Every day one should at least listen to a little song, read a good poem, look at a fine painting, and, if possible, say a few reasonable words. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, 1749-1832
Ordinary Times is a group endeavor to explore and illuminate culture, with the word “culture” interpreted broadly. Here, you will find discussions of politics and law, art and sports, family and faith, laughter and grief, food and fiction.
Among other things, we pride ourselves on the civility, inclusiveness, and intelligence of our commenting culture, the diversity of perspectives our contributors offer our readers, and the eclectic mix of topics discussed on these pages.
Liberals, libertarians, conservatives, and everyone else may not come to agree with one another here, but we hope that if nothing else, they will at least come to understand one another. An assumption built in to much of our debate is that exploring disagreements is often a productive way for everyone to learn more, and a normal and healthy part of social discourse. We like to think that we’ve always been that way, although we haven’t always looked exactly like we do now.
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Welcome to Ordinary Times!
Just wondering why Tess Kovach @kstreethipster seems to have abandoned twitter.
Lots of people miss her page.Report
Nothing bad has happened.
Beyond that, it’s not for me to say.Report
Alrighty, thanks for the info.Report