Author: Chris Dierkes


Following up on ED’s earlier post, here’s a smart observation from Derek Thompson at The Atlantic on the consequences of (an increasingly likely) Scott Brown victory in the Massachusetts special senatorial election (hint: the...


If you aren’t watching the Cardinals-Packers, you are missing one of the greatest playoff football games in history.  The Packers have just tied the game at 45-45 (yes 45-45), after being, at one point,...

Buckeyes FTW

YES!!!!  Buckeyes played their greatest game since they won the National Championship in 2003 (maybe even better).  Coach Tressel has finally learned and evolved about to take it to the next level.  There is...

Quote for the Day

Marc Lynch, writing about the (non)coverage in the Arab press of the failed Detroit airplane bombing and its implications: The Arab media’s indifference to the story speaks to a vitally important trend. Al-Qaeda’s attempted...