A Good, Old Fashioned, All-American Satanic Panic
That’s the beauty of a good Satanic Panic. Like all good conspiracy theories, all proof against it is really proof that it is real.
That’s the beauty of a good Satanic Panic. Like all good conspiracy theories, all proof against it is really proof that it is real.
Last time, I promised you I would write a bit about microfoundations. I will not be doing that today. I apologize for breaking my promise, but it is to my great sorrow that I must digress. Instead of the planned topic, I will revisit motivation. More specifically, I will revisit my own motivation for the campaign I am running right now.
Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on the Best Video Games Ever. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so far, please click here. I’m an RPG guy....