Let’s Talk About Text

Photo by Tony Hall, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
Have a break at Coco Momo in Marylebone High Street on Wednesday afternoon to read and write some notes.
The notes are all over the place and are referencing some ideas for making books that have something to do with a personal philosophy of photography.
(7875) read, write, Coco Momo, book, philosophy of photography,
I recently came upon a discussion on Twitter about the decline in handwriting. Nick Enfield the author of the Twitter thread, “Is handwriting on the decline? If so, does it matter?” shared his experience being approached by a tv news producer about ‘the decline of handwriting’. Professor Enfield gave his perspective as a Linguistic Anthropologist, and Professor of Linguistics. He noted his professional opinion didn’t quite mesh with the producer’s story angle. Since it wouldn’t be included in the news story, he shared it with the masses on Twitter, instead. That’s what I’d do.
Ordinarily, handwriting is not on my top ten list of “Fun Stuff to Talk About.” but, something about this was different. It was personal. I actually had a perspective I really hadn’t seen many folks talk about. Now, you may be wondering how my perspective could possibly be relevant in this discussion. I’m no expert on much, apart from “How to live like a Queen on a Peasant’s income” or “The art of tripping over air.” But, after reading through plenty of other people’s opinions, surely sharing mine couldn’t hurt. And, obviously, as an outspoken and opinionated *ahem* lady, I rarely wait for a cue to chime right in.
I saw an opportunity to respond to a familiar mutual follower, who disagreed with Mr. Enfield’s opinion. His take, which was widely shared by others, was that text allowed for less thoughtful wording. That text takes away from the physiological brain to hand to paper process. Like instantaneous “neener neeners” is what text has allowed far too many people to become accustomed to. It’s a fair point, but I found myself thinking about how many drafts of emails, tweets, texts, etc… I had saved at that moment. Holding them until I found the words to best communicate my thoughts. I didn’t point out that fact, though. No, I held onto that one, too. I responded, instead, with what I felt was more important.
“Typing into a device is all that makes communication possible for some people. Thoughtful & intelligent words are what’s important. Ppl speak, write, & “text” w little thought to the impact of their words. And that’s unfortunate, but true in my view.”
I immediately cringed at myself after sending that. Imagining all the responses sounding something like “Ha Ha Ha. Oh, okay L. Such a ridiculous thing to say. Who can’t take a pen, pencil, or marker, and at least write “For a good time, call…” on a bathroom stall?” But then I shut down that line of thought, and remembered why ‘I said what I said!’ It’s the truth. If you’re scratching your head, please indulge me, and allow me to explain this truth. As well as why it was important and personal to me.
I’m the mother of two amazing teenagers. My younger offspring suffered a fetal stroke, resulting in permanent brain damage in his cerebellum. This part of the brain controls coordination of voluntary motor movement, balance and equilibrium, and muscle tone. For my son, this meant many years of therapies. Physical, Occupational, Play (oh, yes. It’s a thing), and Speech. So, I recalled a moment years ago, when I’d reached my breaking point in trying to understand what my son was trying to tell me. I felt overwhelmed, overcome with frustration, anger, sadness, and hopelessness. No words came from my lips. Instead, all that came to mind was a scene from “Mr. Holland’s Opus.” A phenomenal film, by the way. But one line stayed with me. One unforgettable line that validated every ounce of my being in that moment…I felt as if the late, great, Glenn Headly traveled forward in time to step into my shoes, just to feel the emotions necessary to execute THE perfect exclamation. “I WANT TO TALK TO MY SON!”
Yes! A thousand times, yes!
The first time I watched that scene, I cried for her…Years later, I would cry with her.
Ultimately, it took 11 years to find a mode of communication that was most effective for my son, Ben. Ben couldn’t take a pen, pencil, or marker and scribble much more than some marks…up and down, or side to side. But his pointer finger on a keyboard would certainly begin to get his point across, quite effectively.
