SCOTUS To Hear Mississippi Abortion Case

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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4 Responses

  1. Pinky says:

    “Both sides on abortion debate certain Amy Coney Barrett would restrict, if not overturn, landmark court decision”

    There’s at least one word missing from that sentence, possibly more, and they’re pivotal.Report

    • Philip H in reply to Pinky says:

      No they actually aren’t, because anything that would fill in those blanks would still reinforce the overall sentiment that Justice Barrett is no friend of abortion rights.

      But I suppose its easier to play grammar and editing police then to admit to even a tiny bit of understanding as to what this decision really means.Report

    • Kazzy in reply to Pinky says:

      I’m pretty sure that was just a link/headline embedded within the quoted section that didn’t get edited out………Report