Group Discussion: How To Correctly Load a Dishwasher

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6 Responses

  1. Jaybird

    “In every partnership, there is a person who stacks the dishwasher like a Scandinavian architect and a person who stacks the dishwasher like a racoon on meth.”

    When Maribou got her stitches out on Thursday, the practitioner gave her some light advice on keeping it safe and dry for a few days. “Don’t do the dishes”, she said. Maribou and I looked at each other and laughed.Report

    • Reformed Republican in reply to Jaybird

      Maturity is learning that it doesn’t matter when your partner does it the wrong way, because nobody else ever does it right.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Reformed Republican

        There are chores where one person likes, nay, *PREFERS* to do them.

        I say: Let this person do that chore. This is not a place for “equity”.Report

        • North in reply to Jaybird

          Yeah, my husband won’t let me near the dishes/dishwasher but I do all the laundry and folding. When we first lived together and I folded the dry laundry he was like “what is this sorcery!?!?!”Report

          • Chris in reply to North

            I worked a bunch of shitty jobs in my youth, and the one skill I took away from any of them is from when I worked in the “Men’s Denim” section of a clothing store, and had to fold thousands of shirts, shorts, and pairs of jeans.Report

            • North in reply to Chris

              That’s a useful skill to acquire. As a country boy I’m jealous. There’s not much call for throwing hay bales* skills or hauling chickens out of the egg farm to a truck skill right now.

              *That’s actually an almost entirely obsolete one. As I understand it, they’re all huge round machine loaded bales now. Jeepers!Report

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