Going back to the original topic about handwriting, I’m still curious. I suspect the position of the producer who reached out to Mr. Enfield had a great deal to do with the rhetoric of many on social media. I have no clue who this producer is, nor his motives, but I base my suspicion on his unwillingness to include Enfield’s opinion in his segment. Some social media platforms do limit the amount of characters allowed in one message. Twitter is a good example. However, it also allows for more elaboration with the ability to link tweets together to form a thoughtful, cohesive thread. If one so chooses, the option is there to eloquently and fully express their thoughts, opinions, feelings, etc.
So, has the written word taken away all meaning from the spoken word? Has text really caused the demise of the written word? Or are we evolving, universally, to give us each a voice? A voice that can be widely recognized, translated, and ultimately, understood. No matter how I choose to communicate, there are sufficient words available in most any language to accurately, and effectively express myself. Ideas and experiences can be shared in so many ways. Perhaps it’s time to embrace the opportunities available because of technology, and be grateful that more ideas and experiences can now be shared by, and with so many more of us.
A million years ago, they still graded “penmanship”.
A few years back, we went over to Mom’s and she was cleaning out her filing cabinets and she asked us to come over and look at some stuff to take it home or just look at it one last time before she shredded it.
In the old files was my report card from 3th Grade that was all A’s and a D in penmanship.
Out of all of my report cards throughout grades 1-12, I couldn’t tell you a thing about my grades beyond “As and Bs, mostly… the occasional C” EXCEPT FOR THAT ONE. THAT REPORT CARD IS FOREVER IN MY MIND.
I got a strange mix of praise and punishment for it. I remember overhearing my parents discuss it with some vague amount of concern. “It’s great that… it’s silly that… but he should put more effort in… you know typewriters…” and so on and so forth. (Dad was a teacher at one of the high schools in the region. He coached and taught a handful of classes including “business”. Mom remembers him talking incessantly about the new IBM Selectric typewriters the school picked up.)
When it comes to text, I’d make a major distinction:
A: Text that is written with fingertips
B: Text that is written with thumbs
When it comes to A, text does an excellent job of giving a refined version of thoughts. You’ve got what you want to say, you’ve got backspace, you’ve got spellcheck, and you’ve got the Google for everything from a handy dandy thesaurus to a handy dandy encyclopedic reference tool.
When it comes to B, lol wtf.
A is probably superior to the spoken word.
B? Ugh. B sucks. Lol. Wtf.Report
I got dinged on cursive penmanship, but only a little, because I refused to slant the text appropriately. Through college it degenerated somewhat, leading my wife to remark now and then, “Mike’s handwriting gives the appearance of great neatness.” Precise, vertical, and I could write straight lines on unlined paper. Generally unintelligible to anyone except to me. As I’ve become an oldster, it’s actually getting rather sloppy. I make more mistakes typing. And I’m far too old to ever learn to thumb-type.Report
Learning to do lettering on engineering drawings. that’s penmenship (if you don’t have a letting guide handy). I used to be very good at it, but alas, drawing with pencil and paper is so last century, and my letting has… well, it hasn’t improved.Report
My brother the mathematician one described my handwriting as a curve that’s continuous but nowhere differentiable.Report
I went to Catholic school early in my life and can’t tell you a single grade I got on a report card EXCEPT for the “NI – NEEDS IMPROVEMENT!” I got for penmanship sometime around 1st grade. The bizarre ridicule I got from my family seared it into my mind.Report
Family tradition, at least, is that when my mother went to parent/teacher conference after the report card where I was dinged on penmanship, and the teacher explained that I had refused to change my style to match what she wanted, my mother’s response was, “Yes, he has a problem with authority requiring things he thinks are arbitrary. And since he doesn’t care about the grade, he will do it his way and politely out-stubborn you. Just a warning.”Report
I definitely see A vs B as a valid argument. I still think it has far more to do with the user of the thumbs. 😉Report
I got a C for handwriting in Third grade. My mother was convinced I was doomed to failure in life.Report
Vaguely related, perhaps, whenever I’m teaching first-semester calculus I eventually get around to spending a little time on the history of the notation. There are two stories I usually tell. First is that whether Leibniz borrowed some fundamental calculus concepts from Newton’s letters to him or not, we all owe Leibniz for his notation. For something over a century, British mathematicians doing work in analysis became increasingly marginalized because they insisted on using Newton’s very limited notation. Eventually they abandoned it — except in economics — and got back to doing mainstream work. Second is Donald Knuth, one of the computer science demigods, who spent a significant part of his life building TeX and Metafont because he couldn’t stand how the (manual) typesetters were butchering his math notation. Math is a field where handwriting will likely always be superior for casual communication.Report
Teachers have molded and shaped me into a “bigger picture” person. Growing up, I had a horrible school experience. I barely graduated. In college, one of my professors referred me to an educational psychologist. I was tested and diagnosed with dyslexia. I was then set up with a tutor and an OT.
