Clare Briggs

Clare Briggs is a famous cartoonist who lived from 1875 to 1930. Poems by Wilbur Nesbitt.

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6 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    Okay. So a cabinet card was about 4 inches by 6 inches (add a quarter inch to each of those for an exact size, but if you’re thinking of a 4×6 card, you’ve got it). Wanna see a cabinet card of Pauline Hall? Here you go. (I don’t know if the second one counts as her wearing “tights”.) Here’s the raciest picture I could find of Lillian Russell. That one might be worth trading for… but most of the other ones were closer to this.

    At first I thought Mechanic’s Delight, Spearhead, Horseshoe, and Climax were all different kinds of marbles but, no. They all refer to tobacco plug tags. (Here’s a bunch of Mechanic’s Delight ones.)

    Looking at the plug tags, I didn’t immediately understand how they’d be used. They’ve got a sharp point but… how are they applied? I tried googling for plug tags but all I found were a whole bunch of plug tags but none of them actually in use in a plug of tobacco.

    Then I realized that I didn’t know what a plug of tobacco looked like. So I googled “plug tobacco” and it became apparent. It looks like a brownie. The little metal plug would get pressed into the top of the brownie and that’s how you’d know that your tobacco was legit Mechanic’s Delight instead of that bullcrap Climax tobacco.Report

    • Carl Schwent in reply to Jaybird says:

      Thanks. My guess was cigar bands, since I collected them as a kid and he has a cigar box. Of course cigar boxes can hold other things, I had one full of bottle caps. Stamps I figured you collected just because you were expected to, but bottle caps were interesting (and drove your parents crazy).
      Today…would you believe slide rules.Report

  2. DensityDuck says:

    Ha ha, lil’ boys and their bits and bobs.

    (/me looks over at his shelves full of anime robot figures, YES THEY DO ALL HAVE NAMES, THANK YOU VERY MUCH)Report