clunky… here’s an article from 2018 spelling out the errors in Motor Voter in California.
But that’s the point… modernization looks at all the aspects of voting to make it better: Access, Security, and Inviolability for Legitimacy.
Mail-in ballots should also come under scrutiny as something that might have been path-dependent upgrade in 1990, but might or might not be optimal given updates to tech and the guiding principles of the Modernization Act (whatever we decide those to be).
The point isn’t to validate one system or another that might (or might not) benefit a party, but to address Legitimacy issues that are creeping into the system.Report
Do you agree that many of those legitimacy issues are made up propaganda? And if so wouldn’t we be better off addressing the propaganda then mandating another new ID after all the states just finished switching to Real ID. Which hasn’t made anything any more secure either.Report
Left: Ok, we’ll adopt your overwhelmingly popular idea that is foundational to legitimacy *and* gives us the opportunity to address any concerns we might have about Accessibility while also giving us an opportunity to look at the benefits of enhancing voter communications, auditability, and security… BUT, and this is important, only if you 81% admit you are not only wrong but also stupid. Deal?
Normies: Ok, Mr. Left, we’ll admit you are the best after you pass the Voter ID legislation.
We have voter ID requirements in 36 states. There is no data the have increased legitimacy if any election. Their support is thus largely an artifact of emotional spin.Report
I can saw the exact same thing about 90% of the sh*t the TSA makes me do before I get on a plane, and yet…Report
RE: Their support is thus largely an artifact of emotional spin.
When we look at how other countries handle this sort of thing, we see the same thing. That emotional spin wasn’t invented by the GOP.Report
When the Republican Party goes to court and swears under oath that they are working diligently to prevent Democrats from being able to vote, I don’t think our problem is a refusal to address legitimate concerns.Report
One of the things I’ve learned in Sales over the years is that you win on the story you build not on the reasons not to buy the other guy. Because if the other guy is any good, he’s building a story for why you should buy him and not how bad the other guys are.Report
Before we talk about savvy salesmanship and winning the news cycle with the bestest hot take, can we agree on the simple truth that the Republican party has become an existential threat to American democracy?
Or is that politically incorrect WrongThink nowadays?Report
Heh, literally no. And I’d posit that all of your ‘arguments’ on these topics are trying to position existential death to the other team *before* you will take the tiniest incremental victory. You’re going to lose with that strategy.Report
“You’re going to lose elections to a party which cannot win support of a majority of citizens” is a confession you perhaps didn’t intend to make.Report
I confessed no such thing… I think the Left is on a purity death spiral that will cause it’s majority to collapse.
My position is that you are over-playing your hand by eschewing 81% popular proposals in favor of existential death for the other side.Report
Walk us through your logic, here, that by rejecting things like voter ID, a large group of Democrats will defect to Republicans? Is this actually the assertion?Report
Imagine there are three types of voters…Report
And one of them holds Voter ID as a decisive issue??Report
What do the Dems have against Voter ID? Did they run out of dead voters in Chicago?Report
Because Voter ID is invariably part and parcel with making it hard to get an ID.
Because the Republicans openly brag about their efforts to suppress Democrats ability to vote using tools like Voter ID.
Get every single voter an ID first, then we will support it.Report
I can’t deposit money into a bank without an id, so said person can’t be using banks. They also can’t be driving or using planes or trains. Medicare… has medicare cards.
So they’re not accessing financial services, government services and benefits.
Very very likely they should be, and voting is the least of their issues.Report
Yes, exactly correct.
You’ve discovered a surprisingly large swath of citizens who lack access to banks and other modern services.
And the fact that the GOP is eager to both hinder their ability to get an ID and also to not let them vote is why we oppose Voter ID.Report
And one of them holds Voter ID as a decisive issue??
Seems so.Report
As I said above, I think voter ID is a bulls**t solution to a non-problem, though, as a matter of practical politics, I am willing to include some kind of voter ID in a package deal.
But the voter ID I support would be automatically issued, free of charge, and not subject to ID gerrymandering. When current voter ID advocates are willing to advocate or accept that, we’ll talk.Report
For me, the Republicans have lost any premise of good faith.
They have gone so far to the extreme in anti-democratic behavior, that talking about their attempts to modernize voting is like talking about the CCPs efforts to modernize Hong Kong.
The elephant in the room needs to be addressed first.Report
I wouldn’t bet against that, but no harm making the offer and letting them reject it, as I expect they would.Report
One of the reasons Trump slid in was there was nothing to say about him which hasn’t been previously said, a lot, about everyone else.
My expectation is whoever runs from Team Red next time will (again) be accused of trying to set up death camps, just like Trump was.
If a very few Dem Senators weren’t against getting rid of the filibuster, we’d see both that, Court Packing, and “creating” new States as serious things right now.
Big picture we have something like a third of the population, on both sides, have serious anti-democratic issues.Report
According to this logic, voters in 2024 will just as easily choose Bob Avakian, head of the Revolutionary Communist Party, as anyone else because “there was nothing to say about him which hasn’t been previously said, a lot, about everyone else.”
Something tells me this is…not so.Report
10 years ago, some interest group claimed it was 3 million people. That’s less than 1% of the population but STILL seems too huge… unless it’s mapping to people like my previously dying grandmother. We have 6.2 million people with alzheimer’s, you’d have to be late stage to not be able to vote or use id but grandma didn’t have alzheimers so there are other ways to get there.
It seems very weird we have millions of people who could be trivially helped (and their cash flow to local communities vast increased by giving them the ability to get federal benefits) and Team Blue is standing around doing nothing but using them to argue against voter id.
It also seems weird that I can’t find much about them.
I’m all in favor of the gov giving out IDs so people can access banks and whatever. But I don’t see evidence that it’s a real issue rather than just a theoretical talking point.Report
Which just reinforces my long running dichotomy that Republicans tell a good story that FEEL right but doesn’t address any issues.Report
How does most of politics work again?
I mean, I’m a libertarian with technocratic tendencies, so I hear ya!
Tell me again how an assault weapons ban will solve our gun violence problem, that seems to be a nice story…Report
Most mass shooters use guns that have bayonet fixtures. Ergo getting rid of bayonet fixtures will fix the entire problem.Report
My assumption is that the War On Guns is supposed to replace the War On Drugs.
“Wrong Apartment Raided In No-Knock Raid, Stash Of Two Saturday Night Specials Found”Report
We raided Tom’s Hardware, and look at all the bladed weapons we found! Oh, and this pipe, and all this hardware, so easy to make quick and dirty gun with plans on the internet!
And the store has free wifi!Report
All your lawn care, home maintenance, and ‘ghost gun’ fabrication needs at one convenient location.Report
Here’s National Review, openly stating that they are not only a minority, but a shrinking one, and further, that they see no hope in persuading their fellow citizens and winning their support.
There are huge structural reasons why the US has two 50/50 parties. When the Wigs died the GOP was created to replace them.Report
The Uniparty, luckily, has chosen to avoid all that.
Which side are you on?Report
I agree with your conclusion that these undefined guideposts are going to be tested. But yes, on its face and in this case, I get what the SC did hereReport