This was the first of two college experiences that really changed my life.
The other was my college algebra professor. She, all 4’8″ of this extraordinary mind, told me something I’ll never forget.
She said “memorize your formulas!” “That’s it!” She offered- unless any of us plan to become mathematicians, or something that requires a solid grasp of all advanced math subjects- “Stop trying to understand it. You don’t need to. Just use your formulas and solve your problems.”
I had a 4.0 and made the President’s list every single semester. Even in the intimidating sciences that would come later.
This doesn’t much address your particular reference to math, but reminded me of this experience and decided to share.
I can’t even begin to describe how Ben’s teachers have changed our lives, and Ben’s educational experience.Report
My problem with math education was two-fold.
First, and I’ll be honest, I was a lazy student in the years it would have best suited me to pay better attention (when first being introduced to algebra and trig).
Second, I’ve found that to grasp math concepts I can’t simply work in the abstract. Hats off to those crazy folks who can grok it on a totally abstract level, but I absolutely need some real world problem I understand to apply the theory to or the theory won’t stick.
My go-to example is Laplace transforms. We covered those in…I want to say Cal 3? (it’s been more than 20 years, things have gotten fuzzy. Maybe differential equations?). I memorized, I regurgitated on a test, never understood them at all. It was just monkey see, monkey do, with enough flexibility to cover a problem as long as I was TOLD to use a Laplace transform. It was not otherwise something in my math toolkit, no matter how obvious it’s use was.
Until about two years later, in a circuits class. You do the usual stuff – -work out voltages and resistances at various points in the circuit you’re shown, and then they tossed in something fun — stuff like inductors or capacitors. Suddenly those numbers we’re static values, but varied depending on time (where you were in the discharge cycle of the capacitor)..
So the resistance at a given spot would be a time-dependent function, and solving for that was a mess.
Unless you used a Laplace transform, temporarily removed the time element, solved the resulting much simpler problem, and then transformed back — slapping that time element back into place.
And so, two years after I learned and promptly forgot them, I finally understand why they existed, why this tool was invented and how it was supposed to be used.
Not that I could use them now. I can barely do basic algebra these days, and some minor statistics. It’s just not what I use day to day. (Now Boolean logic, recursion, farkin’ race conditions, debugging effing memory leaks that of COURSE only show up in release mode….that I’m good at!)Report
For me, it was an automatic controls class (Laplace and Z transforms). Haven’t used them since, but that was the class that showed me why it was important to understand them.
The one thing I never did get, even though I absolutely understood their importance, was infinite series. Give me one, and I could solve it. But I could never grok how someone decided a specific problem should be treated with an infinite series.Report
What really killed me, math wise — and this is in my own field of expertise — was relational algebra and calculus for databases.
Oh, not the practical bit — I can construct queries and design simple databases — but doing the fun math to do things like prove one database design is equivalent to another, so that in transforming from one design to a different one you’re not losing explicit or implicit data.
Freaking Greek to me, even to this day. Pity, good DB folks are in high demand — but then, perhaps that’s part of the reason why.
Still vexes me that a whole chunk of CS is basically an opaque black box of “here be dragons” to me. Best I can do with databases is to point out the basic stuff to, you know, people whose idea of databases is “It’s just a spreadsheet, right?”Report
Ha! Now, y’all are diving into a language I don’t speak well.
Perhaps it applies to a much larger group than just mathematicians, to include engineers, electricians, programmers, etc.. but, still. Not everyone follows a path where advanced math is needed. We all follow a path where a basic communicative language is necessary.Report
Some scattered thoughts…
If you aren’t familiar with the notion of “100 Languages of Children” as explored in Loris Malaguzzi”s poem, it may be of interest to you. Link here: https://www.reggiochildren.it/en/reggio-emilia-approach/100-linguaggi-en/
It is also a core tenet of the Reggio Emilia approach to education, namely that children have multiple ways of communicating and we tend to funnel them towards the few that are most accessible/acceptable to adults.
As a teacher, I’ve gone back and forth on the amount of time we tend to devote to handwriting — cursive in particular — but am (currently) solidly in favor of spending good time on it with young people because of all the learnings it offers growing minds and bodies. As adults, we tend to take for granted that putting ideas onto paper is a fairly easy, straightforward process because most of us have automated most of the steps. But learning to do so is really, really valuable, and not JUST for writing.
As a parent, my older child was speech delayed. When he was about 2 and he was still largely non-verbal, we were walking outside when he suddenly stopped. He started gesturing at the ground at the ground and at the sky alternately. After a few minutes, I figured out what he was telling me: he could see the moon in the daytime sky and the rock he was pointing at on the ground looked just like it. It was such a powerful experience, the first time he really communicated such a complex thought about his understanding of the world beyond himself. After we moved, I went back to that house and “borrowed” the rock, carrying it with me with every subsequent move… which is no small feat since the damn thing weighs probably 20 pounds! We call it his “moon rock” and he loves to hear the story of why we have it. He’s 7 now and most folks have no idea about his struggles with language, though I still see it pop up from time to time. “Words are hard,” we say. He has many other ways of communication — he’s a naturally kinesthetic learner and can convey so much through movement — and when appropriate we lean into these, though I know he won’t always be offered such opportunities elsewhere.Report
I still have the first device (an old Kindle) that Ben typed his first words on. I’ll keep it forever. Not a 20 pounder lol but just as sentimental. Thanks for sharingReport
I don’t think we should ditch teaching hand-writing because people aren’t always going to be able to type something down on a screen. Sometimes they will need to use old-fashioned pen, pencil, and paper to leave a quick note or something else. That means we should at least make sure that people’s handwriting is legible even if not as pretty as cursive was during the time before computers.Report
I have spent the last 25 years of my life pleading with everyone I know in R&D at giant tech companies to give me a decent approximation of a pen and pad of paper, but with all the advantages that come with having software be able to access it. One of my user cases is that I can sketch the graph and write the math then tap my tablet to your tablet or phone and you get a copy to walk away with.
My no-longer-new cheap digital phone at least as a stylus and a digitizer. But there’s not really enough screen space to do more than a shopping list.Report
I got one of these for my son to play with. It works pretty well.
There are smaller, and thus cheaper, versions out there.Report
Those have been around for many years. I dragged my daughter kicking and screaming through her college calculus class — her words, not mine — with a pair of them and some software I cobbled together* over a weekend. The big limitation is you can’t look at the pen and the marks it’s making at the same time. There are a few that add a display screen under the high-res digitizer starting to show up for under $300 now, but they tend to work only with limited commercial software.
* Recall that I was doing multi-media multi-person real-time over the internet before it was cool. Or at least before it was cool outside of some research labs.Report
What about a Boogie Board?
I think the “take a picture with your phone” way of saving is dumb as bricks, so I wonder what the problem is with just having the board itself take a snapshot and save it to a PNG or similar?Report
The Boogie Board uses two-state liquid crystals. One state is reflective, the other not. Applying a voltage to an underlying conductive layer puts the crystals in their non-reflective state. Pressure applied to the top transparent layer forces them into the reflective state. No electronics, no digitizer.Report
That explains why they are so cheap, and why you have to take a picture.Report